Sigh, SORA WAS ALWAYS IN TT!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, as I said before, you see a cameo of TT and then we see Sora in the pod inplifying that he IS in TT.
KH1, it bores me to see Sora floating with his heart out of him.
Sigh, I love it when people jump to conclusion. I said that but did I said this: "Ven is a COMPLETE recycle of Roxas" Not?
I didn't meant as in EVERYTHING was recycled. I memt as in some designs were.
Bowser slaps Peach in the face. Few blood is seen dropped. That's all I can say.
Also, that reason they said on why it isn't officially explainable gets me to think that they don't wanna tell anyone that they are translatign the FM version and they want it to be a surprise!!!11
Nice avatar! Could use a little of work. 9/10 I WOVE THE INUYASHA SIGN!!!!!!!!1 10/10
Thank you for contacting SQUARE ENIX Customer Support, There have not been any announcements of a Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix in North America.At this time, we do not have any sort of official reason explaining why. We appreciate your business and hope you enjoy our future titles. Neil- SQUARE ENIX Customer Support This is a reply I got from SE from an e-mail I sent them regarding on KHII FM+. As you can see, they are saying that KHII FM+ isn't a game that it's officially known to everyone. I have a feeling that they are foreshadowing something. Something like they will make an announcement of it.
Still, the fight was interesting, I encountered it looking easy, but it might be myself.
She IS a witch, meaning she could've use somekind of spell to have more powers and revived Floatsam and Jetsam.
Avatar looks great but could use something to spice it up. Ah, a pokemon fan. I love pokemon. 10/10
Could use a little of work, it looks like it was done in Paint.But still, I LOVE IT!!!!!!1
Ursula wasn't sucked by a void! The spoils of the sea left with her.
This game is easy! You gotta just rate the signature of the person above you! Example: Wow Axelrific your sign is soo... AXELRIFIC!!!!!! It deserves a 10/10!!!!!!
This game is easy! You gotta just arte the avatar of the person above! Example: Axelrific, your avatar looks so... so... AXELRIFIC!!!!!!!! It deserves a 10/10!!!!!!
Moslty the *Invisible would win by rather millions of votes. Anyways, PEOPLE! WE NEED SUPPORT ON THE MUSHROOMS!!!!! THEY ARE GETTING OWNED!!!!!!
OUCH! That fight looks hard! Anyways, if you almost lost to him, imagine in level 1!!!!! Anyways, good vid, could use some cleaner quality and better sound.
Well, indeed the Mushrooms attacked you but, they gave ya USEFUL ITEMS!!!!!!!
Then Soul Eater must changed into Way to Dawn when Riku took "The twilit path engulfed in dawn" in CoM, that's what DiZ said, he said that Riku took that path and that must be the reason why Soul Eater is now Way to Dawn, why it was still Soul Eater in KHII, I think it's because it takes time.
Another game that I liked. The only one that I liked was the one with you to select from 6 different characters. You start with one and you choose who are your partners.