Y'know, Atlantica is different from the one in KH1, WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY different! Anyways, my point is that maybe they didn't gave her to much emphasis since Atlantica is an optional world.
This Indeed thing is making me crazy! Each time I see something that's right I just say Indeed! Where did I got the Indeed thing? FROM XEMNAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 It was when he was talking to Saix and said Indeed the most empty way and I decided to imitate it.
Based on your posts, register date and times I've seen you around... 6.5/10.
The mudles were recycled and were cleaned a little, tahts what I think. Also, forgot to post... Indeed.
We knew ages ago that DC isn't an accessable world. Anyways, a beta video is just to show off the potential of the game, it has no canon things. DC was put in the WM so that people don't think the world got devoured by darkness since we don't see it in the world map. All im saying is that the world was made visible so that people don't think the world was devoured by darkness.
Ah, yes! I remember that startegy! It was useful!
Maleficen't gang IS a gang that has control over Heartless meaning that they have pure darkness in theor hearts enought to revive them, as the above poster stated.
Thanks for the pics but we already know that they have connections.
Windows Movie Maker. Request tuts from people who have exp in these situations of video making.
I HAVE NEVER PLAYED AN FF GAME! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!1 Joking! I WOVE THE FF SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Also, it's not necessary to not play a FF game to be a gamer.
Seriosly, whats up with Wakka? He looks like he has some jamakian issues.
1/10 This is the first time I've seen ya.
Sora. 'Nuff said.
What are referrals? They are above the usernote option.
Plot: Ansem The Wise, a.k.a The Old Fart, has been submitted to charges radicated by the Radiant Garden Restoration Commitee. The charges are the following: Charges: Acused for taking hearts out of people without medical license. Acused for having an expired medical license from over 29 years. Acused for having a secret laboratory to conduct experiments without medical license. Acused for having a radioactive gun that explodes and unleashes blinding light. Acused for creating monsters that created world threat. Judge: Axelrific Lan Butaflame Lawyer: ??? Jury (up to 6 persons) RULES: Only use KH characters! Stay on the game topic. Once every case has been resolved, we shall move to the next one. OK! LETS THE JUDGING BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!
Indeed! I got to stop quoting Xemnas! Anyways, I always liked to use the Save Points a room before the boss.
When I first saw Maleficent I thought that she was gonna be a boss. Then I realized she was just someone to fill a hole.
If KHII FM+ isn't coming to NA, why hasn't SE of America announced this?
I think that Master Xehanort is a rival of the formel Master of TAV.
Did you know that wikipedia is a resource of info that's made by users? As in some idiot is trying to pull our legs. That's Terra. They both have the same armor structure and they both HATE Xehanort.