Vagina panties. :l
-bump- Does anyone know any good emulation settings on no$gba for PKMN SS? I had a really good settings going, but for some reason now it just sucks with them. -shrugs-
When you multiply exponents you just add them to each other. y^3 * y^5 = y^8
It really won't matter, since the final answer will be positive either way. There's two opposites, which makes a positive. -mn^2 x -7m^3n^4 = 7m^5n^6 I'm fairly certain that's the answer. I'm not exactly sure though, I haven't used exponents in forever. D:
:'DDDDDDDDDDDDD Also I do feel kinda old, knowing I was born before the big video game boom D: But I still got to live through it as a wee toddler. |D
It could be gloomier. : D
I'm ****ing awesome, that's how it makes me feel. But I was also born during the time when ethyl mercury was used in vaccines, so I make up for awesomeness in being technically physically and mentally ******ed. Apparently.
<: We're doin' okay, I guess.
/aspld . . . . .
I can't read your post. The color contrasts too deeply on the gray body ;o
Ring, ring... This call is for you. It's the ****ing spam zone?
I must meet these people so I can laugh at them, then enjoy a nice KH conversation about Kairi's rack.
27 I think? Reminded me of Cam. ;D Also the video made me die laughing.
That's what she said.
Red is still battle-able. And as you can see he has grown a few levels.
Through careful analysis and tiring trial and error, I have concluded that 2w * s = 4w/h adequately expains wedgies per situation as shown on average per WEEK. w = wedgies s = embarrassing situation h = week let's look at an example yes? 2(1) * 2 = 4(1)(1) or further yet. 2(15) * 30 = 4(15)(15) I'm so sleep deprived. I may actually power nap and then wake up shortly after to see how crazy this sounds/looks. Good night.
I can't remember the name of it. Just go to youtube and put "beyonce music video of the year" surely it'll come up. It's her and two other chicks dancing. :l
Well yeah Beyonce is hot. But the video was just... what was the premise, if there was one? It didn't even entertain me. I was feeling like just having a heart attack while watching it.
One of the interesting things about the pedometer is that you can actually run into wild pokemon with it. So you're walking down the hall in school and OHSHI- a wild Rattata appears. Brilliant.