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  1. Sara
    Sorry for any bashing, but:

    If Mattrick is as much of a ****ing ass as he's been for this year so far:

    He really shouldn't be in a position of power. Seriously, the warning signs were blaring since February. Orth got sacked for his comments in February on Twitter which was ALREADY causing a stir about the Internet. He never listened to the community who has been complaining non-stop since the One was revealed and if it wasn't for people refusing to even preorder and get publicly spanked by Sony on E3, he probably still be standing there saying: "Well, I don't know what it's like living on a nuclear sub, but they can play the 360."

    He should've been sacked for his comments and be in the same position as Orth instead of a transfer to another company. Maybe he knew he was moving and was trying to go out with the biggest bang ever, but he and Nelson never lifted a finger to prove that they were wrong and refused to listen to the concerned voices. They kept on plowing on saying it was: "worth it" and "wait and see" if the One had any redeemable values, which it is getting worse, they did nothing to improve it while Sony laid out the groundwork in front of everyone, until their sales plunged to the point where they realized they were going to lose money.

    Most likely, no matter what they do right now unless they remove the Kinect, publicly apologize and offer free candy they'd win the race. They are going to suffer, and though Mattrick wasn't the full force behind it, he was one of the most damning in my opinion. His comments alone about the armed forces and people who live in a place with bad Internet let alone saying: "Hey there's the 360." when your COMPETITOR just publicly said: "You don't need internet to play our games." Is not only insulting to the people who are defending the U.S. and people who live in a place with bad Internet. (me) It drives people in droves to your competitor.

    Good riddance Mattrick, I barely knew you, but you managed to piss me off in two weeks. That rarely happens to someone off the Internet. I hope you get sacked someday publicly for your actions. But for now, I hope Microsoft licks their wounds and manages to pull themselves out of the problems he has caused.

    Sorry for the rant.
    Post by: Sara, Jul 1, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  2. Sara
    Actually, I work at a law firm where I locate people for court and letters. I know it's semi-hard to find someone who's over 18. It depends on where the person is, how many people live in the area with the same name, etc...But you have to pay for it.

    Seeing all the shootings and living with an insane father, I know most people who kill people are mostly on a whim. Yes, there are plans sometimes, but something like this isn't planned and wouldn't be posted. I feel terrible for the kid, it was a stupid remark, but he's a kid. Kids do **** like this all the time without thinking, and unfortunately, this isn't the first nor last time that this will happen.

    I wonder where in the **** these people are when a nutcase goes and shoots a bunch of ****ing kids in the head and scarring their lives at SIX ****ING YEARS OLD. Sorry I'm ranting, but is ****ing stupid when people are being shot down in movie theaters, schools and god-knows where else. Not to mention the Boston Marathon bombing and 9/11, that a EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD GETS ARRESTED FOR A IDIOTIC WOMAN AND A BUNCH OF TEXANS THINK THAT A KID WILL MURDER A BUNCH OF KIDS BECAUSE THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND LEET TALK!!!!!!

    I know sarcasm is hard to read sometimes, but that's why lol and j/k is USED. A friend of mine used it all the time to show he was joking, I do the same thing and the :P symbol. THAT'S WHY IT EXISTS.

    You have to watch what you say today, but this is beyond stupid. I'm more worried about the nutcase who found out this information. I am going to be more censored than ever now. I pray for the family and hope to hell that this is fixed. Bring it to the Supreme Court if you ****ing have to.

    I apologize for the swearing.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 30, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  3. Sara

    Excuse me a moment...

    *walks out of room* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *in despair and frustration, walks back*

    Okay, I'm done. (Linkara, FTW)

    Wow... Just....... Wow... Oh yeah, that video is pending comments now. Anyone know why? :P

    I like the last comment: "We don't really need the Smartglass, there's already a ton of tablets and two controllers." Great marketing there, MS.

