i wold like 2 join but idk how=( im not that good withh computer related stuff.lol!
ima so obsessed with inuyasha its my fav show on adult swim! but i recently just started watching Fullmetal Alchemist though so it would be my #4 fav show!
i dont really hate them....i just dont like the fact that some of them cut theirselfs 4 fun!
ok let me think..... briget
thats kinda a sad dream=(
i cryed in my sleep alot when i was little!=( idk why i did it though. i think its cuase i had a bad dream wat do u think?
well.....it was hard 2 decide!i hav both(actually the psp belongs 2 my brother) but the DS is mine.=)and on the psp u can watch vids and use the internet! but the DS is just pictochat and video games and stuff!but overall i would say the psp is my fav!
Opps!!!!! i 4got 2 make the poll so u can vote 4 more than 1 candy!:bangbang:im so dumb!!! oh well just post the candys u like the most!:noworries: c ya!
hihi! just wondering wat ur fav candy is! mine is alot i cant even name them all!
WOW!!!thats such an awsome story so far i mean i didnt read it all yet cause its so long i only read like the first 15 paragraphs! ill continue reading the story 2morrow 2! i was getting so into the story! i mean i think u were born 2 write storys like this i mean besides the kh related stuff u rock take the story all the way till the end!
i really dont no wat 2 do.......:unsure: the last time i got homesick was when i was at my grandmas 2 sleepover wit my bro.....and i didnt want my mom 2 leave 4 som reason:sideways:and i started 2 feel uneasy in my stomach! i wanted 2 stay and i wanted 2 go home plus my bro didnt want me 2 leave either! but i ended up going home with tears rolling down my cheeks! only because of the pain though...and because i felt bad leaving my bro alone! but when i got home i felt alot better!:roll:so i guess the going home would be the best medicine....at least 4 me:laughing-smiley-004
Wat Kinda Sick Twisted Mind Do U Hav!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice post! i really couldnt chose which show i liked better....but i chose Family Guy cause its so funny i watch it every day.... but out of the options on the poll i would say my top fav shows would be 1.Family Guy 2.South Park 3.American Dad im not so sure about the simpsons though.my mom doesnt let me watch it and south park is just as bad!
July 12!!! thats when my friends b-day is...and happy earily bday!
well happy be-lated birthday
Hi guys!!! wat month is ur B-day in??? mine is in August, the 18th to be exact!=D
i agree they all rock out loud!!!!!
Hi ppl! i was curious if u could meet a kh character who would it be...it can be more than 1 person 2.... well if i could meet a kh character it would be kairi. she sounds like a interesting person 2 get 2 no. Wat do u think?
My fav anime guy and girl???hmm......i hae a few favs but my all time fav guy would be Inuyasha and my all time fav girl would be Kagome...... i think Inuyasha and Kagome make such a cute couple!:xp:
well....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!and congrats on turning 14 and getting an ipod nano....i dont even hav a ipod yet!