i can't! 15 ish the maximum no. of poll options in a poll
@_@ so many nominees I only need 2 more so w/c is it?
lmao on the username! welcome to the forums!
he is already in the list, Zexy. *neeeds more nominees*
okay! John S, you nominated so many people, who are you gonna vote? EDIT: 3 more spots to go
okay! i thought it really was Sephiroth you were nominatng O.Oll
okay! ^^ O.o;; if Sephy ish here we'll be all dead right now!
IT'll be a mixture of FF10 and FF7 Advent Children! Man i would love that world!
you just watched it now? O.O oh and yeah it was freaking cool! I loved the Sephy and Cloud fight scene! I loved the Bahamut fight scene too!
DS won the last contest, sorry.
thanks, john s!
Staff member edition! Nominate! Nominees: Hissora Sara Arc Mish Darkandroid Xaldin
Hissora will be in the mod edition. EDIT: Rufus won the last contest
would anyone like to nominate a girl?
yesh u are allowed! we got 2 nominees already!
the world ish gonna be like FF7 Advent Children
cause there are 2 editions, one for the mods and one for the non-mods. oh and idk y i'm doing this, again @_@
The 1st one was Winter Edition and now it's back! Spring is here! Now, nominate who do you think is the most popular non-mod member of khv? EDIT: 15 nominees are needed because of the poll length Nominees: 1- Roxas 2- Darky 3- John S. 4- The_Burger_King 5- Roxasvsriku 6- Mari 7- Soku = Ultimate warrior 8- Katana 9- Sephiroth 10- libergkd 11- cloudfinalfantasy aka Naruto 12- Legion 13- Soush 14- Gharanath 15- anniexo_lexa 16- Rat 17- lookaheartless 18- Sorafan60 19- darksmile13 20- *~*~Naminé~*~* 21- StupidAquarius 22- K a i r i 23- Jade Rhade 24- ロクサス 25- Flowers for You 26- no-reality allowed