"I know," Lestat said calmly. "But I shall take care of that, as well as Edward will, when the time comes. Now..." He sighed, sitting up and straightening his shirt and hair. "I'm sure he's missing you."
"Oh, hush," Lestat soothed, brushing his fingers along his teeth marks on her neck. "John cannot withstand both Edward and I together. Don't trouble yourself about him."
"It doesn't matter now," Lestat said softly. "Edward won't let him hurt you, and John will be dead soon anyway... and I won't let anyone touch you, either."
"Hmm," Lestat muttered under his breath. "I think he can see into your mind, little one, and that might be something we can't avoid now."
"I expected anger," Lestat said, almost seriously, playing with a loose strand of her hair. "But maybe that will come later."
Lestat let Hannah go, prying her fingers off his shirt and kissing her cheek. He gave her a smile, his teeth dark red as he licked his lips. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "Couldn't help it."
Lestat pulled away from Hannah slightly, tugging the hair at the back of her neck to tilt her head back. He could smell the combination of his blood and hers just under his lips on her skin. Hesitating just half a second, he sunk his teeth slowly into the base of her neck, the blood that hit his lips slipping out of the corners of his mouth and down his chin.
Lestat wanted to smile, but the smell of blood and Hannah's skin combined made his vision glaze over and he found himself kissing her deeply before he was even aware he had moved. Her hands on his shirt, her tangled hair, and her small body made his consciousness almost waver to a point of passing out. He knotted his fingers in her hair and shirt, clinging to something solid and steady to calm his racing, black heart.
Lestat nodded, and leaned toward her, impulsively kissing the drops of blood off her chin and lips. He laughed deep in his throat when she tensed and jumped slightly, but he couldn't help himself; the smell of her hair, his blood, and the entire idea of it being completely wrong made his head spin.
"There," Lestat sighed, brushing her hair away from her face, giving her a small smile. "Can you feel it? The difference?"
"Hannah..." Lestat began, slowly opening his eyes. He felt more pain starting in his arm, going up into his chest and head, waking his senses. "Hannah, look at me."
"Amazing," Lestat whispered, his voice half a moan as he spoke into the top of her head. "You should... trust yourself... a lot more..." he faded off, almost pushing his arm harder against her mouth.
Lestat stifled a moan that wanted to escape his lips when he felt her lips on his skin, burying his face in her hair. Memories flooded his mind as he gripped Hannah close to him as tight as he could; thoughts, moments of others. Their names raced through his mind, but he pushed the images away, focusing on the delightful pain in his wrist, shutting his eyes and licking his lips.
"Do it, then," Lestat challenged after a moment, pushing his wrist closer to her mouth. "I can stop you if you hurt me, you know."
"I trust you right now," Lestat whispered, tightening his fingers around hers. "You're doubting my strength, Hannah. Why don't you give me the chance to prove it to you?"
"That's true," Lestat sighed. "I was just trying to make it easier for you... and, in turn, for him."
"My blood," Lestat whispered, brushing the tips of his fingers along the base of her neck. "It's powerful enough that, if you drink it, you won't have to kill for months at a time at least. Doesn't that sound like a good idea to you?"
Lestat grinned, taking one of his arms out from around her and putting the inside of his wrist against her cheek. "I know you hate killing, whether it be a human or lower," he said softly. "I can help you with that."
"Are you hungry?" Lestat whispered, his fingers finally stopping their movement along her back and resting on the back of her neck. "I'm sure you are."
"Hmm," was all Lestat said in response, stopping himself from leaning close to her face. "I'm guessing so, since it's almost dawn and you're feeling better, yes?"