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  1. Sara
    Just looking at the chart for the Wii U showing the games show why it's not selling. The games are very scattered and very small. look at Wii, N64 and SNES. I remember most of those games from the system. Granted, Super Mario Bros and Pikimin will always be a seller. But look at the SNES, 64 and GC. They made games practically every MONTH and the charts show it for people flocking to buy the system. Even though Wii doesn't show as high of a game seller, a lot of people bought it for the motion controls. I remember it coming out and senior citizen homes/families/etc buying the system along with families because of the motion controls. Does that make it a system seller, once the people who are buying it for the gimmicks run out, no. The games have been and always will be the most important part of gaming.
    Post by: Sara, Aug 1, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  2. Sara
    Not really, they lost 926 million in 2009 and 26 million the year before. I don't know the recent numbers, but I saw a video about it. That's not good for any business.
    Post by: Sara, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  3. Sara
    I also challenge that people don't buy for just Nintendo games:

    Earthbound/Mother Trilogy, Chrono Trigger, Mega Man, Final Fantasy before it moved, DKC before it went to Wii, No More Heroes, Xenoblade Chronicles...

    All those games still have HUGE demand and are made by third parties. Go to Amazon and look at Xenoblade Chronicles demand right now and say they didn't get the shaft for going to Nintendo. People WANT third party games also, the problem is that the third party right now usually concerns of Carnival Fun House, Monopoly, and other such games. The good ones are still out there. Zombie U being debatable, but not enough for more people to buy the system.

    If you look at The Last of Us, people are BITCHING about the fact they don't have a PS3, or they're going out to buy one right now. A console is coming out in less than a year and people WANT that game because of how fantastic it looks and plays. They need to bring in the third parties and hold onto them.

    Also, Miyamoto is in charge of a department, he's actually in charge of all the major game series for Nintendo. It's on his Wiki, I did hear he was in charge of a branch of Nintendo.

    To comment on what you said, Libre, if you look at before the 64 era, maybe even GC, they had a HUGE game library of variety. Yes, some was made by Rare and Square, but a lot was made by third parties. They didn't need to depend as much on their formula, Castlevania, Metroid, and the Legend of Zelda didn't actually become much bigger until the 64/GC era. Before that, they were making game per console and still bringing in a ton of cash because the third party games like The Legend of Gaia, Super Mario RPG (I know that was Nintendo made, but not fully.), and a ton more. They actually need to go back to the formula they had before and try to find third parties that make fantastic games willing to help them in between their regular games.
    Post by: Sara, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  4. Sara
    Most of the time, I think about what my plans are for the weekend, or something funny I watched/read, sometimes in my darkest moments, I think about what I'm going to do when I finally quit or lose it at my job.

    My job is pretty rough, I have a bully who constantly harasses me. :/
    Post by: Sara, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  5. Sara
    I already mentioned many times what Nintendo needs to do to pull out of it's funk in my opinion. I won't mention it again.

    I do wonder if they're just competing with XBox for the worst console ever, or they honestly are just making terrible mistakes. I don't know when Miyamoto got in charge of the major franchise games, and I used to blame NOA, who is basically the one who treated the third parties so poorly the last generation at least in the U.S, there was a LOT of third party games like the Xenoblade Chronicles that didn't make it overseas and/or when they did got screwed over. But there's something wrong with Nintendo right now and it's not improving.

    Miyamotou makes fantastic games, I mean, spectacular. The guy mostly turns everything into gold from ideas. But that doesn't mean he has a good business sense. You need to have a feel for a company before going into it, you have to know how to run a business, no matter what it is. Even without an education, it can come naturally. He might be way out of his depth and not even know it anymore. At some point, something has to give, I just don't know what. Nintendo can't constantly keep on doing this despite gamers claiming they can run another three generations and lose a ton of money, economics and business, especially stock brokers, don't see it that way.
    Post by: Sara, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  6. Sara
    I usually get my games at a store nearby that sells WAY cheaper than Gamestop used and has a much better policy. If it's a game I know I really want when it comes out, I preorder at gamestop. Everything else I get at Best Buy, including consoles because they offer the best warranty without much hassle.
    Post by: Sara, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  7. Sara
    I have parking problems, too... A town a few miles from where I live is a huge tourist spot. (*the Bush's have a summer home there*) And parking is impossible, it doesn't help the main parking lot was removed for a 20 room hotel and eight parking spots for it. (I'm dead serious.)

    I find it more a "We get money from them, so we tolerate it." My state depends heavily on tourists year round. Whether it's summer for the beaches, hiking, swimming, fishing, etc... Or the winter which brings in skiing, snowboarding, sledding and other winter activities. One thing I do enjoy is that I can just walk down the street and get a bunch of great food depending what I feel like as long as it's not Mexican. (My state lacks that one.)Including baked goods and candy.

    Like I said before, usually it's pretty good, but recently the tourists have turned pretty nasty. One year I spent the whole summer on the trolly with no problems and this year I'm running into a slew of incidents. Dunno what it is.
    Post by: Sara, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  8. Sara
    This does include games. :P There seems some confusion, so I added that at the top.
    Post by: Sara, Jul 28, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  9. Sara

    Apparently the developer got really upset on the fact that the cutscenes were posted online and now refuses to make anymore story modes in Super Smash Brothers.

    I am guessing, and I heard this, that Nintendo was already planning on this and they are just blaming the Let's Players and fans because they don't want to take responsibility. I honestly haven't played Super Smash Brothers except the first one and a few times on the Gamecube. So I really don't care otherwise.

