I don't have a HDMI connection on my tv, I have a cable for when I play downstairs with my mom, but I don't have one upstairs. Nor do I have the money or enthusiasm to buy an HDMI tv, this could've been seen as a problem ESPECIALLY after ACIII where it was the same problem and people complained about it, including Gamestop employees. This could've easily been fixed with an option to make the text bigger and the subtitles a different color. I see it as A: Gaming companies expecting you to have enough money to be able to have the best and the biggest of technology, and/or B: Them being too lazy to fix the problem by simply adding an option to the menu to let you change the text. I also note: There is a huge amount of space around the text boxes, but they cram the in the smallest space possible in the databases with blank space around it and the picture of the entry. There's no excuse that they didn't fix this problem after III. Take ACII, you could easily fast walk to your next location with a huge difference between a normal pace and fast walking. ACIV I've tried, and there's barely any difference between regular pace and fast walking. This really makes it much more slower and painful. The pickpocketing is MUCH harder in this game if you factor in the point that if you get caught, which it takes about 30 seconds for the gauge to fill and if you are spotted with constantly moving NPC's, they don't fight you, they call the guards. The guards come in with guns and swords in almost all cases and you have to run. I have given up on pickpocketing because I've only been successful three times, the other times I either join a group and the action is cancelled, or they catch me and call the guards. The modern part is eh, it's okay as of now. But yeah, there's nothing really standing out, the reason I said this is because I have seen complaints about the hopes of some modern day activities and other such things, along at least with the storyline. Nothing basically happens in modern time so far. no events, no updates, no storyline, It's basically what Ubisoft said word for word.
Having played a few hours into the game, I do admit it is better than III so far. I like the protagonist better though some of the stuff they have him doing before he even gets his uniform makes me wonder what the hell they were thinking. (ie: The leap of faith he does without any training or ancestry showing he's an assassin. Note: Without question.) The other thing that really bugs me that's personal: The game is too bright. They really did do a good job with the atmosphere. But the text in a lot of cases is impossible to read because it's white and there's so many bright colors around it blends in perfectly. They really should've seen this as a problem, I tried adjusting the brightness, but when it's only 10 degrees you can adjust it, it's either too bright and I can't read the text and translations, or it's too dark and I can see barely anything. Another personal gripe: Again, this was a HUGE turn off for III other than Conner: The text is too small. The tutorials turn horrendously frustrating when I can't read the text on my 24" HDD tv. Yes, I don't have HDMI. I have played AC before, but this is the first time on 360 and I'm still getting used to the controls. There's nowhere on the menu that tells you what the controls are, and I looked. Oh yeah, and nowhere where it shows to make the text larger. Same with databases, which is for me, a huge thing, I love reading and learning about the historical sights and figures. It's impossible for me to read it and they have a huge amount of space without anything to fill, but they shove it in a tiny, unreadable box. Same problem as III, and I heard a Gamestop employee complain also of the same problem on a tv twice my size. Finally: Traveling so far is painful, time consuming and game filler. There's no fast walking, no easy pickpocketing which REALLY ticked me off, and no horseback riding so far. You literally walk from one end of the city, slowly, to the other. Pickpocketing in this game is HORRENDOUS. Seriously, you have to walk up to someone, hold down a button and wait for it to fill before you get money. If you get caught, the guards chase you down. In ACII, all you did was walk fast and steal money without pausing, it had consequences, but it was much more efficient and easier to do. This is just frustrating and in a lot of cases, impossible. The present sequences, I warn people who liked the present ones before because of the urgency and atmosphere, will not like the present now. This is nothing like the other games when it comes to the atmosphere and what is going on. Oh yeah, and there's no mention of what happens after III. No worries, no concern. It's pretty much what is described above, but if you're expecting more, I think you're going to be disappointed. The rest are pretty good, it's not as good as II or Brotherhood, I'm still figuring out what the hell the past has to do with the present right now, there's no clear cut hidden reason why Abstergo is doing this, no hints even. Well, maybe a few, but nothing concrete. I am holding back that judgement until I finish the game.
