You got -15r + 3(2s - 4r) = -19r + 6s Arithmetic seems to be slightly off. I get... -15r + 6s - 12r (FOIL'd) -27r + 6s (combine like terms; note opposite signs, I think you missed it a little) I'm not sure how you got -19r either.
Version two is much more appealing to me. Although the piece could use a tad more focus and less noise and more organization (in terms of the effects). Otherwise it seems to work somewhat decently.
Internet abuse is abuse.
6a(2)bc + 9ab(2)c = 6a(2)bc + 9ab(2)c Yep it's correct. lol
As far as I can tell, you have a friend-type Pokemon trainer (opposite sex, like in 3rd and 4th gen games so far) that helps/battles you every now and then. Otherwise it seems to be the same storyline. I am almost sure there will be a new element to be included, such as when you get to Kanto, etc. He probably is. I think heard somewhere that after you beat him you get a starter from another game? Kanto or Hoenn if I'm not mistaken. lol
Throw yourself at a guy and hope he catches you and rides you away on a white stallion.
"spam zone is boring so..." .... "... I'll get the **** out of my spam zone, or I'll chop my ****ing head off."
Yeah. Good thing I didn't put "I'm deep inside your children" in my usertitle. LOL
I knew that was coming LOL /nopun xD wow this is terrible.
Yep. Good song.l
That's good for me. I might send a few of my stronger pokemon over at some point to build up some good HG/SS teams. I remember having the most of my life wasted on late nights with Silver battling Red, Elite four, etc.
On his desktop? Pssshh.
I hope it's filled with laughter and merriment. And most likely soiled shorts will ensue.
Not only was that video terrible and will you never accomplish your dreams, but I'll probably never fulfill my dreams of becoming Samuel Jackson. ... or will I?
Yeah it's worth playing. I played the ROM a bit and so far it's worth it. And yeah you get a national dex, so sinnoh pokemon are included.
Sex in a box.
Actually I don't allow schooling to interfere with my education. ohshi-
You hate this place but, like all of us, you're addicted. :'D WELCOME TO HELL.
Republicans must not like a black, far left and democratic president. ohshi- didn't even see it coming. EDIT: And now that I think about this, it isn't even surprising (I was being sarcastic above). Personal problems translate into public problems, but sometimes the president just has bad policy and is turning democracy into fascism (socialism perhaps).