oh lol this is on my last fm 'cause of you.
>: 420 is lulz
I almost missed it this morning. I would have been PISSED.
I agree with Cin completely here. Although try shadowing some of the figures in effects or the stock for depth. For some reason I think it'd work.
Put your MSN in your profile info and people might add you.
Who knows, who cares. :'D
>| The 358/2 Days opening is sexy.
man this game just keeps looking better and better.
Depends on the degree of modeling. If it's light modeling (every so often for clothing and what not) then I doubt it will change you. You might feel SOME vanity and what not, but I doubt you'd change you that much in that sense either. It isn't like you're on a reality TV show, or you're a major magazine model. OR is it like you're doing playboy. That's just the way I see it.
If it were me, I'd buy the new PSP and buy a few titles with it to keep yourself company until you hear something about a UMD uploader. If one isn't announced within a month or two (or three) then just sell the UMD's and buy it online at the store. Or use the custom firmware to upload it. -shrugs- It's hard to say imo.
lol'd @ this. lol'd again. Yeah, not gonna lie. We do. Now Obama wants to sabotage it even more. Yeah, except me. 'Cause I rock.
My thoughts? That ash would **** us up. Like Vikadin.
Great, let's get more sub-par teaching to our kids. The way I see it, it isn't the amount of time a person spends in the classroom that gets them the material adequately. It's the quality of the teacher as they are teaching that gets students to learn. I've had some teachers that are brilliant, intuitive teachers with great stories that stimulate the learning experience, other times I've had teachers that just put notes up on an over-head and lecture. Then give us some homework and expect us to teach ourselves and figure things out for some parts. Sometimes the latter is a great method (for some students), but the majority of people I've met prefer the prior. Again, we should focus on how the teachers teach, not on how much time is spent on the material. Plus, how is Obama going to figure out how certain schools with financial problems are going to manage all the extra hours for teachers? That's a lot of money he's gonna have to invent out of thin air.
I'm going to battle wild Rattata's during class! And on the way TO class!
now now no need to be big *****es over the username Roxas. So anyway, Roxas, would you want just a facial shot, or do you need body? Or if it doesn't matter, then yeah, I can just get you any kind of photo.
I'd be willing to give you a photo. Should I PM it?
lol kthx. Why? XD
So I heard you think people use "So" at the beginning of sentences a lot.
Diary of Jane is the only good one. >:
All my friends at my old High School went to University except two (which are both best friends of mine), and at my even older High School, only one of my close friends went to University. Everyone else is going to tech college like I am. So I can't say I feel the same, although I wish I would have been more ready to go to a University. It's a lot nicer there and dorm's are really nice there as well.