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  1. amythest
    silver and cold-afi
    Post by: amythest, Mar 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. amythest
    not meaning to sound rude but i agree with them, they covered all the critisism i saw so none of that,

    i can tell what the picture is so that is always good, and the idea for the picture is really good, also take into consideration all the critisim everyone posted when you are redrawing it, it might help! ^^
    Post by: amythest, Feb 29, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. amythest
    it looks good! for the hands, you need to work on the proportions, the fingers should be longer and the nails aren't positioned correctly, but i love the idea a lot! the rose is beautifully clolored but the top of the flower is off, i don't know what part to tell you exactly but ya, over all i think they look really nice
    Post by: amythest, Feb 29, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. amythest
    it looks really good! i love the heartless! i do have a cnc surprize surprise... anyway sora's arms are off. where the elbow is should be further down and if you did that that also means that the sleeves should be brought down. i understand if you don't want to do that, don't wory a lot of times i find mistakes in my drawing after it is like fully finished and shaded, and i don't want to redraw it... okay then getting off topic, the picture itself looks really good! i like the clothes and off the bat you can tell who it is, so good job!
    Post by: amythest, Feb 29, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. amythest
    can i join?

    Name: Myou
    Age: 21
    Rank: gunner
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Attitude: she is sweet and loves to fight. she has a short temper and gets bored easily
    History: i have no idea, because idon't feel like making one up right now
    Post by: amythest, Feb 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. amythest
    look at the shape of the head again, the jaw is off, if you draw a line from 1 point of the jaw just strait across it should connect to the other. Love the clothes! :D they look like... (there is no other word to describe it) perfect! to really make the clothes stand out more i think you should outline it, since the face is really dark and the rest of the picture is lighter! over all it is a really good picture of sora!
    Post by: amythest, Feb 25, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. amythest
    like everyone said it is a little to small to CnC
    Post by: amythest, Feb 25, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. amythest
    wow it looks really good! the proportians are off a little, you have probably already heard that, and you should move the chin to the right otherwise it looks like she is jutting it out. i reallly love the hair like you said :D and the clothes are realy cool too! it looks really great keep it up :)
    Post by: amythest, Feb 25, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. amythest
    i think it is cute too!
    cnc now the head is a little too big, i think cupcake covered that, the feet are off a little but it is not something major, the right eye is a liiiiiiiiiitle big, not too much though so you probably wouldn't need to redo it or anything, and the legs are a little short for the torso, other than that i think it is really adorable, it looks really good! i love the plushie and i envy the way you color, (i cant color) keep it up!
    Post by: amythest, Feb 23, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. amythest
    can i join?

    Name: Rei
    age: 8
    apperence: [​IMG]
    family: she has none that she can remember (idk if i can do that)
    Post by: amythest, Feb 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. amythest
    aww! that is cute!!!! sora's arms are a little off (again) and take anoter look at kairi's feet... other than that i think it is really sweet and adorable! again i LOVE the coloring, i am envious of that
    Post by: amythest, Feb 22, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. amythest
    that is a really cool flower! i loce the shading, and yes, it is a bit smudged but the diferent shades make the flower really pretty!
    Post by: amythest, Feb 22, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. amythest
    ummm i think you need to work on proportians. the sora picture is really good! the arm could use a little work and the mouth is a little off but i think it looks really well drawn! rikku's hair is off no offence and you should work on ariels face. i think you did beautifully on the malifecent i really like it. over all well done!
    Post by: amythest, Feb 22, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. amythest
    i think it looks good and again it is a doodle (which is what you said) so i think that really adds to it. i like the sketch marks but the hair on the right looks off. i agree with DA it could use some shading but over all i think it is adorable! ^^
    Post by: amythest, Feb 20, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. amythest
    well the proportains are off but i envy your coloring. even with photoshop i cant color... getting back to CnC the leg is too skiny and the arm is a little off. i don't know if this was on purpose or by accident but the back legisn't outlined i really like the expression and the clothes look really good. Keep drawing!
    Post by: amythest, Feb 20, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. amythest
    i like the second one too. i like it alot... you need to work on the proportions, no offense... over all that is my main critique, try looking at a picture on the internet and try drawing that, it will help you improve.
    Post by: amythest, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. amythest
    i like raxen especially the 'wtf? version' they looke really good!
    Post by: amythest, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. amythest
    myou stopped walking for no apparent reason she looked behind her
    Post by: amythest, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. amythest
    ooc: i don't know what is going on

    bic: Izumi crashed on her bed. she put her hands behind her head and stared at the ceiling wondering what was going on. after a while she got up and left her room closing the door behind her. she walked quietly through the halls only stopping to open a window and slip out. Izumi hopped over the wall and landed cat-like on the ground. she stood up and with one last glance over her shoulder went to explore.
    Post by: amythest, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. amythest
    wow i think you are doing really good considering it is painted... i cnt paint XP... anyway i agree with .kairi. you should work on the proportions, the faces. i really like the rikku picture though i think it looks really good! keep it up!
    Post by: amythest, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics