Protip: None the the admins know how
Yeah, the last year or so he's been carted around in a wheelchair covered in blankets. Edit: Also, I love how everyone hates the guy until he dies.
A Connecticut church posted a controversial video on YouTube that raised questions about the treatment of children by a leader of a gay and lesbian teen mentoring group among others The video features church elders performing what looks like an exorcism, of what they refer to in the video as "homosexual demons" The video shows leaders of the Manifested Glory Ministries in a frenetic scene, screaming, "Right now I command you to leave!" At the same time a teen writhing on the ground as the adults around him implore so called "homosexual demons" to get out. The leaders yell at the boy on the ground saying, "Right now in the name of Jesus, I call the homosexuality, right now in the name of Jesus." For 20 minutes it continues with the boy in a near seizure, even vomiting.,0,4811543.story Discuss.
I'm actually Kira.
I MISSED GOOD PREVIEWS!? Damn, all the previews we got were previews I'd already seen before the X-men movie.
I don't care what anyone says, Ocarina of Time will be the greatest game ever, even 10 years from now.
I really liked the Leaked set-shot of Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter, but that official thing just looks off. Leaked Shot from many many months ago: Spoiler
Well uh. I guess if you ever want me at your wedding, I'll try and make it. XD Sorry, I couldn't help but laugh at that. XD
Well Mom, I think that's appropriate.
If Irony plays it's part, he'll be raped in jail.
Mmm, yeah let's all freak the **** out about a guy who's caught and gets some punishment, over the hundreds of rapists and molesters that are never even reported. Be glad he's getting anything at all. Seriously.
You're funny.
... stock?
Cnc or whatever you people call cnc these days.
"I wish."
My Mother is a wonderful woman.
That's funny cause, I just saw The Hangover, and Darth Vader gets owned.
Damn. Straight.
You probably wouldn't like the V2 I made and never posted. Spoiler