Title. Umm ME and my friend are debating if Unicorns can fly som can they? Me: YES! her: NO.
^_________^ YAY! *is high on air*
Ei I Ei I Oooooooooooooooooo. ^_________________________________________^ And on that farm he had a ........
LOL Me and my friend were/are gonna sit in front of the movie theater in Black cloaks with a free hugs sign.
Rose: Se dosnt steal my orange soda ^______^
I don't get why people think its ok. To them its just an animal just taking up space. But if it was a human that somebody slaughtered the you either be in jail for life or get the death sentence so wtf is up?
Most girls have had barbie dolls. But now when I look at them I see how materialistic they make them and how slu** they make their clothes. IMO they a bad role modal. YEs I know it just a doll but still EDIT: And it shows them to be super skinny
Type with your head jhghtygfjhkijojyutygrftghgyjkkkkkkkkkhgtyhhhhhhhhtrferddde >_>
Wil not... woooooo
Hullo noodleboy.
*coughmistyisastalke cough*
Ok *adds* Mine is: Fallingstarr6394 >____>
How the hell should I know? XDD
To put so you all will understand: A very bad person gave the site a boo-boo
In tech class: The student teacher was awesome: anyway Student teach: Shhhhhhhhhh Katie thing: *giggling* Me: KATIE STOP TELLING EVERYONE YOU EAT ORPANS Student teacher: lol ------------------------------ Also: Me and Misty were shocking in each other in english because there was only like ten kids and we hard nothing to do: *Misty and I shock each other* *both yell ow* *everyone stares* Teacher: Now girls be qutie Me: owie....
LYKE HAI! Welcome back!