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  1. Sara
    Oh yeah, anyone who doesn't know about the shut down:

    The U.S. can't agree on the budget for this year. Because of this, they have shut down most U.S. government jobs except the post office, a lot of marines on reserve in my state were shoved out the door for a while without pay today until further notice. The government has spent this time drinking booze and dragging this process out in hopes of getting a better election rate next year. And yes, there are tweets from congressman that confirms they are drinking while debating this.

    Hence my comments about the shooting happening because of the backlash from this. I honestly am glad again I stopped voting on either side of the party. I hope they wake up from this and finally make a decision before more incidents happen.
    Post by: Sara, Oct 3, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  2. Sara

    I am guessing this has to do with the shut-down. I don't blame them fully, but I still wouldn't do a shooting. I just got on CNN and found this. This is VERY new news.
    Thread by: Sara, Oct 3, 2013, 9 replies, in forum: Current Events
  3. Sara
    That's the law in my state, dude. If a car hits a biker, no matter what the circumstances, the driver of the car is at fault and has to pay the charges for the motorcycle and any injury sustained to the cyclist. It's probably different in other states, but that's the law in mine.

    Oh yeah, and apparently some of the cyclists filmed this whole incident. There's links in the article.
    Post by: Sara, Oct 2, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  4. Sara

    A note and probably a rant:

    I live in a VERY quiet town with a booming motorcycle bar right outside of town. The motorcyclists drive through town without mufflers which is illegal in my town if not my state. They cut people off and weave in and out of traffic like it's their playground without any regard of people who are driving cars, including cutting them off, passing in the wrong lane, weaving in and out of lanes and not giving any **** about cars, and basically making everyone else's life a living hell on the road. Sometimes even giving the driver's of the car a hard time. They do do good causes, a lot of charity events. But they also cause the most accidents in my area. They expect us to stop for them no matter how dangerous it gets, and due to the laws of my state, the driver of the car is held responsible for any accident or injury.

    The driver of an SUV, with a two year old in the backseat mind you, had a motorcyclist in a gang which is where most of the reckless driving come from from what I've seen. Cut him off and slam on the brakes within inches of the SUV. The driver had no time to stop and tapped the cyclist. The SUV got off the freeway and they followed him and started to destroy his car and slashed his tires, and he in a panic took off when he was at a stop light, he also hit one of the motorcyclists because of the motorcyclists vicinity being so close, broke one cyclists legs. He didn't get far before they caught up, they then apparently dragged him out of the car at that point and severely beat him.

    He is right now in a coma at the hospital and paralyzed.

    Words can't describe how angry I am about this. The fact that people are defending the actions of the biker makes me more angry. He called 911 to let them know about the gang before this incident happened, I don't know what happened with this call, but apparently whatever it was, it wasn't fast enough to stop this tragedy from happening. The fact that they were on the news today giving you instructions on how to handle situations like this which means it happens more often than I wish to think, shakes me to my core. Especially what I mentioned in the first paragraph.

    My thoughts and prayers go to the SUV' drivers' family.[DOUBLEPOST=1380768612][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh yeah, apparently the group: Hollywood Stuntz, the group who did this has a motto of: "We Run This City." Along with a Youtube channel showing more dangerous stunts they've done. And this is their second assault.

    Lovely. ><
    Thread by: Sara, Oct 2, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Current Events
  5. Sara
    Thanks for the warning in the post, mods...

    Please do be considerate of the graphic content of the subject and don't go into detail and warn about graphic links. Thank you.

    Yeah, I do love animals and hate abuse, but I hate how PETA throws a fit about fake games and tries to make everyone sound like monsters.
    Post by: Sara, Sep 30, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  6. Sara
    My initial knee-jerk reaction: "Oh my God..." *laughter in voice*

    It does seem like the original Xbox controllers. Anyone who owned an original first market Xbox in the U.S. probably know what I'm talking about, it was f'ing huge and couldn't fit people's hands well. They even have it in articles as one of the worst mistakes in gaming history. Along with top five worst controllers ever made... Just size wise, I don't see myself, someone with small hands, being able to hold this comfortably.

