Yeah, once in a while.
Don't think that I can reach 10, but I'll try: 1. If you have a screaming kid, leave the building. Especially if it's in a bookstore/library. You can't control the kid, you shouldn't be in public with them, even if you want to go out, you're ruining other people's lives. 2. Spanking is okay as long as it's not excessive and it gets your point across. 3. Most Churches at some point will be corrupt and will take your money for some things other than charity, and will use their positions to get out of things that they really shouldn't. 4. It's okay to express your opinion in public as long as it's something that won't have an angry mob after you and/or is illegal.It's not okay to talk about gross things, like how you dreamt last night how you were beheaded in very graphic detail at a grocery store in line so other people who are waiting can't leave or that someone has diarrhea after your co-worker said they have a weak stomach and can't handle that stuff. 5. Clean up after your dog, always. I don't care how disgusting it is, clean up after it. Other people have to walk the same place as your dog. (Not as popular as you think.) 6. If you have a dog that's aggressive, don't bring it to public places, ESPECIALLY off the leash. And ESPECIALLY with children. You can't control the dog, you shouldn't have it and you shouldn't be walking it in an area where it will attack another animal/person. No matter what Fluffy does at home, a lawsuit isn't that fun. 7. Do a favor to a neighbor once in a while without extra add-ons, it won't kill you and they might return the favor someday. 8. If you have a squalling baby who's screaming in someone's ear/kid kicking the back of the seat with someone in front of you and the person is getting really irritated, take the kid outside/move to another seat. Don't ruin everyone elses vacation because of your bratty kid/crying baby. It ruins other people's times and not too many people enjoy a baby screaming in their ear during their meals/waiting for a table, and the kicking the back of a persons seat/rubbing their head against their back, constantly poking, even if you apologize, gets downright irritating very fast if the kid doesn't stop, if not, tell the family off, or tell the kid off without the parent being pissed off you did it. 9. People are allowed to harm/put stuff on their body in any way possible, but not on a crowded trolley going 40 down a highway while spraying on bugspray for your little kid who is going to lose the protection as soon as she jumps in the ocean at her stop. Especially when people are around you who can get it in their eyes/mouth because you didn't do it in your hotel room. But if someone puts it on where you can get away from it, just move if you don't like it. Don't scream at the person who's putting it on because you don't want to move your kids. 10. In no conditions is it right to hurt/corner an animal, even if it's just shoving a terrified kitten in front of a dog and torturing it to the point where it feels cornered and can't leave. Nor is it right declawing animals for your convenience. Just neuter the animal, the rest should be fine. At the same time, cats and dogs if given an option, if they don't like something, they'll leave. They don't need input from people to decide on what to do, they can handle it all by themselves and if not, they'll cry for help. they don't need people there 24/7 breathing on them to make sure they're okay. I hope that works.
Though Zombie U might not be that good. (Never played it myself...) The lackluster E3 for Nintendo this year shows an underlying problem, not including in 2011 they lost 900 million in a year. A huge number even for a powerhouse like Nintendo. They're driving off third party developers and throwing the same **** out at us. Yes, there's original games, No More Heroes, Xenoblade, those two were fantastic. But compare that to Sony and Microsoft. Halo, Heavy Rain, The Last of Us, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Portal, I could name hundreds more that are made by third parties. You can't keep on throwing out the same **** and expect results. This reminds me of the N64 era when they drove off Square by refusing to make cd's for Final Fantasy VII, remember how that worked out? When Nintendo dominated, when I was a little kid, Nintendo was the **** to own. There was hundreds of games to choose from, if you didn't like a genre, fine, pick another game from the system that fits your needs. there's hundreds of those games out there to choose from. It's not that way anymore for Nintendo. There's still people who feel it's what it was 20 years ago, but the numbers are dwindling each generation. I saw today how thrilled someone was that they finally came out with a remake of Earthbound though that has been BEGGED for ever since I would say the Gamecube, not including Mother 3 which never touched U.S. soil. In a decade from now, or 20 years, do you honestly think you'd be as thrilled if they came out with say, Super Smash Bros. 9 remake? Mario Party 9 remake? Even if Nintendo exists? Do you see people begging for a remake of Pokemon, I mean, a mass amount, not a few people here and there. It's two factors: The games are the same that they have been for decades with few new ones. Sony notice, doesn't depend on The Last of Us, or Final Fantasy, or any other one game that is going to be a sequel of it at some point, MS doesn't, well, though Halo is debatable. Nintendo however is bringing back again and again, a game that has the same formula since 25 years ago. They drive off the new blood with their standards, and the old blood is getting really old and worn out.
It's also a problem when you don't bring in fresh blood. Shigeru Miyamotou is considered a gaming god, he has been around since 1980 making ideas for Nintendo. But that still doesn't mean that new ideas and new blood shouldn't brought in. Hence my suggestion on third party developers. They do need to listen to the customers, and the customers need to stop attacking people who want to make suggestions and complain about Nintendo right now. Someone posted a video about Nintendo's problems and I commented on how I don't really enjoy the games anymore and the Wii became a paperweight. I got hate mail for weeks afterwards before I finally deleted it. There's always going to be rabid fanboys, but not enough to keep a system going. It has happened a lot in the past, it will happen again.
Eh... I just get a twitch around SFA and I have played it through once and really didn't enjoy it. I do have to agree with you on DKC, though... They stripped everything of the good parts of DKC with the Wii game. It kinda reminded me of Diddy Kong Racing and Super Mario Bros. Wii.
I semi-consider 64 a DKC game, enough to put it as part of the Old vs. New. Just not enough for it really to be considered nostalgic, that's for sure. The Wii game was made by another company. Rare was given to MS around the Xbox 360 era, I think. But it is definitely owned by MS now. The last game Rare made for Nintendo was Star Fox Adventures. (Anyone want to know how that turned out? :P Probably another time.)
This week on Old vs. New, we're exploring a series that I have fond childhood memories of: Donkey Kong Country. So, what do you prefer? The old games of just a small controller, skill and a lot of luck with a semi-long storyline, a lot of platforming very little gimmicks with a steep difficulty and not many characters? Or the new one/ones (depending if you count 64 on this) With a complicated controller with motion controls, a lot of gimmicks, a complicated storyline, but not much platforming and little skill? I myself prefer the old ones. I LOVED these games growing up. One of my fondest memories was going to a friends house and playing the first game when I was a kid. I also later on got the sequels and though not as fond as I was before with them, I still found a nostalgia with the series that made me keep coming back. I lost interest in 64, it just didn't have the charm or the enjoyability of the old games. I also found it frustrating on a lot of levels, like a lot of games being made by Nintendo at the time, it was trying the "collection" route and I seriously didn't like the gameplay due to it. Though I liked the rap. I did try the new one that recently came out, but I found myself uninterested in it, especially with the Wii Mote. I found myself trying the demo, but leaving totally unsatisfied that it wasn't the same memories of my childhood.
EDIT: Fixed it, n/m.
I would have to say in my opinion: She did know but either trusted him enough to keep her safe, or she didn't want to know what happened. After the trauma of something like what she went through a bit earlier, she most likely is still recovering from it.
Actually, I am neutral about this one. Because granted, I never really played as much as I should to offer an opinion. I do note I like games that are hard because of the way that it was made to be. A shining example of this is Ecco the Dolphin series, which is hard as hell even with a guide because of the gameplay and level design, but is never cheap. If it has nothing to do with the programming/glitches, I enjoy a hard/challenging game, a lot of people do. It's one of the reasons Castlevania has lasted as long as it has.
