I heard they were trying to get Samurai Jack signed on again, or at least make a Samurai Jack movie. With all these recent changes though, I doubt it.
I never did the research on that show, I kind of assumed it actually was anime. It seems plausible that it premiered in Japan first.
Yeah. Exactly.
Like the few original shows the network still has, Flapjack and Chowder, are both supposedly being canceled. Plus, rumors of taking "Cartoon" out the title, come on...
My question is, then what the hell are kids watching?
Mm, they did it in a Mall in California too, plus once in New York(though that was never filmed).
No you don't. 39(You have 39 characters in your post) 75, sorry. :/
Cenobia, the 14th.
ITT: Dyslexia and LARPing
In many ways, the video is true. In society where money runs our lives, the people who control the money control us. Obama, and the current administration, as well as every administration is really only a figurehead to what actually controls our countries, the big companies and the big banks. The video certainly addresses a problem, but it doesn't have the same impact as Zeitgeist: Addendum.
I'm the pretty prince of parties You're a tasty piece of pastry You're so lighty flighty flakey I go where the party takes me I'm the funky monkey junky You're a flunky bunky donkey You're a picture of the devil's daughter I'm a pitcher of holy water Oh pretty prince of parties where's the party now? I don't know Oh pretty prince of parties where does water go? I let it flow Oh pretty prince of parties can I come to your party? ...no.
Hi You must be new I guess At least you're new to me Saw you unpacking your car So I said to myself Maybe I should help her out Since we're neighbors now And all the other people here are elderly And probably a little standoffish And I've got nothing to do AND WHATNOT
I've learned to embrace it.
I love how this has never been posted before, ever.
Glad to know my stalkers are happy
I wanted to get rid of it a while ago but Kay's been absent from class for the last 4-5 days.
Touche, Salesmen.
Was this meant to be said out loud?
Twilight ruins everything.