u mean like text, pictures,size and stuff like that?
user name:khcrazy101 text:khcrazy101 theres gonna be a lot of ppl in picture is that ok? picture:sora, roxas, kairi, namine, inuyasha, kagome,songo,miroku backround color: different colors behind each character i dont really care wat color it is though as long as they r all different=) sorry if i asked 2 much and stuff.....but if u can make it that would be soooo great! please and thankyou!!!
um.....can u make a signsture 4 me?
um....wat do u mean by specs? like characters or somthing?
hi ppl i was wondering if someone would make a sig 4 me?PLEASE!
Im Straight.....completly
hi every1... i want a awsome sig but i dont no how 2 make 1 but i hear ppl make some 4 som of the members............ so do u think som1 can help me .....PLEASE!
opps! nvm...thanks SIC, animegirl104,and iChristian(if i spelled ur names rong plz correct me)anyways thanks again=)
Well how can i join ur family soraiscute?
so ur new? thats cool. opps almost 4got!!! WELCOME 2 kh-vids hope u hav fun exploring the site and stuff...and ima up 2 meet new people 2! and i guess every1 established the "rules" so just hav fun!:roll:
i think ur right ukali_rules....... i think it will be like u said cause i googled it and a bunch of info came up!
your so g@y!
curious question all my friends say that they dont hav a myspace!!!and i hav ALOT of friends!
aw man i never go out of state....NEVER!!!!!!!!!! Well i hope u hav a blast in CA!!!!! P.S-ill miss u!!!
thx every1 and i didnt get everything in the game but the highest score in the journal i ever got was 90% so thats it=)=)=)
aww man! now im thirsty after all this talk about soda! uh oh! i dont hav any soda or power drinks!!!*runs around and screams!*
u wanna no why im soooo happy!i just beat kh2! for the 10th time in 1and a half monthes im so proud of my self i reached my goal!
not 2 be mean but its not that good!
im not a big fan of pokemon but i watch it somtimes and i colect the cards 2!=) my fav pokemon r 1.plusle 2.minun 3.pichu 4.piblup 5.bunery their all so cute!
hm.....my fav drink would be....SODA!!!.....I LOVE,coke and pepsi they both taste the same 2 me=) oh wait! i like sprite 2! OH YEAH! i almost 4got veryberry i absolutly LOVE ur avatar its so cute! (\__/) (='.'=) (")_(")i like bunnys!