    What irritates me is Nintendo's policy of people who post these videos and what they think of them. Yes, they'll lose some customers who will just watch it online and not buy the game. But there will be more who they lose because of the fact they're removing story mode which from what it sounds like a lot of people are angry about. This is free advertising for them and they still treat people who do this like they're the sole reason why they're losing profits. But that's just my opinion.
    Post by: Sara, Jul 28, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  10. Sara
    Games are allowed, too... Make it more interesting. Hence me talking about the games from the SNES era.
    Post by: Sara, Jul 28, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  11. Sara
    Since this is the tenth posting old vs. New, I decided to make it a bit different:

    This week we're talking about consoles.

    Not the games you play, but the devices you play them on. They have been around since the 1970's if not earlier, and most likely everyone at least once in their lifetime owned the different brands that still exist today, hell, I still have my Genesis and kept my SNES until a few years ago. So here's the question:

    What do you prefer? The old versions of consoles with simpler graphics/music/save features/some hardware problems (anyone who has had to blow into a game to get it to work knows what I mean) with a huge variety of games which always seemed to stretch the imagination and bring back a twinge of nostalgia? Or the newer consoles, with the latest cutting edge graphics/music/technology with Internet, communication to people around the world, and gimmicks like motion controls and Kinect? Or do you like both equally?

    I actually have been thinking hard about this for several weeks, at the end, I decided that despite my love for the games that are now out. Portal, Assassin's Creed (except III), Kingdom Hearts, and tons of other games, there's a twinge of nostalgia that never goes away when you pick up an old controller and turn on that system. There's something unique about remembering Nintendo at it's prime and seeing it duke it out with Sega while making the groundbreakers that will change gaming history.

    Watching a playthrough of Earthbound, playing Final Fantasy VI and playing Sonic the Hedgehog 3 always makes me go back to when I was a little kid playing games on the SNES. Earthbound was one of the first rpg's outside of Final Fantasy to touch U.S. soil that REALLY opened people's eyes to the possibilities of the genre. A game guide that told you everything you needed to know helped.When it came along along with several others, it solidified the genre which made paths for other games to come along.

    So despite my love for the new games and that I will hop onto the 360 any day and play Halo, I never forget the roots of gaming and my love as a kid playing the Master System while fighting with my brother on who's turn it was to play. Nostalgia wins this time.

    Thread by: Sara, Jul 28, 2013, 7 replies, in forum: Gaming
  12. Sara
  13. Sara
  14. Sara
    Eh... If someone wants to move it, go ahead... I do have a feeling someone will object, though.

    After all, it happens all the time in my area. :p

    I do agree with you, it's one thing to take advantage of the situation if it happens by luck and/or something good just happens. It's another to just harass and bully the locals/other vacationers to make your vacation perfect.
    Post by: Sara, Jul 27, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  15. Sara
    It's an old joke from a commercial, I'll try to dig it up. Hey Viv, how's it going?[DOUBLEPOST=1374972531][/DOUBLEPOST]

    There you go. :P
    Post by: Sara, Jul 27, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Sara
    Soda...... Or....... Pop?

    Choose wisely. :P
    Thread by: Sara, Jul 27, 2013, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Sara
    As I mentioned before, I live in a tourist area. My state gets a ton of tourists coming here every day from everywhere in the U.S., most of them are pretty nice and even enjoy sitting and talking to you about local places they should try out, where they live, etc... There have been a few rude people here and there, but this year:

    I'm getting a slew of bad tourists running through the state. People revving their engines, people getting out and screaming threats to other drivers, a drunk woman wanting to set off her own private fireworks at the 4th. (True story.) A couple ignoring their kid kicking the front of the seat on public transportation even though the person in front of them is getting extremely irritated, a kid getting fly spray put on on public transportation and ignoring the fact that everyone around them is complaining.

    A good example is today was that there was a wedding going on at the beach. I was on a bus heading home from the beach and living in the area, I knew there was a place where it was a trap. There's a roundabout where once you enter, the only way to exit is to go all the way around. The wedding was happening about three feet away and there was a truck parked at the end of the roundabout to the point where the bus couldn't get through. The driver tried to get their attention for several minutes before leaning on his horn. A few guests came over and started screaming obscenities at the driver and threatening him with violence. They even tried to break through the driver's side door to get to him. They finally moved the car, but there was a lot of families around and a ton of little kids who heard the whole thing, I also reported it to the police along with the driver.

    So, what do you think, do you think people should make their vacations enjoyable as possible even if it ruins it for everyone else or the people who live locally have to suffer through it?
    Thread by: Sara, Jul 27, 2013, 7 replies, in forum: Discussion
  18. Sara

    I scawed...

    I witnessed a crime. D:

    I was on the trolley, and there was a wedding going on next to a place that bottlenecks, meaning there's only one way to get in and out at a roundabout. There was a car parked totally blocking the way for the trolley, they run on a tight schedule and the driver when they ignored him leaned on the horn.

    Guests came over and started screaming at the driver, swearing and calling him a "******" and banging on the bus and trying to break through the drivers door. He called the cops and so did I reporting what was going on. They finally moved the car, but I was worried about what was going to happen later so I didn't stick around town.

    I never had that happen during my whole life of growing up in the town. D:
    Thread by: Sara, Jul 27, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Sara
    Eh... I'll say organizations. Though honestly I'm not a huge fan of churches overall because of what happened with my dad and churches. And the aftermath. I do think that most churches will at some point. It is also my opinion, though. :P
    Post by: Sara, Jul 27, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  20. Sara
    Profile Post Comment

    Yeah, but I REALLY didn't like it.

    Yeah, but I REALLY didn't like it.
    Profile Post Comment by Sara, Jul 26, 2013