" Yes we know about it." Said a spirit on the left.
" You know what it is! What is it!!?" Diana yelled at him.
" Yes we are." Said a spirit on the right.
Once again Diana gave out a yelp and fell to the ground. While still sitting in the dirt she pulled out her sword. " What is it? Where is it?" She said looking around.
" Why he's quite rude isn't he?" A voice said from nowhere. " Well what do you think he wants?" Another voice said. " Wait isn't that the boy who Lament was with?" Said another voice. Suddenly all of the spirits apeared in front of Thorn. " What is it that you want?" Said the middle spirit.
" There's something underground!" She said quickly standing up.
Lament sat down under a tree.
Diana gave a little yelp before she hit the ground. " What was that!" She said, as Panthera ran over to her to make sure she was ok.
Lament continued to walk through the woods looking for thorn. " Hmm where did he go off to now." She said.
Diana kept laughing.
" I'm going to go talk to Thorn." Lament said walking outside. Walking through the woods she went looking for him.
Diana couldn't help but laugh at Zane.
Lament sat down on the couch. So much had happened in only a few minutes.
" What's his deal?" Lament mumbled.
Lament watched. " Cid!!" She yelled when she saw the rock heading towards his head.
" What reasons would possibly make you want to kill yourself!!" Lament said getting louder and louder.
" It's not nothing!! Erif your going to die!! Why did you put the mask on me!?" Lament asked.
Lament held her breath. " Erif...that means...." She started but trailed off.
" What side effect!?" Lament asked.
" Is it really that big of a deal?" Lament asked.