I wish I didn't see this coming: http://www.gamepur.com/news/11407-p...ne-drm-and-other-restrictive-features-ba.html I still think it's funny as hell even though I knew it was coming. Well, I'd wish them luck, but I don't want MS to do well if the restrictions were placed, so... I don't know what to say other than laugh some more. EDIT: THERE IS SOME SWEARING!!!!!!! Though I do have to admit the signatures are hilarious to read. EDIT: Here's the counter one, again, saw this coming: http://www.change.org/petitions/xbox-one-counter-petition-to-keep-the-xbox-one-policies-as-is
Apparently the reason so many people got injured/killed was because the people ahead of them delayed the evacuation collecting all their **** from the overhead compartments. I wish I had a link, but it was on the tv news this morning from photos taken at the site. I still can't believe they were that selfish and careless. I do pray for the victims and their families, but it angers me that people do that ****.
Wow... That is big news. I do understand why they're refusing to make more games. Companies don't make these games out of charity. Nintendo has also been very blase about third party developers on rpg's like Xenoblade Chronicles. I know I bring this up as an example a lot, but this game was a sleeper that has HUGE demand over here. They still refuse to make more copies even though this is screaming: "console buyer." Because they don't believe it will work well in the long run. Hell, they treated The World Ends With You better and that was a DS GAME for god sakes. I know Nintendo has worked better being the lesser console graphics wise in the past. But things have changed, where it dominated in the 80's and 90's for the reason it had very little competition and 90% of the market, but times have changed. People have changed on what they like/need. The Internet is one of the biggest changes in human history especially with social communication. A lot of people want to be able to talk to their friends or have better graphics than what Nintendo offers. In a world with gaming consoles constantly changing and features constantly being added on... Nintendo has steadily been static with very few changes. This is really starting to hurt them more than anything, not including the fact that you remove the factor of all the party games vs. the actual games offered on the Wii. There have been a few, No More Heroes being a huge one, that have made the game a console buyer. But that's not enough. The games you make aren't enough if you constantly keep on making ones. And I've heard the old ones are leaving soon. Metroid I've heard has one last game left before it's done. That's a game that has been around since the beginning of the series. Castlevania is now multi-platform and would easily survive if Nintendo went under, so is Mega Man. Rare and Square have left, two companies who were brilliant on what they do. They need to realize that the Internet is something they need to use to their advantage. Sony has used it to make Lets Plays be recorded on your system and posted online along with a massive social network and lets not forget their PSN Plus which is probably one of the best ideas ever made even if MS made it first, they made gigantic strides on making it better. MS was the one who started LAN parties, matchmaking and other online activities that made the system flourish. I heard that 90% of the fans of Call of Duty just buy the games to play the multiplayer. Don't quote me on that. What has Nintendo done with the Internet? The DS has great Wifi system and trading, great... What about the consoles? They haven't done anything except make games available to download and maybe the Mii system and a few online play games. This REALLY hurts your system selling when most people, not all like to do online socialization. They also really need to go and A: Remove region lock, which I've heard they're still doing. B: Go to Indie developers with hat in hand and ask for help in making games. The Last of Us shows that you can make SPECTACULAR exclusive games that will sell well in most circumstances. Granted, Zombie U was probably one of those fantastic games, but it wasn't enough to make it a system buyer, because people see other games that are coming out. Finally, they REALLY, REALLY, REALLY need to improve their marketing. Their showing at E3 was downright humiliating. When Sony and MS are coming out with a console the same year, they need to make their product sparkle to the point where despite their competition, they can still sell their console this holiday season and maybe worry about the competition, but not enough for them to be left in the dust. Even with MS's severe problems with the One, they still beat Nintendo's E3. That is just sad, the fact that all the games they showcased this year at E3 aren't even coming out this year is worse for them this holiday season when these two consoles come out and the war really begins between the three. Even though maybe the One will be the worse, U will be close behind. It's amazing and sad how far Nintendo has fallen from being king of the consoles at it's first breaths of life. I don't see them celebrating 30 or 35 years, sadly. At least in the U.S.