    The controls, eh... I don't see myself using it. I like something other than touch screen to use. It's just me, I like joysticks and D-pads, call me old fashioned, but I'm comfortable and used to it. The buttons I see as another problem on the way that they're spread out. The PS3 and Xbox, hell, the Genesis, SNES, NES, N64... All had easily accessible buttons that you could just move your thumb a little bit and use it. Which is fantastic when you're doing a combo and/or going through an event where you have to remember the buttons quickly and press them fast which is NOT just QTE, there are games that also use this. I don't see this as being as easy.

    I don't know, if you play Halo and need to constantly switch weapons and other strategies or a game like that, it's going to be a ***** also because with quick switching and other types of strategy will be hard. Though maybe I'm wrong. I am not trying to be totally negative, but something about this controller rubs me the wrong way every single way possible.
    Post by: Sara, Sep 30, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  7. Sara
    Like I said, they see the horses going to the parks. (about two blocks away) and consider it abuse. That and I think they reference other cities, like Quebec where I saw with my own eyes how horribly the horses are treated and abused and probably associate that with the horses in New York City. Another is that once in a while there is an accident. Which happens, can happen to any horse in any place. Whether it's a barn, pasture or city. Horses spook and take off, it's their instinct, when in a blind panic, they will crash into things without seeing it. Hell, there are horses that slip and fall in pasture, shatter their legs and are put down at sight. It's life.

    There's also ones who reference that the concrete is bad for them. Which might be true, but they're specially shod for pavement. The farrier who does the carriage horses works with the mounted police horses shoes in New York also. One video brought up "very flammable and dangerous" hay is in the same place as horses. Anyone who knows about hay knows it's not flammable unless a spark is lit or it's moldy. (Which makes it combustible and can and will start a fire if not found and removed instantly.) And that most barns, if not all have hay in the same barn as the horses for easy access amongst other things.
    Post by: Sara, Sep 29, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  8. Sara
    Alright, I've been in a heated argument with several people about this issue, and I'm curious.

    Do you think the horse and carriage rides in New York City are abuse or not?

    It's a very heated debate that's been going on for several years now: One side saying that the horses are treated fantastically and get time off up North during the year and the stable's conditions aren't as bad as people say. To it's completely inhumane and horses should never live in the city, even for a few months in converted apartment buildings going on pavement and/or breathing fumes.

    A good point for carriage rides is a youtube channel called: StopLiesSeeTruth which is videotaped by a carriage driver who owns three horses.

    The counterpoint is the Humane Society and most likely other channels easily found on Youtube if anyone wants a reference.

    I personally have ridden for several years. I don't claim to be an expert on horses, but have worked around them and have also volunteered at even therapeutic stables and watched videos of horse trainers. After seeing both sides, I would have to say those horses, despite being in converted apartments for six weeks each rotation, live a great life.

    The stalls are made out of wood on the bottom half and iron bars on the top so horses can socialize without fighting. There's mister fans used for the summer and the horses have windows on three sides of the building with plenty of natural light and artificial light. The barns are inspected by the city and state of New York along with the ASPCA. There's tons of hay and straw and the stalls are big enough for the horses to turn around and lay down in.

    The horses also go to the park where by law there's a trough for them to get water, which they have to do twice per shift. They also have water under the carriage along with grain for food and water source. The horses work at the most about eight hours and they doze at the stables and waiting for customers. It seems like a great business and I hope it continues.
    Thread by: Sara, Sep 29, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  9. Sara
    Huh... Another update:

    In Defense of Animals, another animal organization is throwing a fit on Grand Theft Auto V for running over animals in the game. They are calling it "realistic" and "it paints a large target on animals in real life." That and they believe people will go out and kill animals after killing them in the game.

    Post by: Sara, Sep 29, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  10. Sara

    I am pretty shocked and angry that this happened. I can't believe someone did this, course, we have the console wars coming up, and I still remember the PS3 where they sold only 3 consoles per store at the release and someone broke their jaw crashing into a solid steel pole in a stampede for a PS3.

