Lament sat by the fountain.
Diana headed up to bed, once there Panthera was waiting for her. " There you are. What took you so long?" He asked. " I just got some food, here I got some for you too." She said throwing the peice of meat at him. He caught it in his mouth and started nawing at it as she put on her night gown and crawled in bed.
Diana continued up the stairs, ignoring his yelling.
" Fine then. Have it your way." She said calmly and left the dungeon walking up the stairs.
" Call me whatever you'd like but I'm not trying to trick you." She said.
" I'm sorry. I just wanted to help." Diana said standing up.
Diana winced when she heard all the food go everywhere. She took a deep breath and went over to pick up the food. Gently she brushed off the dirt on the stuff that was still edable and put it back on the plate, luckily it hadn't shattered.
" You don't have to eat it. I just thought you might be hungry. I'm not cruel. I'm not going to starve you down here." She said very softly and headed for the stairs again.
When she reached the bottom of the stairs she looked over at him. Without a word she walked closer to him carrying the plate of food and set it down next to him on the floor.
" I hope you find what your looking for." Diana said dipping her head and turning to leave. She found the book she was looking for and headed up to her room. On the way she decided to stop in the kitchen and get some food. She got some to bring up to Panthera and a little extra. Then she headed to the dungeon and slowly walked down the stairs.
" You should ask him. And if he says no, then I'll just have to woop his @$$." Lament said smiling.
" Oh. Well I guess that's ok. It is kind of hard to get in here without permission." Diana said.
" Oh yes of course. I'm sorry to interupt you, but may I ask how you got in here?" Diana asked.
" Oh yes. You were the man, in the ally with Zane." Diana said.
OOC: Yeah Diana's doesn't work either, but I can't find another pic that I like to go with her. *pout* lol BIC: Diana looked over at him. " Who are you and why are you here?" She asked
" You know what. Erif can help you with that." Lament said.
" Who's there?" Diana asked when she heard someone. She wished that Panthera had come with her now.
" You are useful. Why don't you think your useful?" She asked.
She went into the library and looked for the book that she had been reading before. " Hmmm now where did I put that?"
" Oh um...your welcome...I guess." She said.