Thanks for pointing this out, round two. And I'll ask someone to edit the title.
In this old vs. new, we're looking in-depth at the blue bomber: Mega Man. And yes, I didn't play this either, but I did look at a recent games, I also read the manga for Battle Network and looked at the games. :P So what do you prefer? The good old linearity platforming with different battles of boss robots and variety and challenge of levels with little variation on the theme? Or the new ones with storylines, varying themes and more highlights? Sorry about before, I'm starting to run out of Old and News I've played. Thanks Digital for pointing that out. =3
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/03/too-much-dog-poop-cancels_n_3541582.html?utm_hp_ref=chicago I know this isn't a issue that is usually brought up, but this also happens in my town and frankly it ticks me off. I live fifteen minutes from the beach, and every morning about fifty to a hundred dogs are on the beach during the summer until nine am and back at five pm. They're allowed off the leash if voice controlled, but there's little to no enforcement. The biggest problem is that no owners clean up after their dogs. None. It is not as bad as a park, granted because of the fact the tides come in every 12 hours. But it still is massively disgusting and kids walk around barefoot on the beach also. There's also a part of the beach that's private that got so bad the owners of the hotel threatened to close off their part of the beach to the public another way other than lifeguards. There's also issues with this, dogs going after little kids, dogs attacking people who are walking, dogs getting into fights and attacking each other. But that's for another issue, there's more people enforcing it, but it's still pretty bad to the point where my mom doesn't like me even walking barefoot on the beach anymore because of how dirty it can get. Thoughts?
You can also bring up the PS3 in that comparison, except the fact they didn't really HAVE that many exclusives except Heavy Rain which I grant was one of the best games ever made for a long time when the less power house 360 was bringing out exclusives at least once a year. You don't need power and shiny stuff to sell a system. You only need great games for a system to work. Lets take Nintendo again, it was in the Dark Ages for a very long time, it was comparably behind Sega Genesis for god sakes in the 90's when it was dominating the war at 90%. A lot of people today look at games like: "Ohh, shiny..." Hell, look at the frigging promo for CoD Ghosts other than the dog. They spent A TON OF TIME bragging about how great the graphics and the AI were compared to what it was before. I don't give a **** about that, some of my favorite games are from the 16 bit era. And granted, I do play Portal, Halo, AC, and other games. I even tried The Last of Us and I hate horror. Granted, I didn't go far because I don't like getting the crap scared out of me every two seconds, but I gave it a shot. Hell, BRAID, a 16 bit graphic game which has been out for two years has gotten critical acclaim. There's still a ton of people debating about the game and what the ending really means. The NC who recently did a editorial about games being art got BLASTED for not mentioning it along with Shadow of the Colossus and other such games. On the other side, you look at Square, I love Kingdom Hearts, and I think they're doing better. But the last generation they REALLY hurt themselves with their two main series. Kingdom Hearts without even showing a hint towards III and yes, I know they fixed that with showing it for the PS4, and FFXIII. I know people liked FFXIII, but they depended on linearity and a lot of pretty graphics to make it through. And it bit them hard, badly. I know there's other things, but when it came out and I read the reviews, people loved the graphics but complained about everything else in the series of games called FFXIII. It doesn't matter how "shiny" and "pretty" a game is. I don't look at beauty unless it's a moment where I can. If it's a cutscene and it's designed to impress me, I love it. AC when I see the leap of faith orientation, I take a moment to admire the beauty of the area. But on the other side, Portal is one of the dreariest, darkest, poorly lit games that you sometimes have problems seeing where you're going and firing at that I've played in a very long time. And it is one of my favorite games in a long time. Portal 2 is a very close second if not beating out One. That was a game where developers made it out of a demo of another game and decided: "The hell with it, we'll make it a game in itself." It was so popular within hours that there were memes popping all over the place and they not only decided to make it a multiplatformer, but a sequel also. With a demo that at the most runs four hours. It's the games, it's the creativity, it's the passion and love you see in games that make consoles sell. It is when you sit down and weep ten minutes into a game for a character death of someone you barely knew that will bring you in. That is what gaming is about, it's not about graphics, it's not about sports, it's not about tv or cable or Internet or cell phone. It's about something that you can sit down and enjoy. Whether it's stress relief, whether it's just getting into a good story, whether it's just getting on with your friends and trying to kill each other while making jokes and chatting about life whether if they're next to you or halfway around the world. When people try to take that away from you so you can't sit down and enjoy the series that you love anymore, it angers people. It causes them to refuse to buy your product. The people who supported the One mostly did not because: "Oh, we have all this shiny stuff added." They supported it because they loved Halo, they loved the exclusives coming out. I've seen a lot of people saying: "One has great exclusives." Great, but we can't play it, I can't go to a friend and ask to borrow their copy if they borrowed it before, which is as big as a part of gaming as sitting down with your friend and goofing off while going through a game. I can't play a system if I don't have a cell service or Internet for 24 hours if something's going on that I need to relax to get away from a hellish part of my life. I can no longer be what defines me and makes me enjoy gaming along with millions of others. Mattrick tried to restrict the gaming community because he saw the future in maybe 20 to fifty years. Hell, maybe even ten, but you can't force change to happen. You can't sit down and say: "Everyone get good Internet, everyone have enough money to buy our games. Everyone not mind having a microphone in your room listening in to you." Though I admit, you can turn it off, maybe. Life doesn't work that way, cable companies don't work that way, if it did, I wouldn't be cursing Springboard to hell because my Internet provider refuses to acknowledge that frigging player and won't let me watch videos on the damned thing. It's a part of life, and Mattrick was too brash to realize that life isn't a multimillion dollar home in ideal conditions like his life. Orth did the same thing and it bit him hard to the point where he was fired. He actually got off easily for his comments.
I'm not defending the cops on this one, because I haven't watched the video. But cops are trained to use reasonable force to defend themselves. Yes, they might have gone overzealous in this case, but seeing a big dog charge at you when dogs are known in the past of attacking cops and other people defending their owners. There are attack dogs who are trained to maul anyone to death on a mere command, I have seen it happen and animal control officers work closely with the cops to prevent this stuff from happening often. Sadly, it still happens once in a while. They probably jumped to the wrong conclusion, but not knowing what the dog would do probably was the reason they shot. I had a Siberian Husky who loved people but would go after anyone in a mailman uniform because one mailman gave the dog a frigging treat to be aggressive when he was around. And yes, we complained every day and threatened him with a lawsuit and he ignored us. It got so bad that the husky was nearly maced for doing the same to another not so happy mailman. You don't know the dog, you don't know what they're going to do. It's sad, but it's a part of life.