    A good news update: A friend of his gave him his game, then Gamestop gave him a Limited Edition for free and someone else gave him a bus pass. I am happy it did work out, the couple who attacked him were arrested for the assault.
    Thread by: Sara, Sep 29, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: Current Events
  11. Sara
    Hey, I want to get into the series, but I wanted to get into the original one first.

    But I can't find it anywhere. Can someone link me to the original or do I have to buy the new series? Thanks in advance.
    Post by: Sara, Sep 21, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  12. Sara


    Season 11...

    Being brutally honest... If you like canon, skip season 10. Seriously... I counted 20 plotholes in that season along with two things that made me go in a blind rage. In my opinion, the last two seasons were flat out the worst of Red vs Blue, ESPECIALLY if you looked forward to the wrap up of Freelancer.

    Season 11 except the REALLY crappy ad is probably on par with season 3'ish or so. If you want to skip season 10, let me know, I'll fill you in on it. The voice acting is pretty good, it just irritates me the fact they did this for money and really didn't have any characters from the series.[DOUBLEPOST=1379464416][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I wouldn't have minded as much if it was funny... And they had the actual characters from the show. This made me feel like I was watching an ad for Sprint. A lot of people are saying the same thing.
    Post by: Sara, Sep 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Sara

    Post by: Sara, Sep 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Sara


    Most likely you've already seen it, it's been on Youtube for a while from what I've heard.
    Post by: Sara, Sep 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Sara


    The PSA that they did this week, which I know they do for a rest for the crew. It just seemed to me a paid ad for Microsoft. A lot of other people are complaining. About the new game Ricochet that doesn't even involve the main cast?
    Post by: Sara, Sep 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Sara


    I know I'm going to regret posting this and hope the backlash won't throw me out of the forum, but.....

    Anyone else disappointed in the "Ad" that Roosterteeth posted tonight instead of an episode of Red vs Blue?

    Alright, I have to admit... I don't like the PSA ads. It irritates me mostly because I'm already buying stuff from them and am paying for sponsorship with no ads with each video and they're being paid by MS for this now. I do think some of them are hilarious. I think some of them are excellently made.

    I say this one was a poor excuse for a PSA. It was an Ad, it didn't even try to be anything else. It wasn't funny in my opinion, it didn't show anything that Red vs Blue had.

    Also, I heard it's already been shown on Youtube and their showcase event: RTX.

    So, thoughts?
    Thread by: Sara, Sep 17, 2013, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Sara
    The thing is... Mega Man should still be vastly popular, but they might be at the point of milking the cash cow from it... But I never played Mega Man, so i don't know.

    I've heard a lot of people complain about their lackluster games and DLC the first day and several other DLC's that run amock and are ridiculous from reviewers. Like Marvel vs. Capcom and other such games. Which in itself doesn't appeal to the market.

    For the industry going downhill in Japan, I kinda have to disagree. I see Sony coming back as a massive powerhouse this generation with the trainwreck of the One and competing against the Wii U. I think most people forget the PS2 DOMINATED the market during it's generation, and still shows strong sales in several areas. Despite the problems with the PS3, it's finally starting to recover and come back as a massive powerhouse.

    As for companies like Square, I think this was a rough patch, people are already making plans on KHIII and FFXV. I'm not saying the games are going to be the godsend that saves everything, but I'm saying one generation isn't a time to judge, people tend to forget that Square has been a powerhouse in the past and seems to finally be learning from their mistakes.
    Post by: Sara, Sep 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Sara
    I listen to music to mostly calm me when I had a bad day, or depending on my mood, I listen to it to make myself feel better or let out my emotions. One of the reasons I listen to linkin Park, it really helps. It also helps me when I'm walking home from work, I even have a playlist of music I listen to while walking.
    Post by: Sara, Sep 9, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  19. Sara
    There's two reasons I respectfully disagree with you, first of all: Grif, Tucker, Sarge, etc... Have at some point broken out of the stereotypes. They have developed, they're falling back into it, yes. But for a while, they actually showed different facets of their personalities. The second time I watched it I caught it a lot more than I did the first time, Grif is a tank with a ton of common sense, Church is a good leader who cares for his teammates, Tucker despite hitting anything that breathes is a excellent fighter, Simmons is a genius with computers, including hacking Freelancer, Sarge is extremely brave and makes sometimes crazy, but well-laid plans that works, (aka: Grif running over Wash with a jeep to get Simmons back), Caboose despite being a dumbass sometimes figures out things better than anyone else, like finding a tank and figuring out that it would let them go into Freelancer, and he's great with mechanical parts.

