true true so waht r u going 2 do 2day
luck im in 6th grade what grade r u in
yep and i got 5 years left to go 2 school then stay home
yea and its r last day off of school
Cool have u seen my groups
*yawns* well im board nothing else 2 do
Not much hey r u in any group
Heyyyyyyyyyyyy what u been up 2
Hey girl wat u been up 2
heyyyyyyyyyyyyy girl
alright i have to leave tell every body on my feind list i have 2 go only if their online
man i havnt seen him in a while
whats his name
huh............................ wahts a prem
Whao u r going 2 colloge. Im in 6th grade all the peole in my freind list are older than me and im 11
Hey girllllll waht u up 2
Did u see nexah go online
What y how come
At least we have 2 days off