Somebody want to play against me with his deck against my deck?^^ I run the simulation on DMG, so I will have real cards.^^ But on DMG, I also have trap booster, so...^^
Now this attack was a bad idea (defender, marshmallon) BTW: Fusion gate is one of the mandatory cards for the OTK. Fusion gate + chain material.
That happens to me often, too, idk why.^^ (I play it with duel monsters genesis^^)
You have 2 fusion gate. I smell it. Or terraforming.
I think, if he has the right cards on field and hand, it is gameover.^^ He only needs one card to destroy your facedown and if chain material is on his field, well...
And how you send it into the grave?^^
But get bubbleman and this card means you would need 4 cards, so you could also play exodia...
There is a card which can do that, but it is banned.^^
A card, which would help my deck is a card, which lets me play chain material directly from hand. This is why I had trap booster in it.
I should tell you the strategy behind the deck: First, start your turn with "Chain Material" face-down and "Fusion Gate" in your Hand. Activate "Fusion Gate", then chain/activate "Chain Material". Fusion Summon "Electrum" (A) by banishing "Main Materials" from the Main Deck (or anywhere except Banished Zone). "Electrum" (A)'s effect returns Banished cards ("Main Materials") to the Main Deck. Fusion Summon "Electrum" (B) by banishing "Main Materials" from the Main Deck. "Electrum" (B)'s effect returns Banished cards ("Main Materials") to the Main Deck. XYZ Summon "Gustaph Max" using the two "Electrum"s (A & B). Detach one "Electrum" (A) from "Gustaph Max" Deals 2000 damage and places "Electrum" (A) into the Graveyard. At this time, there is "Gustaph Max" (With "Electrum" (B) attached) on the Field and "Electrum" (A) in the Graveyard. The opponent has lost 2000 Life Points. Fusion Summon "Gaia" (A) using "Electrum" (A) and "Gustaph Max". "Electrum" (B) is placed in the Graveyard. Fusion Summon "Gaia" (B) using "Electrum" (B) and "Gaia" (A). Fusion Summon "Electrum" (C) by banishing "Main Materials" from the Main Deck. "Electrum" (C)'s effect returns Banished cards ("Main Materials" to the Main Deck and "Gaia" (A), "Electrum" (A & B), and "Gustaph Max" to the Extra Deck). Fusion Summon "Electrum" (A) by banishing "Main Materials" from the Main Deck. "Electrum" (A)'s effect returns Banished cards ("Main Materials") to the Main Deck. XYZ Summon "Gustaph Max" using the two "Electrum"s (A & C). Detach one "Electrum" (A) from "Gustaph Max" Deals 2000 damage and places "Electrum" (A) into the Graveyard. At this time, there is "Gustaph Max" (With "Electrum" (C) attached) and "Gaia" (B) on the Field and "Electrum" (A) in the Graveyard. The opponent has lost 4000 Life Points. Fusion Summon "Gaia" (A) using "Electrum" (A) and "Gustaph Max". "Electrum" (C) is placed in the Graveyard. Fusion Summon "Gaia" (C) using "Electrum" (C) and "Gaia" (A). Fusion Summon "Electrum" (B) by banishing "Main Materials" from the Main Deck. "Electrum" (B)'s effect returns Banished cards ("Main Materials" to the Main Deck and "Gaia" (A), "Electrum" (A & C), and "Gustaph Max" to the Extra Deck). Fusion Summon "Gaia" (A) using "Gaia" (B) and "Gaia" (C). Fusion Summon "Electrum" (A) by banishing "Main Materials" from the Main Deck. "Electrum" (B)'s effect returns Banished cards ("Main Materials" to the Main Deck and "Gaia" (B & C) to the Extra Deck). XYZ Summon "Gustaph Max" using the two "Electrum"s (A & B). Detach one "Electrum" (A) from "Gustaph Max" Deals 2000 damage and places "Electrum" (A) into the Graveyard. At this time, there is "Gustaph Max" (With "Electrum" (B) attached) and "Gaia" (A) on the Field and "Electrum" (A) in the Graveyard. The opponent has lost 6000 Life Points. Fusion Summon "Gaia" (B) using "Electrum" (A) and "Gustaph Max". "Electrum" (B) is placed in the Graveyard. Fusion Summon "Gaia" (C) using "Electrum" (B) and "Gaia" (B). Fusion Summon "Electrum" (C) by banishing "Main Materials" from the Main Deck. "Electrum" (C)'s effect returns Banished cards ("Main Materials" to the Main Deck and "Gaia" (B), "Electrum" (A & B), and "Gustaph Max" to the Extra Deck). Fusion Summon "Gaia" (B) using "Gaia" (A) and "Gaia" (C). Fusion Summon "Electrum" (A) by banishing "Main Materials" from the Main Deck. "Electrum" (A)'s effect returns Banished cards ("Main Materials" to the Main Deck and "Gaia" (A & C) to the Extra Deck). XYZ Summon "Gustaph Max" using the two "Electrum"s (A & C). Detach one "Electrum" (A) from "Gustaph Max" Deals 2000 damage and places "Electrum" (A) into the Graveyard. At this time, there is "Gustaph Max" (With "Electrum" (C) attached) and "Gaia" (B) on the Field and "Electrum" (A) in the Graveyard. The opponent has lost 8000 Life Points. If the opponent has Life Points still because they raised their Life Point total, continue this until they lose them all. You can summon unlimited numbers of the cannon. Means a OTK with 2 cards required.
I actually heard about a new otk-combo with the xyz-monster Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max. Does this combo really work? Elemental Hero Avian Elemental Hero Burstinatrix Elemental Hero Clayman 3x A Cat of Ill Omen 2x Destiny Hero - Defender Elemental Hero Bubbleman Marshmallon Super-Nimble Mega Hamster 3x Zero Gardna Dark Hole 3x Fusion Gate 3x Gold Sarcophagus Heavy Storm Level Limit - Area B Messenger of Peace Monster Reborn Mystical Space Typhoon Swords of Revealing Light 3x Terraforming 3x Trap Booster 3x Chain Material 2x Gravity Bind Mirror Force Torrential Tribute Extra Deck 3x Elemental Hero Electrum 3x Elemental Hero Gaia 3x Super Dreadnought Cannon Express - Gustav Max
Trap monster cards are very powerfull. That is why this deck can work. I would put out the earthbounds, because they don't fit into it that well. Still, you can stall with your trap monsters, use some cards to search uria and god cards and finally summon them onto the field. If you get obelisk on the field with that deck, you will just destroy anything. To destroy counters you can use cards like double snare. Some other stall cards could help, too, like marshmallon or soul reaper.
Well, I now readed all the rules but I can't find something about that anywhere, but well, maybe I am just blind.
I think that yu gi oh is actually good as it is. You have so many viable strategies.^^ You could also go for a trap monster cards + god card + earthbound immortal + uria deck and it can work.^^ Well, everybody has his unique playstyle. And every deck has also a counterdeck.
(who reads the rules anyways) Well, I have only seen the duel arena and was attracted to join only for this. But well, I could get the 3 post together fast.^^
Hey there. I was coming to this forum through Yu-Gi-Oh and the funny battles which I readed at the forum. I thought, I could do that too.^^ I played yu-gi-oh very often, you know Duel Monsters Genesis? I also had my own magican deck. So, I will look now around the forum and see, if there are more funny things.^^
Hi, I am new to the forum I would want to start dueling here.^^ Do you need a Dartz for a S4 Yu-Gi-Oh final battle between dartz and joey, yugi and kaiba? 1 vs 3, with everyone has his own lifepool. Could be fun. LP: Dartz: 12000, 3: 4000 Customs: No Anime Exclusives: Season 4 Yu-Gi-Oh Video Game Exclusives: No God Cards: No, because they are without power First Player: Me with Seal of Orichalcos Number of Cards per Deck: 40 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): If you don't overdo it, joey can have more luck, of course.^^ The cards should be all based on cards which the people really played. All cards, which the people played, are allowed on them.(Try to make a realistic deck.^^)
Hi, I am new at this Forum. I would love to start playing duels here.^^ You see already, which guy I would feature in the duels. LP: 4000 Customs: No Anime Exclusives: 4. Season Yu-Gi-Oh(Orichalcos and 3 dragons) Video Game Exclusives: No God Cards: Yes First Player: Depending. If you want to fight real, starting with orichalcos would be good. Otherwise, like at a game from Mai, free choise. Number of Cards per Deck: 40 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): If you don't overdo the luck, yes.(you can have a bit more luck if you use wheeler) I would love to have a 1 vs 3. Me as dartz vs yugi, kaiba and joey.^^ But this means I also have triple amount of start HP. The Orichalcos we use: You should also know, that you first have to eliminate the front row to destroy the back row.