I live in a tourist area, and the stories I can tell you about traffic and people being pissed off... I have basically seen it all, people revving engines, people passing you on wrong side, people honking, people shouting at you, people cutting you off... I haven't even mentioned what a hazard it is like for me as a pedestrian. It's gotten so bad I don't feel safe crossing the highway during the summer WITH a crosswalk which by law states you have to stop for a pedestrian and a lot of drivers get pissed at you for doing so. I had recently a woman threaten to get a policeman over because I was holding a parking spot for my mom in a pretty empty lot. We wanted to see the fireworks and it would get mobbed later on and we wanted to be able to get out safely. My mom in her car came up right behind the car and the woman refused to go and I finally left because I thought maybe she had a gun, which I have heard happening. Road rage is real, and its a thousand times worse when it comes to tourists. Everyone's either, A: In a hurry to get somewhere faster than everyone else. B: On vacation and want everything to go their way perfectly 100% of the time and **** everyone else. C: Drunk as hell and don't know what they're doing. D: Are filled with anger/testosterone enough to try and destroy everyone on the road because they believe they have a right to and are better than anyone else. E: They're texting/have a screaming kid in the back/distracted by something else. I haven't even mentioned motorcycles and bicycles. Lets face it: Give anyone anything other than their feet, hell, sometimes even their feet, at some point there's going to be an accident and it most likely will happen from one of the above. My mom barely drives on holidays anymore because the last time she did, her car was totaled by a teenager who broke her wrist.
That is poor decision making. Unfortunately, I see it happening all over the world where poor people aren't given another thought. Even in the U.S. There's also riots exploding all over India because of this. Apparently the lunches were contaminated with insecticide. There's still investigations going on about it. Dear God, what a travesty. I do hope it is an accident, but it doesn't sound like it. My thoughts and prayers go out to the children and their families.
I also haven't been around for a long time, so I won't remember everything. :P how's life? Wow, I want to play League of Legends, I might be paid more, if I injure my knee lifting my PC, does that count as a sport injury? Okay, okay... All joking aside, I think this is stupid, but noted... Very funny. Sorry if it's in the wrong spot.
Welcome to this weeks, old vs new, we're studying one of the most classic series out there this week, Castlevania. I have played a bit of Castlevania, Super Castlevania IV,, and halfway through Symphony of the Night. But I did watch the Angry Video Game Nerds dedication to the series and have actually seen some trailers/a playthrough of some other games. So here we go: What do you prefer? The old version of platforming, very hard gaming with cheap deaths, difficult jumps, and hard enemies with very little storyline, two weapons and side scrolling linearity? Or the new versions, with a Metroid feel of massive exploration, easier gameplay, but with different types of gameplay, including the 3D versions? Or do you like both equally? NOTE: If you have any ideas for me to do, send me a PM with the series that has changed over the years from the start of gaming to 2000 that still runs today. It could be just one game that's a remake, it could be a series. You will get credit. Thank you.
I totally agree with you, libre. The ending itself despite it being pretty straightforward has brought up a ton of arguments on the Internet due to what happens and what people think should have happened and the decision making process on both sides. On a game with no morals and/or right or wrong it seems, except for maybe Joel and Ellie, the ending tears deep into the moral values and right and wrong vs a whole bunch of issues. There are so many unknown factors that are never mentioned, never thought of. I typed up a huge essay if anyone's interested that goes MASSIVELY in depth about the ending and most of the interpretations/thoughts I got from it: Warning: THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!!!!!!!!! I really don't know how to post spoiler tags here, I'd give you the gist of it if I could. :/ Basically, there's a reason on each point that is brought up in the ending in my POV. And several unknown factors, including my questions on where the rest of the world, including U.S.'s allies are right now after 20 years with no peep from them.
I tried to play it, but me and horror games, even survival horror don't do well with me. I did watch a playthrough of it. And the ending is a shocker, a HUGE shocker that comes out of left field in my opinion and also heavily debated. Contact me after you see the ending, I always enjoy talking to people about it. I've heard both sides of the debate on a sequel, so i don't know.
I actually see it happening because there were fans upset by the changes. Enough to make it be changed? Hell no, I just hope it doesn't boost MS's ego back up after being kicked in E3 so they'll think about this again in the future.