    Why in the hell Mattrick is still breathing, I have no idea. I thought they'd finally shut him the hell up, or Nelson who REALLY hasn't helped, either. They are not helping with damage control, even if it's advertisers and marketers, Mattrick still should have some say on what they're advertising. Telling people that they're going to be watched and heard for what kind of ads you get after spending 500 dollars on a console and more with the ads IS NOT going to sell your product.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 30, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Sara
    This was a classic for me that unfortunately died a short time after the dreamcast came out.I haven't played much of the new games, so bear with me:

    What do you prefer? The old games of speed and linearity with a ton of speed and fast moving action fighting against Robotnik, but with less storyline and less characters? Or the new games, with more story, more characters, and more things going on?

    Again, I grew up with the classics. While everyone was talking about Mario, I sat down with my Genesis and played Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Sonic and Knuckles. I even tried often (and failed) to beat Sonic the Hedgehog 2, always getting beat at the airship.

    There's something charming about the game. I tried Sonic Heroes and really didn't find it appealing to me. Whether it was the 3D, the way the controls worked or something else, I never really got into it. The Dreamcast was way above my budget at the time so I didn't even bother trying to keep involved, instead opting for other consoles.

    Later on, I found myself excited for Sonic the Hedgehog 2006, and well... That was DOA before I could even blink. I have heard of other games coming out, but I never saw any games that have made me as excited as the original games.
    Thread by: Sara, Jun 30, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: Gaming
  5. Sara
    Oh Gawd...

    Did anyone see the new review? It was his best work.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 26, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. Sara

    I was laughing too hard to fully understand the article, (sorry if this is in the wrong place.) but apparently they're being sued for Duke Nukem Forever for the amount of 2 million dollars.

    It's pretty complicated, but the gist of it is that they're suing Gearbox for how terrible the game was and poor sales.

    Now I've seen everything.
    Thread by: Sara, Jun 24, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  7. Sara

    And it's fun being LIGHTISH RED!!!!!!!
    Post by: Sara, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sara
    I'm actually going to change it this week because I have never actually played a Metroid game. And yes, I know I should at some point and probably will.

    But that's for another thread at some other point: So what do you prefer, the old games of exploration but still side-scrolling? Or do you prefer the new FPS view and more exploration? Do you like the silent or new very talkative Samus? Why?
    Thread by: Sara, Jun 23, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. Sara
    It's Fox, Jesus is brought in every conversation or they get their asses fried by lightning. :P j/k

    Anywho.... I am shocked, aren't they the guys who manage to drag in Jack Thompson every day or something? I say they're hammered.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Sara
    Yeah, sorry guys, I just found an article from IGN it's fake.Took MS long enough to respond to it.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 23, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  11. Sara
    I DON'T know if this is real, but this is spreading like wildfire in the Internet. A MS employee who basically was working on the One sent this to a few press gaming sites:

    If this is real, I have to say, wow... This would've made the One a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. Can you imagine the reactions to this if the system was released and the main huge feature was declared a demo from 15-45 minutes instead?

    I seriously got turned off the system on this news. And I mostly believe it because they're feeding us all this bs all this time and keeping the answers vague. I see it happening.

    I also see some MS fan going into rage about the changes and posting this just out of anger on the changes to the One.

    If it's fake, which so far they're not doing anything to stop this rumor. I stand where I am. It can be deleted btw if it is fake.
    Thread by: Sara, Jun 20, 2013, 6 replies, in forum: Gaming
  12. Sara
    If this article is true, I'm not sure because they said it was from an anonymous employee...

    The biggest thing is that they lied about it in the first place. They said family sharing was going to be full games, the employee said it was going to be demos. If MS doesn't act soon and this is fake, there's going to be a massive backlash. It's spreading like wildfire on the Internet. Considering what MS has been doing recently, I don't see them not going this low sadly. If they weren't like this in the first place if this is fake they wouldn't have people believing this.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  13. Sara
    Apparently it was always timed Demos. MS fibbed through their teeth to make it sound differently.

    If this actually came out with the system, there would've been blood on the streets when consumers found out. I think they would've said it in the future, but noticed how badly they're losing so they made it more than they seemed. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

    I am done. PS4 all the way, MS was winning me back with their changed policies, but now since they lied about this and weren't planning even telling anyone. I am not buying the system ever. Also since the fact that they made this feature being removed be like it was a massive punishment to the consumers when honestly it was just something that you could only enjoy a short time before being asked to buy it. I think they were saying that because of all the policies against games, and they wanted it to look like they had more to offer for it than just a short demo.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. Sara

    Family sharing was bs... It was a DEMO of the game. 15-45 minutes long to maybe an hour for some games.