I disagree with you, Peace... Even when my Internet goes down, yes, I can still go online. Like I can still go online when my computer crashes. There's Wifi hot spots, the library and other places, hell, in my college town the whole COLLEGE was a hot spot for the Internet. Here's the issue though with people connecting with One instead of computers: This is from a remote location. This is somewhere where it's easy to carry your laptop to. Laptops were essentially made for this, to make it easy to use places other than your home. Even IF and this is a big if, you can make it to a hotspot and connect to the Internet every 24 hours with the One, who wants to lug around a console the size of a VCR around with them. It would be like lugging around your desktop to find a Wifi spot. For the cell phone, the coverage is TERRIBLE in my area, worse than the Internet. Sometimes, if you're lucky you have two or three spots up North where you can get coverage outside of a college town. I know places up North where the Internet is good, but to get a cell phone bar you have to walk to the middle of a bridge in town and for two feet you can have enough bars to call someone. I'm dead serious, me and my mom tried it once. She also complains a lot after the capital there's no coverage at all for the cell phone service. Then you have storms like Superstorm Sandy. The Internet was down for WEEKS along with cell phone coverage. What are people supposed to do during that time? Wait until they get their connection back to play games to get away from the hell that just happened? For the armed forces, Afghanistan has no Internet. Period. I have a friend who was serving overseas. He openly admitted his Internet was really ****** there and he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't even hook up to Live if he wanted to try. He used the Internet to visit some forums, that's pretty much it. As down time and played Halo without Internet to get away from the war. I have a friend who has Live, a good Internet connection and we can even chat via webcam. But he's studying to be a Navy officer on a sub. He is a HUGE fan of Halo and couldn't even get the system because of the fact that when he gets deployed, he couldn't play it due to the fact there's no internet on the sub or in the middle of the ocean. Lets even detract from that, lets say you live in Brazil. I have someone who lives there and he had dial-up to the point where he could only post on forums and chat before going to college where it's............ Semi-stable. He couldn't play videos, he couldn't do webcam. The One was going to be launched at the same time as the U.S. and they expect Brazil with dial-up to be able to check in every 24 hours and download automatically for their updates on dial-up? Is that even possible? The reason why steam works because from what I heard, they detracted the always online policy. They also sold their games dirt cheap. Ranging from 40-50 dollars and I've seen their sales and have heard gamers go into great detail about WHY steam works and the One wouldn't about the sales, and now they're even making it so you can sell your games USED which are making more people flock to Steam. One was going to sell their games at 60 bucks a ticket, not sell their games used, and make it so it was mostly digital. I haven't even taken into account the fact you're looking at a system that is 500 gb of memory when blu-ray which the games are made from can go up to fifty gigs per disc. That is 10 games in total you can have on your system at once this doesn't include extras including save points, then you have to delete one and make space for more. Yes, you can reload it back into the system later on, but it would take about an hour or two for it to happen. I don't see that happening a lot of the time when a friend is over. As for Apple, the reason why it worked was because Apple saw an opportunity. Pirating was a million times worse than it is today because it cost 16 bucks for a cd with a bunch of songs if you just wanted one song from it. The consumers were getting sick of it and Apple decided to make it on Itunes and the Ipod, I still say it's one of the most brilliant moves in business ever done because they took a massive problem that was going on, took advantage of two developing things rapidly growing in popularity: The Internet and technology including portable devices, and merged them together for Itunes and the Ipod. Itunes revolutionized music because it gave control back to the consumer offering them 99 cents to 2 bucks a song that before was 16 dollars to buy. The music industry was drowning and it saved their asses along with the music community. At the same time, they granted enough freedom to the consumer to let them get the songs from other sources so they didn't feel restricted. I can go and get a song Itunes doesn't offer and I can mostly guarantee that it will play on my Ipod. You can't do that with a system like the One used to be right now, maybe never. In the future, yes, you are going to have all the games digital. But MS really jumped the gun on the system before they put all the factors in mind. Yes, there's piracy, and yes, it is a problem in the community. But that doesn't mean that people who buy the games fairly should be punished for others actions. Even if it's the "future of gaming" we're not ready for it, much like systems before it that failed and burned in flames for being ahead of it's time. I had a feeling that was true from the video, but I wonder if he did it to go with a bang. He knew he was going to get a better job and he most likely was like: "I don't give a ****." about the whole console and MS's MSS Titanic problems. It doesn't really explain Nelson's actions and PR's stupidity unless the guy was right and they decided: "Lets just throw this guy under the bus more before he leaves." But he has a point Zynga is a trainwreck and it's going to be a skeleton in the closet that's not going to leave when he moves and he tries to represent Zynga later in the future for things, people won't be so happy about it I'm guessing.
Either he's predicting people reading the riot act because of the fact Japan is being ignored... Or he's seeing what's going on in the U.S., he must be thrilled this is going on. I heard predictions late 2014 for Japan, it still is going to hurt the fans who actually buy the system. The only perk I see now is that they can buy it in the U.S. and play it there because of no region lock except for shipping and handling. So it seems not to matter anymore.
