I was semi-distracted by boobs in your signature. .... what?
"Ex gf has gf" Hot.
Funniest mother****er ever.
-carves richard simmons into the pumpkin- -gives a bucket of liquified organs to the user below me-
My kidney is beating in sync with my heart. That can't be healthy.
Oh yeah, that's such a terrible dream alright.
You pissed off a butch bisexual stripper?
They're protesting those police officers. And they're protesting for their right to peacefully assemble and... well... protest. lol
you're high. >: No, it's Europe.
That class needs to get some facts straight, me thinks
You are lucky you live in Holland Pumpkin. I mean I don't care a whole lot right now because it isn't in my city or anything... yet... so I don't panic about that. But I do live in a semi-major city. And yeah, storm troopers is an accurate description. Those riot police guys must HATE America. XD Choose Sweden or Holland, or Norway. Somewhere not too small and dense. XD
I bought a Toshiba Satellite for school. Gateway (M series) are also pretty good.
lol... I got 1700 I think. Or just under it.
No, seriously. I might move to Europe at this rate. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=91253
Huge riot police state in Pittsburgh (and in some other cities) are beginning to erupt in the USA. Check it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1iJ5_2SWEU&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akwjAjcQnqM&feature=related I'm sorta worried for my life at this point. lol
lol @ GX getting it right off the bat.
rvr is roxas and riku. true story.
Where is that? o_o
In through the nose, out through the mouth; deep breaths my friend. Altruism is a good alternative too. For example, working in a kitchen at a restaurant (which I do, really takes some of the edge off as well).
Protein shakes. mmmm