yes you can, i'll add you
doing the Chain Of Memories storyline over again but with our nobodies instead of the original organization but sora and riku will stay -rules- -you can be your nobody and a character like sora -No Godmodding(remember sora will kill you sooner or later, but you can replace your character) -Please keep language Appropriate -there can be 13 or more nobodies Name: Age: Element: Weapon: Title: Personality: Appearance: Likes/Dislikes: Which character you're like: -original characters- -sora: AnimeGirl104 -riku: ShadowofRiku -donald: -goofy: -mickey: -namine:NymphofDestiny -nobodies- RikuRep-Raxen AnimeGilr104-Velexira ShadowofRiku-Xirku Name: Raxen Age: 17 Element: space Weapon: dual hook swords Title: The Twisted Vine Personality: calm collected, a little overconfident Appearance: Dislikes: those who go against his orders/ Likes:making others suffer Which Character I'm like: Marluxia
lol, i guess i'll be luxord
original nobodies? i'l join as my ON or as luxord, but i have to decide which
it's just part of his design...........tetsuya made him that way
yes i am, just started this week so what's this about a wedding?
lol ......i just noticed that
hey guys, school sucks wait ..........what's this? a wedding? i'm happy now :D
two guys raised an lion, then released it into the wild, years later they get reunited.... instead of killing them, the lion hugs them just something i saw going around youtube i want a pet lion!
ooc: since i'm pretty much the only one who pays attention to these, yes you can join, but it takes place in the kh world just to tell you...............other than that, what's up guys?
ooc: hey guys Quid was standing on the outside of the castle, staring off into space
ohh i've played that, it's a good game
what's up DBX?
good for you, hey i got the first page of the manga done :D
i'm doing good
hey :D what's goin on?
buenos dias mi amigos!
lol, that's cool
really? that sucks