Dear ****ing Lord... I am hoping that last part about homeschooling is just BS. But dear Lord... I started laughing at the second paragraph about the marijuana. A fan of Pokemon myself, I know a lot of the origins of Pokemon and having a huge anime fan, I know that anime, especially in Japan which as far as I know hasn't been translated and if 4Kids still own the American version, it will be MUCH more censored than the Japanese one, has a tendency to make it much more violent and bloody than realistic. Even with that, it's a KIDS SHOW. Also, someone has said, and I fully agree: Why the hell hasn't Nintendo sued PETA for all the **** they're doing? Seriously, their counterclaim will probably will hands down against this woman. Btw... Apparently it's fake since I googled and came up with no other sources.
Most of the e-mails are pretty derogatory. I won't mention it here because well, I don't want people to see the abuse of what he's said to me. In one when I told a new co-worker that they made a mistake in two files politely, (I saved what I said also.) HE said I made plenty of mistakes myself and he would happily rub it in my face. Amongst others. Another I just went to the bathroom and he sent a scathing e-mail about how I should have used air freshener or the fan afterwards. That was the first incident other than the second week I worked there. The exact words were: "Do you not know the purpose of the fan and air freshener in the bathroom??? USE IT PLEASE!" I have several of these, including the one where I slammed my foot down about standing up for myself. I don't know if it's enough, but I will try the tape recorder, thank you.
I have been working at a small law firm for over four years now. It's a law firm that works for a bigger corporation. The supervisor (Chris) from said corporation has gone out of his way to show his utter hatred and anger towards me. My supervisor (Terre) has little to no control over him and his actions. She has even a few times accused me of ridiculous things, including stealing microwave popcorn and dollar store bulk candy from a co-worker who I shared a desk with at the time. She also has treated me unfairly compared to the rest of my co-workers in other cases, including not asking my view when disputes arise and has given me severe lectures and embarrassed me. Several times she's accused me of stinking up the office. Another time she was mad and gave me a scathing lecture when I stood up for myself in a meeting when Chris bullied me into it when I was in a dispute with a co-worker about her doing my work when I really needed the work.Which I could hear the co-worker and Chris making jokes and laughing on the other side of the thin wall that separates our office while listening in. The worst is Chris, he has basically verbally abused, harassed, sworn at and threatened me since I started working there. He has sent disparaging e-mails about me which I saved, told really nasty things to the co-workers behind my back, started rumors about me, I think he's the one who started the one about me stealing, called me a: "Waste of space" several times, has told me that if I ever make another mistake, he'd happily "rub it in my face", ripped me a new one about things when my supervisor who has final say said it was fine, and told me at least twice he can't stand the mere sight of me. One time I even LOOKED AT him too long when leaving which his office is right across the back door and he said: "What the **** are you looking at?" I haven't said two words towards him and generally avoid him. I have even tried to avoid him and honest to God am terrified of him. My supervisor is now gone for two weeks and he has, when she left to drop her dog at the kennel, insulted and criticized me for what I was doing. One part he was telling me to do is illegal in my type of work. I have contacted WOW, Americans with Disabilities association, Human Rights Commission, and the Civil Liberties Union. WOW has contacted me twice with looking into it, the rest haven't. Does anyone have any help?
Alright, I've been reading/watching articles and videos about this recently. This comes up after a documentary called: "Black Fish" was made. Talking about how the death of a Sea World trainer was going to happen and why. If no one doesn't know, in 2010, a Sea World Orca/Killer Whale trainer slipped on concrete into the water around one of the killer whales tanks. This one had a 12,000 pound killer whale in it called Kilikum who has had a past of killing people and/or ending up with dead people in the tank with him. One being a trainer in his old marine park, and another being someone who stayed past hours and somehow got into his tank where they found his body the next day. His death is unknown whether or not the whale participated in it, though he did die of pneumonia. Kilikum unfortunately grabbed her and dragged her to the bottom where she drowned. Ever since then, a lot of outrage has been going out about the whales being in captivity and the cruelty of Sea World's practices. So, with all this aside, do you think Killer Whales/Orcas should be in captivity and/or caught or not? Do you think the ones that are captive should be released? I got a pretty nasty reaction by animal rights activists when I said no, they shouldn't be released. As far as I can tell, and I've seen calves with their mothers before the Sea World shows playing in the tanks, that there's a huge breeding program going on at Sea World. At the very least, there's no more capture of Orca's in most major U.S. theme parks. I don't know about the rest of the world, but if there is, I don't agree with capturing them. Especially since the methods of capture are severely brutal from videos shown about it. Including dropping bombs in the water, boats, aircraft and trapping the orcas with nets and taking the babies. Not including I think it goes under the Endangered Species Act that it's not allowed. I'm not sure, I haven't studied Environmental Science in a decade. As for the tame ones, the major problem is, even when they show their hunting instincts. They have been around people too long, they associate people with food, shelter and safety. The Orca who was in Free Willy, Keiko, spent two years trying to get oriented towards the fact that he was in the wild. When he got loose, he was still going to shallow areas and letting kids play with him. There's a home video shown where two little tourist girls are playing with him in the water. He unfortunately died shortly after he was found in the wild, about three weeks or so. And the death is unknown there was no autopsy. His association with humans could've easily lead to his death because he wouldn't know not to stay away from some people. That some people can and will hurt and kill animals. This isn't just orcas, most animals, whether it be cat, dog, bear, tiger, etc... Once they get imprinted with humans=free food and nothing will happen, they can never be released into the wild. It's a sad fact.
I work at a debt collector law firm. *yes, throw pointy hateful objects at me, I AM NOT part of the call debtors part, I just help the lawyers locate the debtors* Mainly because if you DON'T pay the debt, it ruins your credit also. The biggest suggestion I have is to continually pay your loans, and if you can, co-sign with your parents on one of their credit cards. I'm guessing they pay their debts on time monthly. That will VASTLY improve your credit score without worries. And having seen most of the creditor side of things, most companies, I don't know about banks, we don't handle those transactions 99.99% of the time, and when we do, I rarely see it myself, is that they will do a credit check on you. If you are reasonable with a credit card with a good score and pay above interest. By law, the creditors should tell you if asked how much interest is accumulating per month. There are agencies now severely cracking down on the creditors, and launching a complaint against one of the credit companies gets them in a shitload of trouble. Especially when there's an agency now made in the U.S. that are now the IRS of credit and are making companies change every policy ever made about credit. If you are reasonable about how much you spend and are paying back, you should be okay. It's when people think that this is a money tree and keep on plucking bits of money off and not putting money back is when it reaches a problem. I heard some good advice: Always be at least a year ahead in money due to the fact if you lose your job you can still pay your loans at least a while longer. You also get leeway if you are straightout honest from the start that you don't have a job right now to the creditors. My company has a policy of every six months checking if there's an illness or no jobs or no funds to check again. If you want a credit card, that's a good idea, but always keep an eye out on the balance and the payments balancing how much money you have. A lot of people don't realize, A LOT of people don't realize is that the reason why these policies are up in the first place is because a lot of people refuse to pay. Whether it be credit cards, rent, mortgage, etc... They live there/use their cars/rack up interest, without giving the people they owe money a dime. A lot of our claims come from actually car companies who have this problem constantly. Some break down, that's not their fault. A lot of people just are angry that they have to pay and are rude and insulting. The reason why people are so through about credit now when it comes to anything is because now it's a massive hassle to get money from a lot of people. Even when the economy's good it becomes a hassle and they don't want to deal with it or pay someone else to. I've heard people get angry about 100 dollar balances, believe it or not.
I was neutral about FFX, I REALLY hated XII and after reading several neutral reviews, I turned my back on XIII quickly. Though from what I'm getting, it was probably the best idea. I do agree, even with the old games "dated", they were huge classics. I would rather pick up FFVI and VII compared to anything after that any day. VIII was painful for me with the junctioning, IX I couldn't tolerate after 3/4ths of the way through, and XII I couldn't stand maybe halfway through. I also have been told: "It gets better right after you quit." I really think it shouldn't be the halfway point that a game gets good. Which I heard XIII is a third of the way in, or 20 hours. Should you really sit through 20 hours of things happening that doesn't draw you in and hold you? VI was fantastic with the story, pacing and action. When the climax happened, it was slowly built up but was still enough to keep you going with what was going on and the desperation of the situation. VII had a real in-depth story, and even though I really didn't like Cloud after a while, the other characters and the story drew me in. What they really need to do is go back to the roots, and please, no more remakes unless it's PS4, and see what made those games good. When they started, it was a failing company who was doing a last hurrah and the first FF literally saved the company. Should they totally control everything that happens in the future? No, unless it's another bomb like their MMORPG's, which I have heard very seldom people say they like. THAT won't save their franchise, but they should steer it from the direction they're heading and refocus on storytelling, easy level development, and most of all: VERY LIKEABLE RELATABLE MAIN CHARACTERS THAT YOU DON'T WANT TO CHASE DOWN WITH A SHOTGUN!!! *coughs*TidusVaanVanille*coughs* Whose POV makes sense to be the focus of the story. And yes, I watch Spoony, though I've seen these points myself.
Yes, we all know there are families who have kids who can't even afford an apple for themselves. That's an issue for another day. Recently me and my mom have been talking about this a lot, so I got curious about other people's opinions. Do you think that there should be more of a selection on who has kids based on genetics? With allergies, autism and a ton of other things on the rise, do you think it should be more controlled to slow down the genetic defects carried? Take myself, I come from a family that from both sides carry toxemia (a problem with pregnancy that can kill you), autism, cancer, schizophrenia, mental illness, staph, cancer and a slew of other problems. Both sides of my family carry this gene, and my brother has autism while I have a slew of medical and mental problems wrong. My brother has a kid right now who luckily missed so far all of these problems.
I have a feeling it's a combination of things: One, ironically enough me and my mom were talking about this recently, is that there's no longer anything really stopping people from having kids. I myself hit the bottom of the gene pool with staff on both sides of my family, toxemia, autism, schizophrenia and a majority of other problems. I'm not saying that it doesn't always turn out bad kids when you have stuff like that happening, but the odds go MUCH higher the further you go back in family history with said problems. Hence the huge rise in asthma, autism and other such problems. Hell, my bro has a kid who luckily dodged a huge bullet and is 100% fine and his wife refuses to have another kid because she knows our genetic history. The more people have kids who have mental issues themselves, the higher of a chance of crazies in the world. Another thing is the media: The media has gone into a frenzy over guns and talking about it being bad. I won't go into video games with this debate though I do note I think the whole video games=mass murder is bullshit. The media gives these people a shitload of attention. They give the heroes a shitload of attention, they give anyone who now lifts a finger and waves it around in the U.S. attention now. Name one person still living, hero or villain, in the last five to ten years who haven't written a book about what they did and sold millions of copies. It's a part of life. I remember the Colorado shooting and people saying: "We need a concealed weapon law for every person who is trained with a gun to carry one into the theater just in case." Great, what happens when something happens and you gun down each other, what happens when someone stands up to go to the bathroom and you gun them down because you think they look weird standing, or god forbid, a child waves around a toy gun in the front row of a pitch black theater and you shoot them in cold blood thinking that they're going to start a shooting. My thoughts and prayers go to the victims and their families. I still think it's horrendously everyone's fault who blames other people.
