with 4 rep gems (H)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV0qM6-HLuk 1st guitarist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ioAGMmgZPM&mode=related&search= 2nd Guitarist. can't believe someone made a sheet for this song, let alone performed it this well.
well here in britania you're now 14 =P
*puts on Riot by TDG* you know you want to
Yo, what's up?
feels good to be grey again.
thinks when ever the RP thread "it's prom time" is the newest thread posted in that section and you're just scrolling by, you read it as "it's porn time"?
dude, you suck.....
we have to die my dear, but no one's getting out of here alive.
i even cleaned up the suggestions forum to pass the time but it didn't that long.
I'm just wondering, if any of us died, how would the forum find out? I have an innactive friend on this site who'd probably inform you or if i was murdered on the news Kitty lives fairly near me so probably'd see it and tell you, but...how would you guys send us the goodbye from beyond the grave?
edit: wtf, i did not put that there re-edit: there we go
i've been staring at the itunes vizualiser again, i feel loopy.
Why is there a gap in your sig filled in with a ____ next to the "= my love" part? surely by putting that there you must know so why not share?
it's almost as if my new sig (the middle one) was made directly with me in mind =D.
Just kidding, i know mines would be a hate club =D
my cat just sneezed, she sounds like a 4 year old girl when she sneezes.
I've changed, so much so that some people don't want to be around this person i've "changed" into, for whatever reasons i can't seem to find any changes in myself, can you?
who can't change your user title, i'm not being cruel i still just love the fact i don't qualify but i get to change it cause i'm staff =D i can change it anytime i want...like now.
my bellybutton is itchy to a point where scratching don't work