I'm sorry everyone! T.T the contests are just for fun T.T you may hate me if you must for doing those. And um...if you must delete those threads then go ahead, I won't stop you.
why isn't my name, color orange? O.o where's my orange title? EDIT: *total spaz* thx for the rep, guys! ^_^ i promise i'll rep you too if you give me your names O.o no posers allowed!
well it's saturday, almost sunday ^lame comeback
I ain't tired even though it's 10:30 pm here and my mom wants me to go to sleep DX
what poll? 0.o
Too much info *drools* thanks for the info, Xaldin! :)
i'll rep you, DR!
*bump* 4 more rep points till premium membershipness *spazzes*
NRA, sorry Soku
Storrini, he knows why!
TBK, sorry delux
StupidAquarius cause he/she makes awesome drawings!
blame Darky not me! sephy
spell namine!
darksmile13, she makes awesome sigs! ^_^
what TBK said!
Mari, =33333
um...Roxas...idk why >>
Darky, dudes and dudettes!