Don't break the law cause the Chicken Police will be on patrol!
lmao! nice job!
O.O that's one big tut! tnx C4E!
I have PS yay! thanks for the tut C4E!
MAN! I want that so bad right now! *sits and waits for the translated version* I have relatives who are japanese. My aunt is married to one. My cousin married one but the prob is I'm too shy to ask them if they can buy any of those things. ONTOPIC: Why is the book, really thick? O.o;;
lmao! okay RoxaSorAligned, you're in!
~Prologue: The Day Before the Battle~ Locations: Destiny Islands, The World That Never Was and Radiant Garden Characters died: 0 (ooc: well, this is taking too long, anyways. This is the day before the battle! Let the RP begin!)
You know you're obsessed with FF7 when you dream of Cloud and Tifa making out
- When you think of what to post at a "You know you're obsessed with FF when..(any game or movie)" thread - When you do the prayer in FF 10
okay! one is for the old members and one for the new members!
@_@ nyaa too many ppls that are nominees @_@
me: me w/ my cousin (i'm the girl on the right):
nice move! i would probably ask where did he get my msn and if he doesn't know, i'll block him.
then Xaldin, it is!
now I get it! i'll make it 14 nominees!
@_@ i didn't get that
really? would i be a bother to you?
I live near japan and i have relatives who live there but i'm never gonna import it. good night Darky!
that'd be hard D=
i nominate myself out of the competition