well my brother would want 2 kill me 4 alot of reasons.....well i never get along with him.... we call eachother names,and we fight alot! oh yeah he bangs my other bros head against the wall(really hard) he threw a chair at me b4 and he physically abuses me all the time! once he kicked me really hard in a knee on the 1st day of school and when i came home the same day i looked at my knee and there was a bruse the size a hand! is that enough reasons why my bro would want 2 kill me?
wat do u think of SpongeBob? do u think it should be canceled? just curious cause this show is ******ed! but i still watch it somtimes cause its funny 4 its stupidity... Spongebob probably is like 15 years old if he can get a job!but he still acts like a child! C'mon ppl he blows bubbles! wat is wrong with the producers!
oh... then i think my big brother is gonna become a murderer 1 day! better keep my where abouts on the DL when i buy a house
well....i kill alot of bugs but i dont start killing animals
i no wat u mean gamefreak! my computer is a pice of **** 2!
well welcome 2 khvids! hope u enjoy exploring the site!
hi ppl! iv been here 4 a while but never introduced myself!:( well hi evry1......i dont really no how 2 do an intro *blushes embarressed* um...i think ill tell u about myself.....well i luv kh and i like 2 make new friends and i want 2 make som on this site (cause i dont hav alot) and im having alot of fun on this site so thats pretty much it.....
Avatar:(yes/no):yes picture:inuyasha text:why wont you die Kagome?! color:any color would be fine size:optional please and thankyou
well i think it might be fun 2 do community service.....but it depends on wat u hav 2 do though.....like if its picking up trash on a highway or somthing then i wouldnt want 2 do it! but if it were 2 help out in an elementary school class or somthing like that i would be more than happy 2 do it!
wat r u talking about?
well i really dont no if the rumors r true or not but my friend melanie is an anime freak and shes obsessed with inuyasha! she did a lot of research on the 5th movie and she found alot of stuff on it!
im with u all the way Madiyasha! i luv inuyasha infact i havent seen the whole series yet! but i hear there released the 5th movie in Japan and Canada! tell me wat i can do 2 help get new episodes on the air!
my mom sings while shes shopping! it embarasses the hell out of me!
i play somtimes im pretty good at it 2! im at a medium level of killing! but it depends on how high the person im playing with is
yeah it happened 2 me alot! but the newest disney movie i saw that made me cry was the brige 2 terribithia! it was sad when the girl died!
well i dont go 2 the mall alot i always go with my friends that live across the street from me! but since im the silly type im always goofing off with my friends everywhere we go(including the mall)and i do a gangster walk everytime and i talk like it 2 around my friends they think its funny!
well wecome 2 kh-vids! i think youll love the site and stuff! if its friends ur looking 4 dont hessitate 2 ask me! i hope u hav fun exploring the site=)
do u think u can make me an avatar?
im doing pretty good!thx 4 asking. wat about u?
im bored.....and lonely the only person i no in the family is SiC