    They made you buy the game after the end of the demo. There was even talk about making it limited how many games you could share.

    Wow.... Just wow... They really screwed up.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  15. Sara
    ^ Everything you just said I agree with you, Prince...

    I really didn't know Mattrick until a week when he decided to insult not only where I live, but two friends of mine who are in the armed forces. He made it worse and worse with his scathing comments and cocky attitude and I hope he really gets sacked, that EA pos. And yes, he did work for EA before joining MS as president of the Xbox division which probably explains a lot.

    Nelson I also hope gets fired. Someone again I met only two days ago and he ticked me off on how he treated a reporter (Angry Joe) by yanking the mic away from him, getting in his face and shouting things at him while being confrontational and basically having PR circle like vultures during the whole interview which made Joe horrendously uncomfortable which he mentions in his videos. Also, Nelson didn't get away with clean hands even forgetting the interview because of what he said after they finally shut up Mattrick he stepped in his place and dissed more of the fans.

    Not including Projekt Red which I'm sure still isn't happy with MS. Or Nintendo who had their Best Buy E3 event interrupted by MS harassing people who were in line for the demos.I'm sure Nintendo is going to give their own backlash to Best Buy and MS for their actions.

    You can't just fix something and expect it to be hunky dorey, life doesn't work that way. They need to apologize first of all and admit they ****ed up, because that's what they did. They ****ed up big time. I still don't see myself ever buying this system. An apology might work for some people, but there's too many people jaded right now, MS brought back some of their base, but now some are leaving because of the features taken or at least very angry about it. Tim of Ctrl Alt Del if you read his Twitters is basically being pissed at at anyone defending the changes who doesn't see his tweets right now because of the features they removed. That's fine, but that doesn't mean that a lot of other people aren't angry with what happened in the first place.

    Also, a lot of people just flat out don't trust MS right now. They see Mattrick easily putting this stuff back at a later date and they said even: "These policies are subject to change." That doesn't bring me reassurance that they won't keep this as it is. They want to sell the system, and I'm guessing if sales are good enough, maybe they will go back.

    For that alone, a lot of people aren't going to buy, including myself.[DOUBLEPOST=1371754135][/DOUBLEPOST]


    It was A DEMO for the game. Depending on the game it would be 15-45 minutes to an hour and then they MADE YOU buy the game.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  16. Sara
    I honestly was leaning towards a maybe after this...

    But seriously thinking about it, it's heavy no with a maybe depending on what they do. I doubt I'll get it unless they REALLY get something that knocks me out of park next gen. It's actually worse than the 360 because of no backward compatibility.

    It's just all the insults and the fact they still refuse to apologize. They admit it was the consumer who decided for them, but no apology for all the things they said and/or did. That and the fact they offered it in the first place.

    Hell, Nintendo just apologized for poor sales for the U, they need to man up.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 19, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  17. Sara
    I can't wait for the poor idiot who buys the next CoD game for over $1,700 early and can't play it until release day. *true story*

    I like how they're defending every single policy like it actually makes sense and appeals to customers.

    The whole PSN defense is hilarious. I got PSN for free with the system and got a few games brand new for free. Now they're offering Assassin's Creed II, (which I already have) and Fable III, which I heard sucks saying it's better. I feel bad for Microsoft so much.

    They still should apologize for Mattrick's comments, at least they know he's doing more damage now.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Sara
    I like the fact that they're saying PS4 is a security risk also for military bases and they won't use it for online gaming.

    That alone makes me hope this is fake.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Sara

    I keep on hoping this is totally fake just from the sheer stupidity of it. If it is, let me know...

    But holy hell......

    The only bright news I see out of this is they're finally shutting up Mattrick.
    Thread by: Sara, Jun 18, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Sara
    I also know that most of the places they serve have TERRIBLE Internet, if none at all. They use the 360 for their downtime and entertainment.
    Post by: Sara, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone