I guess not... Is it this one? Nope
Another random post. Is this for the win?
Random Post number 4.
A storm of posts....interesting...
Here's another post.
Now less then a hundred. Woo.
If you wanted to go big, should have made it a couple of hundred. =P
This should last a bit. So here's a contributing post.
Ah Digimon, one of my favorite childhood shows. Just recently bought the first 3 seasons when they were on sale on amazon. I forgot how good the third season was and you could see that Saban actually put effort into it when compared to their dubbing of the first two seasons. Anyone remember this episode and how the "censored" it? XD Spoiler Yes...milkshakes...
Another before I go. =P Edit: Dangit, missed by one! XD
Looks like I have to miss another due to work, bah.
meh I lost, well played.
4 more after this one, who wins the net I wonder. >.>
Technically it could be on sale in 7 hours or so. =P
Just posting for the hell of it.
And here's another post.
This thread slowing down already?
This is post number 9.