I have to agree with you Nova on the train wreck of the whole Support issue. I put it like a wildfire myself: There was a wildfire blazing along the countryside that was the One and they have no way of stopping it or not having it cause damage. I remember one person posted a question to support that was simple: If you get banned from your live account, would you lose all your licenses for your games? Support said yes, and within an hour, the story was all over the Internet. People were panicking for good reason and leaving faster than ever before because of the fact that they would have to pay the fee for something they couldn't control. It was only about a day later that it was finally cleared that it WOULD NOT be a problem. But the damage was already too late to say otherwise. Hell, there was a rumor from a "former employee" after everything was changed that family sharing was going to be just DEMOS of the games that the family had to purchase after a set time. This was around for DAYS and it was all over the press within the first day and people were getting more and more pissed. The press finally contacted a higher up in Microsoft and he flat out denied it, but it's something that is still sticking in gamers minds along with the shitstorm of everything else that happened that this was blazing so far out of control and they tried to pull this off. The next leader has to be a gamer, he has to be someone who is a strong leader who understands business. I have a bachelors in economics and I look at this as a course of business 101. I have read articles like Forbes and other companies defending the policies of the One saying it's the most brilliant move that has ever been made and will make them a ton of money. Here's the thing, though: They're not looking at it from a gamers perspective. I note, these companies are not gamers, they are people who look at a company and how much money they'd make from a product. They don't realize that all the errors behind it are causing massive damage because of all the bad publicity and the fact that people DON'T WANT THIS KIND OF PRODUCT. There's a simple thing called demand and breaking even, this was something that wasn't happening with the One. Steven Ballmer might be a good CEO, he might be a good leader. But he has to listen to the people around him, and not Nelson, for God's sakes along with the other people in the fiasco that caused this. He needs to either remake the structure of the gaming branch or he needs to find someone very competent and someone with the balls to really put the people who did this fiasco in line or fire them without remorse at the same time have enough charm to represent the company, even BEFORE this started, I heard a lot of people saying how much they hated Mattrick and MS's top gaming execs, while Sony was getting a lot of the good light because of the way that the execs handled themselves even BEFORE this became an issue. They need someone like that.
Also, Microsoft doesn't have a public figure that is powerful right now to help them. Nintendo has Shigeru Miyamoto (sorry for any misspellings.) for God sakes, the God of gaming himself. The ONLY memorable E3 event as of late from Nintendo was that Miyamoto stepped on stage with a shield and a sword from the Legend of Zelda. That stuck in gamers minds long after the event happened, Miyamoto is like the Steve Jobs of gaming.He can make mistakes, but he's such a legend that there's a lot of leeway for him. Sony doesn't have as much as a powerhouse behind them public figure wise, but their company is tight knit. You can see it when they're on E3 and making jokes to each other and talking about going to Indie developers houses and playing with them on the PS4. The last conference they brought out the creator of the PS4 on stage and gave him full credit for the design of the product. That brings their own charm and power that attracts people to their product. Not many companies can freely admit to doing it. They might have ****ed up with the 3, but they came back as a powerhouse and learned from their mistakes with the 4 and are a viable threat in this round of the console wars because they are doing everything in their power to show that they care about the consumers and will do anything to please not only the developers, but the consumers to show that they're like family. Microsoft so far has had it's public figures bully the press, harass customers, insult quite a good deal of the fanbase not including the armed forces, flat-out lie, delete and censore a lot of their bad press, and even pay people to make their product look good. Their public figures SPEARHEADED this without even trying to censor themselves or the people below them. They refuse a lot of the small publishers with their policies and haven't tried to communicate with their buyers at all. They were great with the 360, but now their public figure has destroyed them and they are looking for a new one or maybe even not doing that and replacing him with a man who drove Bill Gates nuts if his profile is right to represent the product and the company. A good public figure despite the blows, apologizes, tries to reacquaint himself with his fans, and tries to make sure it doesn't happen again. This hasn't happened at all with Microsoft.
