um...Rat gets me vote, matey!
i think i didn't vote in any of the polls i made...
*nods* it is unhealthy because it deprives you from getting any sleep. I guess you can play KHFM any day just don't make it y'know, ruin you're life and you'll be anemic. Do you wanna have an injection, everyday?
yes! uber reandom much! XD
*Needs other people's prologue to start the rp*
I imagine Sara as a 5 foot and 9 inch girl w/ blond hair and white skin. She kinda looks like Mish. Reason: idk
hello Frozen Rose! Welcome to KHV! Read the rules, post a lot, spam a little and most of all, have fun! PM me, any member or any staff member if you have any questions! :)
well, sorry and >> << Sue me!
*voted Zexy* cause he ish bringing Zexy back XD
okay! ^_^ tnx for the tip
John S, sorry Roxasvsriku
OMFG! I remember that! and that was like, 5 months ago! O.O
yeah please rep Storrini! he/she helped me! *gives rep to Storrini*
thanks guys! oh and gals! ^_^
i was just wondering, do i get some rep for doing both the contests? O.o
oh well at least the competition ish fun! oh and storrini don't pwn me!
My hands hurt
FINAL set of fighting couples: darksmile13 vs Sorafan60 VOTE!
14th set of fighting couples: K a i r i vs Lithium VOTE!
13th set of fighting couples: VideoGameNerd246 vs StupidAquarius VOTE!