"Somewhere in Greece," Lestat said confidently, unable to stop himself from winking at Hannah now. "There is an island, off the mainland that no one inhabits anymore. Under the island, a vault that held the two most dangerous vampires in the world for over five thousand years: the Mother and Father. No one can get in or out besides me and one other vampire... and he is likely to never set foot there again, so... you'll be safe."
"I figured bringing something to you both would be a good idea," Lestat congratulated himself. "Now, let's let Edward speak his mind before he explodes!" He laughed, throwing his head back and running a hand through his white-blond hair.
"Well," Lestat began with a small chuckle, resisting the urge to wink at her. "Let's just say there are some richer folk in this town and they won't be missing any of their possessions. If you feel bad, I can return the books later, of coure," he added with a small smile.
"You're welcome," Lestat sighed, shutting the window and leaning against it. "Doe that help you at all?"
"Thank you, my dear," Lestat sighed, dropping gracefully into the room, and shaking back his hair. "I've brought you both some things that normal vampires couldn't be able to aquire during the day." He gave Edward a wink and pulled a small, leather back off his right shoulder. "Now don't worry," he said, raising his gaze to Hannah for a moment. "I didn't kill anyone to achieve this." Lestat pulled a black, long-sleeved, silk shirt out of the sack and tossed it to Edward. "Swallow your vanity, my friend, and put that on... just don't ruin it tomorrow night; it's very expensive. Even I would wear it!" He turned to Hannah again and handed her the rest of the pack. "Just some reading you would like," he said. "I don't know what they are, really; the titles just seemed helpful."