I remember watching that on animal planet once, I can barely remember what it's about due to all the laughing I was doing.
This blew my mind as a kid. XD
Spoiler Looks like Law is going to potentially get at Doflamingo first, and he revealed his weakness to the strawhats. A set up for a battle? I might do that soon, I have a couple days off and nothing to do... I followed Reborn to the end and my god was the ending lackluster as hell... I also do follow Fairy Tail, but I can't say I enjoy it. Basic premise, friendship conquers all... Only reason why I'm even still reading it at this point is for the sake of completion. Funny thing with One Piece is that Oda has stated that he has reached the halfway point many times over the years, but overall most fans are just going to call the pre-time skip content the first half which feels kind of appropriate. Also unfortunately, I'd have to say One Piece needs filler. The avoidance of it is kind of killing the pacing of the show. X_X
Eva scares you? After watching it all I thought was "that happened."
Spoiler I tried once, but the problem with that show is that most of it is episodic and unchanging. Boy detective solves case for his crush's father while maintaining his disguise, that's the basis for EVERY episode. I can't take the same old same old all the time, I'd go crazy! Dx Baccano! FTW! Although I've yet to watch Eureka 7... True right now they're over powered, but that's just because they gotten to any powerful enemies. Spoiler Unless you count Hordy Jones and Ceaser Clown as "powerful." XD The current arc on Dressrossa seems promising.
Spoiler Skypia? That was ages ago. o_O Can't blame you though, compared to the rest of the series it feels disjointed and following that arc was the davy back arc which also felt disjointed. It wasn't until after those arcs is when the series picks up again, the series gets a bit dark, actual character development, and some awesome enemies. If you ever want to check out the series again, I would recommend starting at ep 227. It skips the filler and the...davy back arc... Man that arc was pointless... No prob, I always enjoy some good humor.
I'm kind of interested now, when did One Piece get worse in your eyes? My fanboyism blinds me.
^Isn't that the kind of thing that start riots? X_X^ I've seen plenty of shows better then all of these series, but I still like One Piece. Try watching this, it's probably the best thing that explains the big 3 phenomenon. Spoiler I enjoyed the pic, and I got the humor. Just responding to criticism with criticism. =D
You basing your facts on the anime or manga? While I'd agree with you anime wise, the manga is still going as strong as ever especially with what just happened on Punk Hazard. The anime nowadays is just an unpaced mess. -_- Also, Naruto and that war... It's one hundred times better then that war in Bleach but it is still kind of....meh.... Especially with recent chapters... Spoiler With the first four Hokages introduction in the war was fine with me, what's not fine is bipolar Sasuke. Will he choose his mind over being good or evil? My god! I'll stop before I start ranting. X_X
Someone say nostalgia?
I'm fine as long as the channel functions. I'm just glad they made the channel comments easy to find again. XD Just switched over, Now I just gotta find something to put in my banner.
So how well do the new channels work? From what I've seen and explored, they work well but there's little to customize besides the banner.
So it basically holds your hand in the beginning and then it has a steep difficulty curve. Sounds lovely.
Yeah the only reason why I still have munna is because it knows yawn. XD I'll keep my eyes out for Gothietelle.
Just beat the third gym, so I'd thought I'd post an update on my "team" status. Pokemon (as of right now): Spoiler Pignite lv 24 Type: Fire/Fight Nature: Gentle Ability: Blaze Moves: -Arm Thrust -Flame Charge -Ember -Odor Sleuth Pidove lv 20 Type: Normal/Flying Nature: Lax Ability: Super Luck Moves: -Air Cutter -Growl -Roost -Quick Attack Munna lv 20 Type: Psychic Nature: Modest Ability: Synchronize Moves: -Psybeam -Defense Curl -Moonlight -Yawn Tympole lv 17 Type: Water Nature: Sassy Ability: Hydration Moves: -Mud Shot -Supersonic -Round -Bubblebeam Drilbur lv 17 Type: Ground Nature: Sassy Ability: Sand Rush Moves: -Metal Claw -Rapid Spin -Mud-Slap -Fury Swipes Probably get Jotik as a sixth member. Also I have a Patrat hm slave which knows cut. I'll most likely keep Pignite and Pidove. Don't know about Munna, that one's a toss up. Right now Tympole and Drilbur are fill ins, but I'll probably keep them if I don't find replacements. And as I said, I'll probably end up getting a Joltik later. Thoughts?
So many new pokemon, finding a good balanced team is going to hurt my head. X_X By last 2 generations I hope you meant last 2 games as in black and white 1 and 2. In Platinum, once I used a TM it was gone. Also since I just started the game I know jack about it. Under my first impression of it it just seemed a tad more simple then previous games although compared to Platinum this one seems to have a more interesting plot so far. I've seen a couple dozen Blizle along the next route, I might just pick one up until I find a Joltik. Not really a fan of its poor defensive stats. X_X
Wait, that one has pokemon from Kanto-Sinnoh? My wallet is going to be hurting later this summer. XD