You actually can drag and drop onto anyone, be it the enemy, a spell or trap or a monster.^^ Again, my OTK strikes.^^
The Overlapping is very obvious?^^ Some cards in this one also act automatically, like shooting star dragon or malefic world.^^ In DMG, you can also do battle royal, free for all and tag duels.^^
By right klicking it. Then you can choose more options. The summoning of the monsters there are waay better than in DN. And some also do special sounds. I am Zane Truesdale(MyNickname)
Yeah, that deck also works on DN.^^ Hard to do all the steps but it wins the game.^^
Well, I found it finally and created my deck.
I don't know DN.^^ Really, never heard of it...
This is how it looks like. At the black square would be my hand cards.^^
DN? I play it at DMG, there also i get random cards. This game let you create a deck, draw cards and place them on the field.^^ BTW: Standard rules at all. Luck cards are allowed.
Draw Phase: I draw a card Standby: Nothing Main Phase 1: I set 1 monster and 2 card End Phase: 3 cards in hand, 8000 LP
Well, lets go against me^^ (Would be my first duel here.^^) I would start if you want?
This is actually also a card, which can counter you hard. And it can backfire your combo too. And the enemy also can abuse it. But for what replace it?
Elemental Hero Avian Elemental Hero Burstinatrix Elemental Hero Clayman 2x A Cat of Ill Omen 2x Destiny Hero - Defender Elemental Hero Bubbleman Marshmallon 3x Zero Gardna Dark Hole 3x Fusion Gate 3x Gold Sarcophagus Heavy Storm Level Limit - Area B Messenger of Peace Monster Reborn 2x Mystical Space Typhoon Pot of Benevolence Swords of Revealing Light 3x Terraforming 3x Chain Material Dark Bribe 2x Gravity Bind Mirror Force Solemn Judgment Solemn Warning Torrential Tribute Extra Deck 3x Elemental Hero Electrum 3x Elemental Hero Gaia 3x Super Dreadnought Cannon Express - Gustav Max What do you think now?
There are also cards in this deck to counter these, like dark hole.^^ I think, adding dark bribe could help, too.
Yeah, because, you only need 2 cards. 2 cards with that search engine, you get them very fast. And if you don't have them, stall like a boss. But, having both cards at the begin at the hand can mean a fast OTK against anyone.
Duel Monsters Genesis, game at byond.^^ You can use all cards of the game to create your deck and duel with.^^ And it is for free.
I just OTK 3 people with my deck in DMG.^^
It is a burst deck. You multisummon the cannon to deal infinite burst damage.^^
I think, An Owl of Luck could be also helpfull for this deck to search after fusion gate.^^
hmm, maybe he has chain material on the field now, I would also say he has something to summon fusion gate. You could be in big trouble.^^
Whoever wants to duel me, well I already start it: Draw Phase: I draw a card Standby: Nothing Main Phase I.: I activate Gold Sarcophagus. I select and remove it from play. Then I set 1 monster and 2 more cards face down. End Phase: 8000 LP, 2 cards in hand.