Nero arrived into a big crowd "Crow, which one is it?" he said facing the people in front of him He's,.........close said the shadow moving along the walls on it's own
nah it's fine we can start now, i'm sure someone will join up later STARTING: Nero was sitting down in a cemetary, looking down at the flowers he placed near his sister's tombstone, he shadow stood up "........nero" "Yeah crow?" "i smell one of them, over there , angel" Nero got up, and slowly started walking in that direction
pulls out 10 out of nowhere, "i give that a perfect score!"
ooc: DUM DUM DUUUUUUM a few minutes passed and Quid was breathing heavilly, his clothes were cut and he was kneeling down on the ground "What's this?, guving up already? Larxene asked walking towards him "That old man sure wasted him time making you when he heard this Quid shot a dark blast hitting her against the wall, he stood up used a hi-potion and got back in fighting stance
"Ooooh, bossy, well i guess i should answer" she said as lightning swirled around her clucthed fists ""number twelve, Larxene, suddenly she rushed forward , Quid drew in his blade to block her attack and a large sound could be heard in the hallways
and you're added, now i think we can start but we need another character with a demon partner, it's 3 against 1!
welcome back LKX!