IIT: Post ITT or lose the game.
I know kids who are 15-16 years old who multiply 500 dollars into 5000 dollars selling drugs. I know kids who are 18 years old driving a Mercedes Benz. And here I am three times that age and can't afford a Benz. For some people drugs work, I guess?
. .
I'm referring to swollen nipples which have been agitated too much, and they become inflamed. I wasn't referring to the half dollar nipples; those are crazy talk. Yes my nipples are quite pink.
Discuss .
lol'd. then tested it and lol'd some more.
Oh wow. I thought this was going to be a reference to Paranormal Activity. XD
Try setting it up in a romantic way. Give it a good go with some sort of speech, expressing your feelings by saying how much you would rather be with her than do anything else at this point, etc. (doesn't have to be that, but if you're extreme about it, she might change her mind about you just being a brother-type friend). I had a similar situation but I never resolved my feelings. But it isn't a big deal anymore because I'm with someone else now.
Sad part is, most student/teacher relationships are because the two have a class or two or more together.
Not in a million years. They probably cost a ridiculous amount not to mention.
It takes a rebel, a renegade, to change any society to become better. Deviants are the ones that make any country great. JFK, MLK, Malcom X, Ghandi, Jesus (whether or not he existed), Tom Paine(sp?), etc. They all died, but they left their marks and now the societies they were in are the way they are because of the things they believed and stood up for. If everyone were to just accept the government, there would be no individual opinion, no democracy, no freedom and no opportunity for yourself. Essentially this person you are talking to is a totalitarian for really having that much faith in government. If government had the open-gate to do what it wanted with everyone being 100% behind it all the time, we would be slaves because "it is the right thing to do for the benefit of the nation." She has a very backwards train of thought on this, I think. Sorry to say. Let her grow up a little.
Having a crush is harmless and having a relationship can also be harmless. I've had teacher crushes, it isn't any big deal. Of course now I see that it might have been bad now that I'm older and can see it rationally. Relationships can be a little more tricky and of course usually are manifested when the student is in college. The teacher shouldn't allow a bias either, to keep the student hard at work. In and of itself, it is fine. They should be able to express themselves as they wish elsewhere (whether that be in public or especially in private). But in the context of culture, it shouldn't be too open in public. It's almost taboo. A friend of mine (in college) was actually in a relationship with her professor for a while and they had to keep it on the down-low in order to protect themselves and their love for each other. But eventually it ended up being a booty call on the teachers part. The point is, yes it is fine, but in terms of social acceptance, culture, etc., it isn't something that is liked. Again, thought of as a type of taboo.
Do you like the Miami Dolphin's?
This thread is gay. Gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Hugh Jackman sucks large cock. Sad to say. I'm pretty sure Wolverine can die in some way. I can't remember how though.
1:23. I could care less about it. xD
My options: Option A: Start homework and hopefully finish by 4:30 (when I go to work). Option B: Procrastinate until when I get home tonight at 10 PM, then start homework in a near-dead state. Ballots will be curved at the end to my liking.
Finally finished reading the spec script. It doesn't seem that bad at all. I mean, it's definitely not Death Note, but it's unique in its own style, and I like it for that reason. They kept it real which will attract far more Western viewers than not. In comparison it will never be better than the show, however.
Chuck Norris blew up the ****ing death star.
It used to get stuck in my head periodically actually. And now it's back. >_>;