hey ppl.....i was wondering if u would rather jump off a building or get hit by a car? i would wanna jump off a building 4 sum reason wat do u think?
the funniest thing i ever saw....hmmm.... it would probaly be last night. i was at my moms friends house and she had an XBOX360...and she had XBOX live so u can talk 2 ppl who r playing with u and stuf...and my brother brought a game called "Gears of War" 2 play on xbox live so i watched him play it and he was sooo funny!!! he was **** rapping this guy and sent a funny message 2 him...i think he said "hello kemical i had a lot of fun **** rapping u and i wanna do it again somtime and i just wanna tell u that u rmy *****i couldnt stop laughing
any1 play maplestory?
Thanks Kairi245 and gettoxemnas 4 helping me.:glomp:i'll be sure 2 try it. and i 4got 1 more thing i want 2 no..... how do u get ur vids online so other ppl can watch it?
i feel kinda dumb cause i dont no how 2 get vids from this site 2 make a vid with in movie maker!:unsure:does anyone no how who can help me out! plus i wanna no how 2 downlaod songs that u want 2 be in that vid...som 1 please help me!i appreciate it
dont get me started! Dont get me started if sora and the gang were real! id have a ****ing heart attack!:speechless-smiley-0 then i would wake up and see sora asking me if i was ok!(withvthe gang bhind him:ff10sora:then we would fall in luv!:luv:and then wed get married!:kiss: ima just kidding had u going there didnt i!:rofl: well i would be 1 of kairis best friend as well as sora i think i would hav a lot of fun hanging out with them! we would fight somtimes like any normal friends would :star-wars-smiley-02 so it would be non-stop fun!
well.... i never had the remake at least i dont think so:laughing-smiley-004 and ima not a big fan of "Chain Of Memories" cause i cant get paast a part when u fight riku when u meet namine!!! i tryed like 50 times and almost won but i lost!!! why wont riku die!!!:guns: any 1 ever beat him!!! got any advice on how 2 him i wanna see wat comes after battleing riku! he always beats me!:star-wars-smiley-02.....sorry ima ranting AND WAT NOT:ranting: i had 2 keep poking my brothers :poke:2 try and beat him 4 me and they r like 15 and 16 years of age!!!som1 PLEASE HELP ME!!!
What!!!there Banning Anime In The U.s!!! They cant ban anime!anime u is the best! OMFG!!! MY FRIENDS R GONNA FLIP OUT WHEN HTEY HEAR ABOUT THIS!!!now im depressed! so does that mesn that they r gonna ban anime tv shows! I like bunnys! (\__/) (='.'= ) ('')_('')
no way!!! nice question! anime shouldnt be banned! anime rocks out loud!
thats good thats a pretty good picture! if i tryed 2 draw roxas on paint it wouldnt look anything lik him! u should try 2 draw the other characters on kh! good luck!:)
well...wat i think is............... i think thats its kinda mean 2 make fun of sora and riku like that!i mean i laugh at them sumtimes but its only because sum of them r so stuipid it made me laugh!so i think its just pretty stupid and mean 2 exploit them like that!!!
gay marrige i think gay marrages r wrong!!!
Cool Poll :d:d:dawsome Poll I Actually Voted This Time!:d:d:d