"You're sweet," Lestat smiled politely. "You're not the first person I've said this about, but you should never have been one of us."
awww lol you flatter me TOO much! :D:D:D
"Well, thank you, my dear," Lestat replied. "I'm flattered, really. May I ask why you think so?"
ahh thats so true... i think you can handle the first book by louis, but the rest, by me... well, we shall see.... :D
"A fiend? A brat? Amazingly more powerful than any other vampire still alive?" Lestat laughed, and then shrugged as if it didn't matter. "Yes. I know what you mean."
"Of course!" Lestat replied. "Nothing you can do will hurt me at all, my dear."
im YUMMY...
"It does," Lestat said in agreement, turning and staring down the hallway through the three open doors. "Watch," he murmured proudly, and thought "lock" happily, grinning when all three sets of doors snapped shut and relocked themselves. "Now we're not going anywhere," he said, turning and smiling wider. The small room was built with golden, brass-colored stones, ancient Egyptian artifacts lining the walls and floor. Large torches stood in the corner, their light bouncing and reflecting off every shining, gemed surface. The wall opposite them had only two chairs against it, both tall, enamored, jeweled, bright thrones.
that SO true... in SO many ways....
"Well, then," Lestat said, taking her hand and smiling when she shivered. "Just follow me and I'll keep you distracted." He turned and led her down a hallway out of the main bedroom they stood in, the walls covered in torced that seemed to have lit seconds before just because he thought the word "light." The pathway descended into stairs now, leading the way far into the earth, deep into the center of the island. They reached a door that was bolted shut and he thought "open" and the locks snapped apart. "This way," he said, and they stepped into another hallway that was barred by a similar door. When they were past it, Lestat stopped at a final door. "This is where they were kept."
Lestat nodded. "She's dead now..." he began. "She made me do some awful things... things that make what I usually do look kind. But that would be a conversation for downstairs. How are you feeling now?"
you farted???
"Because I loved her," Lestat began slowly. "I was... entranced, seduced, infatuated, overwhelmed... however you'd like to phrase it. I didn't see at the time, until it was too late, how powerful, wrong, and twisted her views were."
"Just a trick," Lestat replied smoothly. "Taught by a very awful woman."
"You can open your eyes, dear," Lestat said with a small laugh. "And just look around for a moment, if you like, before we go... downstairs."
Lestat pulled Hannah close to him, one arm around her waist, the other by her neck. "Just don't hold your breath," he muttered in her ear, and gave Edward a look before shutting his eyes. He pictured the Grecian island in his mind, envisioning the waves around it, the candles lit in its windows for him already. He saw the room, the large bed, fireplace, bookshelves, paintings... and then willed himself... there. When he opened his eyes, they stood in the exactly place he'd thought of.
Lestat sighed, giving Edward a smirk. "She'll be back soon, don't worry," he said without much emotion, stepping over to Hannah. "Shall we?" he asked, extending his hands.
"It's up to her when she wants to go," Lestat murmured.
"What do you think?" Lestat said softly, his smile finally fading.
OOC: EPIC PHAIL!!! "Where are your other friends?" Lestat asked aloud, not to anyone in paticular.