I am a late fan of Halo, I admit it. I started to like Halo after 4 came out. The reason why I mostly liked Halo was the fantastic storyline of the Great War. The books I read was focused mainly on the Spartan programs, and I really enjoyed those, did I enjoy 4? Eh... A bit, not enough to buy a system just for the next sequel which I can pretty much guess the ending will be. (No offense to the Halo fans.) The only reason I see myself fully going back is if they do a full background on the Spartan II program and/or do another Spartan II copy. And that includes buying any system. As for the spycam, yeah... I really wouldn't feel comfortable with a Kinect watching me. Hell, I don't even enjoy the thought of security cameras in my workplace even though I know it's coming because of where I work. (It's a lawfirm.) But knowing I just bought a five hundred dollar device to spy on me in my bedroom and record every action I do even if I can unplug it and maybe hurl it out the window that will make money based on my actions of what I do in the room is something I would never support. When a company that's getting a fortune from the device itself is making more money and dictating how I play games, whether it's the Kinect, whether it's always online (via a "changed mind"), whether it's never buying a used game except from exclusive places that MS gives permission to let you buy from (again, "changed mind") is the reason I'm not trusting MS and my money to go towards it.
Considering that Capcom, from what I heard, mind you... I don't know much about Capcom compared to game makers like Square and Rare before MS screwed them over... That's a bad sign. I heard Capcom has been focusing on making fighting games for a long time. The fact they can't make a game that's usually, note: usually, their huge moneymaker not including Mega Man which might be the cash cow/ATM machine, is not a good thing.
Btw... PETA did another flash game for Pokemon X and Y, and apparently are going after McDonald's with this, also.
I think one of the reasons why consumers are partly upset is because MS keep on changing their minds. They said before: "Oh, we're going to make this an advertising thing." Then later due to reactions: "Well, we decided not to." Now they're changing it again. This doesn't bring much confidence to a lot of people. Hell, the whole fiasco with always online is a patch that can easily be programmed to be removed at any time.When you have a company going like that and you have a whole **** load of consumers who are on the fence or are coming back because you changed it, but then keep on changing it so people no longer have any confidence it will change in the future, not a lot of people will buy your stuff. I know there will be XBox fans and gamers who buy the system, go ahead... But there will be a bunch, including myself who won't touch this system with a ten foot pole. That and being honest, I have seen the Kinect being used for GTA V Online massive fail. (Servers crashed each time he tried.) And I understand partially how frustrating the Kinect can be. The camera picks up everything, including the actual game itself mouthing the words of an NPC. That and you can hear things going on from other people's homes. I heard this is an optional thing you can remove, which I don't know, I never got a Kinect. But it doesn't make it more appealing to me. That and I saw several Kinect games, it's a poorly based system that needs a lot of fixes in the first place. Now they're forcing it into this generation.
http://www.destructoid.com/never-mind-microsoft-actually-wants-to-sell-kinect-data-263119.phtml Basically, the Kinect on the One is now going to spy on you. See what you do, see who's watching the game, see how many people are in the room, see what expressions you have... Basically, MS has just turned into Big Brother. Huh, yet another reason to not buy the Xbox One. Oh yeah, and they're defending this, and that this is the "future". Good luck with that, MS... You probably just lost the future. I actually can't believe they did this after so many people threw a fit.
I kinda feel bad, I know the fans have been screaming for a remake... And Square basically gave them a: "**** you, buy our new, crappy games and we'll give you the remakes you've been crying for for years." Now this seems like another FU for anyone who wants the games. They can get them, but a severely downgraded version. And yes, I like the 16 bits better, and for some reason, I'm REALLY reluctant to hear what Dancing Mad sounds like on this, or Terra, my favorite songs of the game. I am going to give this a pass, along with FFVII. Give me HD or nothing, sorry Square. You can't keep on destroying the games I love and expect me to continue playing and buying them.
