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  1. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    OOC: yay for vanny getting the first post on page 100!


    omg and i just got 1100! IM SO DAMN HOT.
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Oct 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    As you wish, Lestat sighed and shut his eyes, letting his feet begin to float off the ground, the wind carrying him just a few feet high, drifting in whatever direction his subconscious felt.
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Oct 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    You could tell them if you wish, Lestat muttered carelessly at Hannah. Then he turned his mind to John: Well, all I've heard about is how this Dracula gives people like us a bad name; no one should take his place. I've been in the limelight, and I love it, so... if one of us has to be idolized, loved, and hated by mortals, I will take it. I enjoy it.
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Oct 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    You'd don't feel that you need to, my little one, Lestat murmured at Hannah. Can't you tell? No urge to drink, to kill... it will be like that for a long time.
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Oct 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    OOC: i just realized criss angel is kinda hot... :woohoo:

    Lestat chuckled aloud to himself as he rested against a tree near the stables. Rules are nothing to such as us, John, he began seriously. No one HAS to do anything, my friend!
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Oct 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    Then imagine what the two of us could do to the poor b.astard, Lestat encouraged. I'd love to see that, wouldn't you?
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Oct 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    Trouble? Lestat laughed. You think two creatures such as us could be troubled by him?
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Oct 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    Lestat laughed. You know you'd like to think about it, he continued happily. Really now: getting rid of this famous "Dracula" on an impulse; you think things out too much, my friend! Live and let live, as I always say!
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Sep 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    I'm sorry, but I'd just love to let them figure out how to get into this Dracula's castle, and then go and finish the monster myself; not let that stupid hunter and his friends have the satisfaction. And I love showing off my powers, of course. The both of us... I'd love to see what's left of him by the end of it.
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Sep 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    You could finish him, Lestat laughed. Hell, we both could finish him together without much worry or trouble at all... which reminds me, do you know where they are headed now?
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Sep 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    Ever since I was old enough to ride a horse and wield a sword, I have had the awful curse in my personality of acting on impulses; I do things on the spur of the moment, the impulse without thinking about the consequences of later on. So many have suffered because of that, and you'd think by now I would have learned, but... it may take a few hundred years to change all that... I'm still learning...
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Sep 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    It's not my fault I'm a gorgeous fiend, John, Lestat muttered, almost seriously. It's just the card I drew.
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Sep 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    OOC: check out the sexy lestat website

    (the dude from queen of the damned) :D
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Sep 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    If I were in your position, Lestat explained calmly, I would want my girl to suffer, to make her feel like she was finally dead, and then not give her the satisfation of death itself... but you aren't one for torture, are you? Too much of a soft heart...
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Sep 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
  16. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    Well, then, you're not as impressive as I thought, Lestat sighed. No wonder Edward doesn't fear you at all.
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Sep 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    Be like me, Lestat chuckled, running a hand through his hair as he walked. Play with the victims of your whims.
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Sep 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    Profile Post

    im hungry.... ;)

    im hungry.... ;)
    Profile Post by Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives for Princess_of_hearts, Sep 29, 2008
  19. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    Of course not, Lestat agreed. But if you go by that logic, none of us deserve to live, whether there is a hell to burn in or not after this life... killing seems like such an easy way out, a lame punishment...
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives
    Well, now I'm intrigued, Lestat laughed. What are you implying here?
    Post by: Lestat_de_Lioncourt_Lives, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home