O_O w.t.f?
Vivi: 46 or 47?
*give new cookie* I eated your other one. AND POPCORN!
Ris may I ask why you are still curently located in vivi pants? I am sorrwe I didnt know that cookie was yors
When I was like 5 or 6 I slamed my middle finger in a door by mistake I dont know if it was broken. It hurt like hell though. I had it in a homemade splint. It was fun to have a reason to flip people off.
i wasnt talking about you.
shh they'll figure out your true identity!
Are you emo? No she isn't but I am a cowboy! *insidejoke*
I hate this idea. It reminds me of school uniforms. No self expression.
For some reason, I havent been able to get throught to youtube ;-;
|Not that you really care much about my underware...|
God: Where do you go to school? Me: In a box God: Describe your surroundings. Me: cardboard walls God: It sounds like a very beautiful place. Me: thannk you God: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress. Me: you wear a dress?
I dont know you... ^_________^
Somebody had soda...
<3 Nice *glomp*
But your not Hananah Montana like me so THERE! >_> :p
Europe or Japan *Weeaboo*