    They all have and sometimes still do break their roles. I have rarely seen this happen with the female side.

    The second issue I have is: The Freelancer arc was never supposed to be a full-blown comedy. It was supposed to be a serious arc about what happened with the program. Hence the reason why there shouldn't have been stereotypes. The second reason is that some characters were shoved into the stereotypes WAY much later so it seemed out of character for them to suddenly change to that stereotype. Take Carolina for example: I already said I loved her character during season 9 and part of ten. During the second half, she became bratty, jealous and prone to tantrums. Whatever respect I had for her came to the same respect I have for South. And I really don't like South's character, despite going into it with an open mind in season 9.

    Tex came at the same level, worse but for another reason all together that's not part of this debate. She was an excellent, strong character in Blood Gulch. I would say she wasn't a stereotype at all in Blood Gulch, and the most well-rounded characters of the group. She came back in season 8 with murder in her eyes and rarely changed from that until admittedly season 9 in Fake Blood Gulch, but when she was in Freelancer, she practically was the same person that she was in 8. In ten, she was another character I liked, until episode 21 where she was degenerated back to what she was in season 8. Tex has had so many flips of character from stereotype and back again it actually annoys me.

    You want to see a well-balanced female character in Red vs Blue? Take CT, yes, she betrayed everyone. But she had strong reasoning behind it. She also deeply cared for her teammates and even tried to warn Wash about the program at the risk of herself. Everything she did was to try and stop the program and help keep her teammates from jail. Yes, we see the "Insurrection" fighting the Freelancers, but it's so horrendously vague that it could be a different reasoning to who those people were and what really was going on. She could've been trying to get her friends out of there and get help.

    And I'm getting way off topic here.

    Female gamers might have a bad rap, but it's not just the media and female gamers themselves. A lot of males think of it as a private club sometimes. It's the same with a lot of things, I know women work alongside men, but how often do women don't get paid as much as men for the same work? It's slowly changing, but it's still there. There's stereotypes for women as there are for minorities out there. Hell, look at Final Fantasy and how they treated African Americans since the beginning. I remember one person reacting in shock when an African American spoke normally in a game. It's not just women, it's a lot of things, sadly.
    Post by: Sara, Sep 8, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  20. Sara
    Actually, I meant after Blood Gulch and through seasons 8-10. I love Tex to the bottom of my heart, she was my favorite through Blood Gulch. When she came back at 8, she was violent, aggressive, and murderous. Which she wasn't in during seasons 1-5, yes, she was the best of the group, but she also had the most humor in my opinion with how she used it and how she just rolled with the punches and worked with a bunch of idiots who failed out of the program.

    If you look at all the female characters since Blood Gulch and before if you count season five. They run into three categories: Violent, aggressive and murderous: South, Carolina season 10, Tex (Except FBG and after the fight with Carolina.), category 2: Jealous, bratty and temperamental: South and Carolina season 10. And Category 3: Sister. (Enough said about the last one.)

    Granted, I liked Carolina before season 10, I thought she was one of the best female characters that was ever made through the series. Then all of a sudden she fell into the stereotype that is listed above. I liked CT, I think she was an excellent character. But right now, a lot of the time it angers me how the women are suddenly treated in the rest of the series.

    I also don't watch RWBY, I'm basing it off what I watch. Maybe it's because of the fact it's a different thing altogether. One person did comment on my complaint this is how women act in real life playing games. Hence this thread.

    Sadly it seems like a common misconception, even some of the comments in the thread seem like it. As a female gamer who mostly ends up playing with guys, I hope it changes.
    Post by: Sara, Sep 7, 2013 in forum: Discussion