I <3 GaGa :3
My friend has a female dog that he named bitch. It never gets old calling her.
This attitude pisses me off with women. I know quite a few gay people and we're pretty damn good friends. Then all of a sudden other people who have been ignoring us for weeks suddenly find out my friends are gay and then they're LOL BEST FRIENDS. It annoys me so much that just because a person is gay people have an interest in them.
Bravo good sir, I chuckled.
Adam Lambert. He's so pretty :3
Maybe nobody has answered you because they either couldn't find it or don't care? I couldn't find it on any of the acapella sites I go to so you're out of luck unless you take the time to make it yourself or just spend the money and buy the song.
Black guy cracks me up every time.
He plays Rock Band 2 constantly.
Since when did we need to censor anything Spider-man did? He's one of the biggest wimps in comics.
White people disgust me with their racism. I lol'd because she has a point.
Those are all nice things though. It'd be better if there were some bad ones slipped in. I'm just happy I got E and O since those are big boosters to my already high ego.
You do know you can take the mixer panel and flip it to the other side of the turntable to accommodate left-handed people right?
Left button is the left turntable. It controls everything you'd do with a turntable that's on the left. Middle button is your effects button. Right button is the right turntable and does what the left one would do but on the right. It's the only way they could have done this since bundling two turntables plus the mixer would cost way too much. Although I'm sure Activision would love to do that just to charge us that much.
It's called a crossfader.
lol only 1 view with no ratings.
When you say 'drilling' do you mean sex or literally drilling her?
But guys, Spoiler SPACE HAS NOGAEMZ
But guys, Spoiler PS3 HAS NOGAEMZ