How generous of you, I'll participate.
How much money are you going to loose this year?
Sorry to say, but I never saw the point in figures. In my mind, it would be just another thing to take up space and collect dust. =/
...and here it is. Do I win?
The true conspiracy in Code Geass involves Pizza Hut and Britannia and their plan to take over the world. =P
Sounds about right.
I play pokemon only when I'm in the mood to play it, oddly enough my mood to play pokemon has gotten me in the mood to rewatch digimon. XD
Ok, link posted, enjoy!
I'll send you a message with the link. Edit: For some reason I can't start a conversation with you. This messaging system hurts my head...
Anyone interested in a 48 hour crunchyroll pass? This thing expires in a couple days so I figured I ask.
Apparently when they bought Rare, they also thought they got the rights to Donkey Kong. XD
I felt the same about the show when I finished it. Spoiler The first season was alright with decent action and a flimsy plot, the only thing I remember about the second part of it was that it involved fairies. I don't see why the show got so popular...
That sounds familiar...
I've also heard that it's good, but I refuse to watch it until it is finished so that I can watch it all at once. Unless you want to catch up to only have to wait each week for a new episode.
Someone call?
*looks at copy of kh3d* I should play that at some point...
Spoiler I guess I'm heartless then, I still find it funny after picturing it in my head again. =P