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  1. Hissora
    Profile Post

    Ah! D:

    Ah! D:
    Profile Post by Hissora for Princess Luna, Jul 15, 2009
  2. Hissora
    It's nice to have a sotw, but not really when it's basically dead. I'm slowly getting back into making sigs, so I'd find it very useful to start it again for inspiration.

    Thread by: Hissora, Jul 15, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. Hissora
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Hissora for Princess Luna, Jul 15, 2009
  4. Hissora
    That's a bit hard since they are constantly moving.
    Post by: Hissora, Jul 15, 2009 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Hissora
    Here's my cnc.

    Okay, so first of all, everytime I look at your art, I always think it looks like you traced because of the unsteady-ness of the lines. Do you trace? Or are you using a reference or what?

    Her arms are disturbingly disproportionate to the body and legs. They're ways too skinny and a little long. The back arm shouldn't be as long as the one towards the front because it's further back and appears shorter, but you have it almost longer than the one in front.

    I know it's anime style, but the eyes are quite large since they take up half of the forehead. Try lowering them and making them smaller. Also her breast seem to be lower than they should be. For the hands, they are too chubby for this type of character.
    Post by: Hissora, Jul 15, 2009 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Hissora
    Yeah, he is kinda muscle-ey
    And his neck is oddly positioned, making it seem like he's in pain.
    Post by: Hissora, Jul 15, 2009 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Hissora
    Because all the 4chan junkies act like it is.
    Post by: Hissora, Jul 15, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Hissora
    Fuse for some reason shits up when I text or call with my phone. Guess the frequencies are too close.
    Post by: Hissora, Jul 15, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Hissora
    Profile Post

    That's funny.

    That's funny.
    Profile Post by Hissora for In explicit Angst, Jul 15, 2009
  10. Hissora


    Seen it before but it is full of lolz.
    Post by: Hissora, Jul 15, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Hissora
  12. Hissora
  13. Hissora
    Profile Post

    Aye, you should.

    Aye, you should.
    Profile Post by Hissora for Princess Luna, Jul 15, 2009
  14. Hissora
    It's their best single imo.
    Profile Post by Hissora for Princess Luna, Jul 15, 2009
  15. Hissora
    Profile Post

    Lol okay .

    Lol okay .
    Profile Post by Hissora for Princess Luna, Jul 15, 2009
  16. Hissora
  17. Hissora
  18. Hissora
  19. Hissora
  20. Hissora