Dear God, don't even joke about that, I saw my childhood flash before my eyes due to that. Here's the thing about Square, and I say this a lot. There's a lot of games right now going through "development hell" right now with Square. Final Fantasy XV, KHIII, and yes, they were announced at E3, but hell, I was still WORKING here when the announcement came out for vs. It's been that long, but they keep on giving us filler games between times every year. I do like KH, and Final Fantasy I honestly say I used to like until XIII, but now there's about three, four games of KH that aren't numbered? About one every year? And I have heard mixed reviews on that. XIII has had several continuations in itself. I call it once a year syndrome, just that they're not doing it with the main series. They're making it a policy to make a game once a year to keep the fans satisfied, sometimes they're good, sometimes they're bad. Is it dragging out development for the other games? Most likely. Are they milking a cash cow, probably. They need to focus on the big titles and maybe do what they're doing with 1.5 FM, make it a combo of games instead of games already made before. That's my two cents.
I hear that a lot actually myself. That and: "Do you know how much **** I bought you over the years?" It's harder because honestly, my dad ****ed my family over good about ten years ago. Took all our retirement money and put it in the church. And it wasn't chunk change, either. Then he put himself in bankruptcy with credit cards and the IRS. My mom kicked him out five years ago and never looked back, the problem is that I due to health issues can't find a full-time job that gives me health insurance and my mom works at home struggling with her own money, I give her as much money as I can with money to spend on my own and my college loans. But we do struggle often with money. I honestly would give her my own money if she asked, but I know and trust her to ask me if it's okay to borrow money from me. Every once in a while while we're out she does some stunts where she takes more money than my half and keeps it. Which I do admit I suck it up, but if she asks, I would be willing to give her the money if I have a bit I don't need. She has never ever taken a gift from me, though. She has never asked unless I was a kid and she was getting me a present with it. She knows I trust her not to do stuff like that and she honors that trust. I am sorry not everyone thinks that way.
http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/04/us/man-on-fire-national-mall-washington/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 Now a man supposedly set himself on fire at the National Mall at Washington DC. Reports are unconfirmed. If this keeps on going, I gotta change the title of this thread. And I wish I was joking. This is a travesty.[DOUBLEPOST=1380977691][/DOUBLEPOST]A note about the White House shooting. This is yes, where the President lives. But think for a moment, how many people are guarding the White House. Secret Service, probably a lot of highly trained police officers. They probably have a lot of the best equipment, including tire putter outters, tazers, and other such equipment. If you saw an unarmed woman in front of the White House with a one year old boy in the back seat, would the first reaction be surround the woman's car with guns and then shoot her down even if it was a hit and run of your own policeman?
http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/03/politics/u-s-capitol-shooting-main/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 Alright, before I say anything else, I do want to say I support the police force and their heroic actions. But this was the worst call and a very ****** ending... The woman, who apparently was unarmed from sources, drove up Pennsylvania Avenue. Which is blockaded due to security reasons, cops approached the car with guns drawn and she did a 180, hitting another cruiser and floored it away. They opened fire on her, several times and the car stopped moving after a short period. Apparently the woman was just lost in town, which is easy in Washington. She didn't have a weapon, the guns fired was from the cops and she was gunned down and died a short time later. A kid who was a one year old was in the back of the car. I go to a beach where the Secret Service guard Barbara Bush who takes walks every night on there. They don't harass us and don't mind the gawkers though they keep an eagle eye on us. Hell, Laura hugged my mom and greeted her like an old friend at a bakery once because she did their wedding alterations. I have never seen them threaten, nor draw a gun. They never have done anything to anyone. I know this is the White House, but this was probably the biggest piss-poor decision made by not only the police, but the Secret Service. The child is scarred for life and his mother was gunned down in front of him because she took a wrong turn somewhere. I have gone to Washington DC by car before, the place is a ****ing maze if you don't have a map/GPS/or know the area very well. My parents and I nearly did the same thing in 2000 while on vacation because of how complicated it is. My thoughts and prayers go to the victims and their families. I really am torn between anger and crying. That's all I really have to say. *removes hat from head and bows head for moment of silence*