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  1. MSUK
    ^ This .
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 11, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. MSUK


    If you actually play that game, then you win the internet
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 11, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. MSUK
    For just making me lol in the spamzone. xB
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 11, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. MSUK
    Mind if I ask a n00by question here?
    How are these people even able to host videos that are over 10 minutes long? I forget how.

    Anyway, On topic. This sounds pretty cool, it'll probably attract more visitors to the site.
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 11, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  5. MSUK
    Yup. Another boredom topic with yet another useless question. You love these, don't you.
    Anyway. Would you have preffered it if the KH development team brought back more worlds from KH1 into KH2? Such as Wonderland, Deep Jungle, Monstro, and End of the world.
    My opinion? they should have brought back Neverland. Atlantica was terrible, and didn't give you anything near the swimming experience than I expected from the prior game. I would have rathered flying than spending my time with a stupid singing minigame. I also wouldn't have minded Deep Jungle. I liked that world alot. I'm still confused to why It was never included in CoM.

    As per usual, I'm sorry if this thread has been done 818392893 times before.
    Thread by: MSUK, Feb 11, 2009, 21 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. MSUK

    The cutscene right before the battle of 1000 heartless.
    I loved the music in that part(Because it sounds like my favourite part of "Another Side").
    Dispite the fact that the battle itself was way too easy, and sucked quite alot.
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 11, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. MSUK
    You got me dere, boi.
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. MSUK

    D*ck Sh*tting Nipples?
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. MSUK
    Certainly is.
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. MSUK
    Yeah, I was in GAME today, and I asked if RE:CoM was going to be released in Europe. He said he doubted it.
    Which sucks.
    Wont stop me though. I'll get an import. :3
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. MSUK
    In the most disturbing tone imaginable.
    Then he proceeded to get extremely close to me with this demented face. Then I called him a 40-year-old-paedophile in a 15-year-old's body. Then he stole my scarf because he's gay like that.
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. MSUK
    Nah. It's all red in the area he bit me though.
    I didn't care though, I actually found it hilarious. Even more so with the fact that he ran off like a girl after.
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. MSUK
    In the hand.
    Because I pinned him against the wall for stealing my scarf and talking to me like a pedophile.
    Thats so low.
    Low, I tell you.
    I need to start wearing gloves.
    Thread by: MSUK, Feb 10, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. MSUK


    What the hell.

    Okay. So we have MSN, AIM, ICQ and such which are all instant messengers. Then we have simple e-mail. Then we ALSO have chat rooms and imageboards, and of course, forums, ALL which more than easily allow us to send and exchange nude pictures. Yet sending pornography over an MMS from a handheld device is suddenly a big deal?


    Okay seriously now. I'm not kidding when I say that it's much more likely for a kid to have internet access before recieving a mobile phone, and pornography is plastered all over the internet. Myspace, Bebo, Facebook, even doing a damn google image search could end up with being exposed to porn. So I really fail to see what all the commotion is when MORE teenagers are most likely use webcam to show their bits off.
    Just my two cents.

    EDIT: I also agree with Scarlet. The age in which you are allowed to have sex freely is sixteen, and lets face it, unless you're majorly protected and secure, all under-sixteens will be exposed to pornography in some form. Why should it matter?

    EDIT EDIT: You also know the ironic thing? There are companies advertised in magazines which specialize in this stuff! Yes, it is usually a scam, but nonetheless, few actually do send you pornography/explicit pictures to your phone, via text message.

    So again, what the hell.
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 9, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  15. MSUK
    From a practical and cliche view, If you're a stereotypical guy who's only interested in sex, it would usually be body, yes. But only unless it's been purposely intended for people to look at your body first, your face is the first thing that somebody's drawn to. I would say because your face is the one part of your body that is a full representation of who you are. It's how people recognize you. It's(in some cases) how people can be attracted to you. It's how we are made individual from everyone else, because everyone's face is different.

    I've heard this from so many people. And although your personality has a huge, huge, impact on who you are, it's only going to truly shine for people who are willing to stay and realize that. Unfortunately, especially if you're a teenager, nobody's truly going to sit around and spend time to apprehend what that person truly is as a whole. It's just how things happen.
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 9, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  16. MSUK
    Alright, I know I'm going to have somebody object to my insight on the matter now, and frankly, I don't care. At the end of the day, it's you people that brought this to the table(or thread, in a manner of speaking) in the first place.

    Now for one. Why were we not informed of this earlier? Most of us here cannot present advice and/or consolation if we have nothing to go on. If we're given vague descriptions and the like, what are we expected to say? it just causes ignorant(and I am not saying this in a negative tense) and confused replies. If one of you(seeming all 3 of you seem to be together in this) explained the situation in a calmer tone(However difficult it may be for you) and significant more detail, then maybe you may have received more sensible suggestions and less people guessing that this girl is just asking for attention. I do admit that the notion of this story is somewhat hazy and confusing to why this girl would not seek professional help rather than consult a forum with normal members living everyday lives, is somewhat confusing, however I for one am willing to try and understand.

    So yeah. tl;dr version? don't go saying "Did you know?! Did you know?!" and also "If you knew the situation..." when it almost seems like you're saying this rhetorically. Because the answer is, we don't know. We wasn't told. And you knew this full well.
    Yes, Tana_Panda is an idiot and many of us have obviously seen that, despite this, similar arguments have sprouted from different members who actually have more than half a braincell.

    Post by: MSUK, Feb 9, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  17. MSUK
    And it's basically a CGI movie already, in itself.

    Post by: MSUK, Feb 9, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  18. MSUK
    I swear you two are the same people.

    Anyway, I've probably read about 3 volumes chronologically. I care little for an overhyped franchise with a fanbase comprising of 10-year-old weaboos who strive to be super ninjas and injure themselves in the process.
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 8, 2009 in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. MSUK
    I'm considered sexy.
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 8, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  20. MSUK
    Why do you guys think these threads up?

    Anyway. I would probably be Roxas. Not because of the hair, but the fact that he can wield 2 keyblades. Enough said.
    Post by: MSUK, Feb 8, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts