can u make me an avatar? username:khcrazy101 picture:inuyasha text:dont call him doggy or he'll get mad! color:u dicide size:dont care please and thankyou
well the whole reason i brought up this subject was because about a month and a half ago some1 in my neighbor hood was murdered! the ppl took her car and drove all the way 2 texas! i was coming home from school on my bus and we were about 2 turn on the bus route and there was a crime scene sign! and a bunch a news trucks were there 2! enry1 thought it was cool! (except 4 me i was a little scared!)
oh i thought u murdered a person that scared me!
why do people murder innocent people! it makes no sense! the murderer has nothing 2 gain in the murder!except they go to jail 4 wat they done!i mean the world would be such a better place if every1 cared! its kinda like the song by nickelback 'if nobody cared' "if evry1 cared if nobody cried,if evry1 loved and nobody lied, if evry1 shared and swallowed there pride then we'd see the day when nobody died!!! why could the world be more like that! wat do u think
hi SiC im playing maplestory right now! im having fun 2. oh yeah how r u doing
IM SO BORED! i just wanna play maplestory but i cant! oh does any1 here play that game? i no u dont SiC=)
Dangit! i was gonna say Inuyasha and Kagome! well theirs no harm in picking them.=) i just think they look so adorable 2gether! Oh yeah i think Miroku and Songo look cute 2gether 2! but i really want kikiyo 2 DIE!!!!!!
im very bored!:sleep:
yeah FMA is starting 2 grow on me..... i really didnt understand the show a few years ago but im really into it now so its a tie between inuyasha and FMA!
well sorry i didnt put it in the anime section!:nono:
hi evry1! oh SiC do u mind if i give ur ms account 2 my friend since ur not able 2 use it?
im obsessing over these shows 4 the time being and i was wondering out of these which 1 is ur fav? mines inuyasha!!!
Lilly-from disney original series Hannah Montana
wow it looks like most of u dont like myspace! im not a big fan myself because im not supposed 2 hav 1 but i made 1 anyways i go on it a few times every wek 2 check and see if my 2 friends r online and 2 see if i hav any photo comments,friend requests and new messages.....but 1 of my best friends r addicted 2 myspace!
well welcome 2 khvids! hope u hav fun exploring the site and stuff and im up 4 making new friends 2 so if u want tell me if u wanna be friends=)
opps! sorry i didnt see the sig u made me! its very good ill use it as soon as possible! but 1st i need the link so i can get i. oh thats wat u mean by credit! sure i can do that=) thatnks a bunch its awsome!
ok!=) u rock! thanks so much! ur a very nice person! is that nuff credit?
ok thanks a ton!!! u pm me when ur done. oh yeah! please and thankyou!
opps.....sorry i went overboard i didnt no:stupid:well how bout...........inuyasha?
ok then thx 4 telling me that=) text:khcrazy101 color backround:any color picture:sora, roxas, kairi, namine, inuyasha, kagome, kilala that enuff info please and thankyou