ooc: hey i just got added , (Raxen #41) how should i start?
http://rikurep.deviantart.com/art/Raxen-Colored-62738612 colored version of a drawing i posted before this is one of my first times coloring with photoshop CnC please
oh yeah i hate that rule
........hewwo.................. :3
actually i think i found something http://www.soulcaliburthemovie.com/movie2.htm
Luxord went wandering around the castle looking for larxene
Luxord saw Larxene and started to make his way over
Vexen? Just what are you trying to do?
What's all this noise about? Luxord said pretty much oblivious to what was happening
ooc: thanks Luxord came down to see what was happening
can i be luxord?
hey CtR, they changed the premium color?
yeah, it sucks
good, i'm still working on the next few pages, might take a while since i have school
....is pure pwnage lol six string samurai http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-ISlsjAHn2Y
no, not really, thx for telling her
O_O ...........so you told CtR about the manga?
hey guys,.talkin about me?
good, but the head makes it look like a caricature 9/10