I think it's changed to a different world. Nintendo number one was a MASSIVE power house during it's time. It had 90% of the market a lot during the 80's and 90's. It dominated for a long time, and a lot of the fans love their products because they grew up with them. Even now Nintendo is showing signs of strain, though admittedly that's not from bad publicity mostly. Microsoft has a huge competitor from Sony and doesn't have the same power and influence as Nintendo. Yes, granted, it has Halo, and maybe the exclusives will knock the customers out of the park. But I don't see it not being severely hurt from this. Also, while Microsoft was floundering about with this fiasco, Sony has been plugging away without a word. They have been KILLING sales with the PS4 without two words about their product and/or anything else ever since E3 because they don't NEED to. They have been open and honest and there have been no rumors going around. If there are, it's been sure as hell well hidden if there's any loopholes to their product while Microsoft has been leaking all over the place with barely any damage control. Microsoft has ****ed up big time, and it's no longer like the 90's when Nintendo was a monopoly practically. They are going to suffer dearly for it because of their mistakes and the customers have already made their choice. Also with all this bad publicity, they don't trust Microsoft after all this time to NOT take back their word and have this happen in the future. It's not as fast as you think it is, Atlas.
I still think that it'll take a long time for Microsoft to recover from this. The fact that Nelson is still there doesn't help much, he might be the nicest guy in the world, but him strong arming Angry Joe and acting like he did for the press really stuck with me. Microsoft might make it through this generation, but if they make another console, they're really going to have to rethink their policies very carefully. Yes, Mattrick did the most damage, but he had help along the way. The wounds aren't going to heal overnight, there's going to be a lot of people refusing to buy the console even with Mattrick gone and the wounds are going to remain open because of his actions and honestly... Microsoft's lack of action during all this. Orth was fired for a few tweets, Mattrick insulted the gaming base, our armed forces defending our country and drove away millions of customers in droves and most likely hired the people who are still in Microsoft like Nelson and other people who helped make this train wreck happen and made it worse. Even AFTER Mattrick finally was shut up, Nelson still opened his mouth and insulted people and insisted the One was the best console and Sony had "no chance". Even AFTER it was publicly announced Mattrick would no longer be doing press releases there was bad publicity going around because others weren't learning from what Mattrick was doing. They are not fired, hell, Nelson is probably going to work there until he's retired. Microsoft should've stopped this a lot faster, it's not as simple as firing one person, they're not going to recover as quickly as people predict even with the celebration because of everything that happened. Mattrick was someone who needed to be removed, but it won't help Microsoft in the long run. The wounds won't heal that fast and they're still in deep trouble for his actions and the people he couldn't control and/or Microsoft couldn't control are not going to repair this quickly.
Pretty much my reaction. I still love it. =3
Mattrick REALLY didn't do well this year for Microsoft. He was one of the major spearheaders of the Xbox One and the fans reaction who will buy the system was mostly terrible. The backlash was even worse even before they showed the console in a press conference because of the rumors going on. When the One was shown, none of the issues that people had and the rumors being spread were confirmed and then afterwards there were more leaks than a leaky faucet. Some were fake, most were real. The backlash got worse and even the biggest fans of the Xbox went to Sony in flat-out refusal of buying the system. This included 24 hour Internet check in, lack of games, though some waited for E3, the Kinect always being on, and no buying/selling used games without a most likely sixty dollar fee tacked on. Xbox did nothing to really stop all this and actually made it worse before E3 by posting their policies that confirmed everything that most of the fans really were angry about and didn't want. Not including some actually don't really fit into the spectrum of the new console requirement. I for instance don't have enough space for a Kinect and didn't like the prospect of having one in my home, even if you can turn it off, the mic is still on, I depend heavily on used games on my budget, buying and selling, and I have an unreliable Internet which most of my state has the same issue. Mattrick went on after E3 where Sony publicly spanked Xbox by telling the media on stage during THEIR conference that they were doing the complete opposite of everything MS was doing. I predicted along with many others if they did that, they'd win the war. Mattrick decided in a public interview to tell a reporter with a microphone problem they were fixing with the camera still rolling, mind you, that he didn't see the problem with always online issues and that there's a console if you have a bad Internet called the 360. He somehow forgot to mention that his competitor just publicly said that you didn't have to worry about that with their new console. He also went on to mention the biggest concern was the armed forces. Who in their spare time of not fighting do play video games. I have heard a lot of soldiers who are off duty right now mentioning this and a friend of mine studying to be a naval officer at a military academy telling me that it would be impossible via live. This would not be optional for the forces, they couldn't play the one, period. Mattrick said he didn't know what it was like to be in a nuclear sub, but he said he guessed they couldn't play the system either. I haven't even gotten into MS deleting the original interview, harassing customers at the Nintendo Best Buy E3 event which if it's true I still see Nintendo doing a huge backlash on MS and Best Buy for allowing that **** to happen, and paying people to not only give good reviews and comments about their product, but bullying the press into making their product sound better than it is. Angry Joe interviewed Major Nelson and the guy yanked his mic out of his hand and was very in your face during the whole interview. That and the PR was harassing Joe off Camera so much that he admitted afterwards he felt tremendously uncomfortable and didn't get to do some of his questions. That's not Mattrick directly, but he's in charge of these people and should have better control of situations like this. Both Mattrick and Nelson, granted, went on with this whole publicity stunt from E3 until now heavily defending the One and it's policies saying it's the "future" and it's "great for gaming". Without ever really explaining WHY except saying their policies would be best for gaming and the new future. This drove more and more fans away and a lot even now are refusing to buy the system because they simply don't trust a word MS says about their policies and/or the fact that they tried to do this in the first place. That and Mattrick hasn't said a word in apology for his ******* comments and insults to the armed forces and people who were angry about his comments in the last seven months. Even when he finally retracted all the policies, he said it in such an insulting way some people said that it made it look like it was OUR fault that this was changed, he also removed the things that were good for the console because of what the consumers said about his policies. This has been a very bad backlash amongst gamers who blame the complainers for the removal of the good stuff from the One. Maybe Mattrick has some talent, maybe he's a good guy who just ran into a shitton of bad luck that is plaguing him and he's too stubborn to realize it. Maybe it's because the fact his ego is too huge right now to realize he's been an idiot who pissed a lot of people off, or maybe he's always been like this and this is the first time he's crashed down so hard from his pedestal. The 360 was spectacular, Halo 3 is still one of my favorite games, Mass Effect Series was amazing, the Kinect........ Well, some people liked it, I have heard a lot of negativity also, especially from gamers. But right now, the reason why people are celebrating is because they have seen him in the last six months drag not only the Xbox brand, but Microsoft through the festering mud so much that they have lost a good amount of their base. Its not just Mattrick, I see others involved, but he was in charge and he called the shots. And he made a lot of terrible ones recently enough for people to hate him.
Mattrick isn't CEO of MS, he's president of the Xbox division with a fancy title. Anyway, dear Lord... There goes the MSS Titanic. :P
I wouldn't be bashing too much, I'm not sure... All I know was that he took Bill Gates's spot after he left MS. If he was CEO during the time Windows 8 came out, then yes, I totally agree with you. They're quickly falling apart there and it is a bad sign they keep on hiring people who are famous for not listening to people who are going to buy their product.
He might not have had much say. MS might have been pushing for him to leave since the One became a huge fiasco. And I have no idea who Steve Ballmer is. TO GOOGLE!!!!! EDIT: ...... Wait.......... Is he the one who made Windows 8 DESPITE all the complaints about how terrible it is and they needed to fix all the ****** problems and then just flipped off their users with making a windows box that leads to that interface which is impossible without a touchpad? If so............... **** me.