you drew reno! automatic points! ya reno is like my fave character in FF but anyway back to CnC the girls hair is off, so you should try and work on the preportians a little i LOVE love her clothes! her neck is off too, and since you propbably did this on paint... GREAT JOB! personally i svck at paint and i can never do it so you did really well! love it!
i am mad at you you scared me! jeez! *chucks poisonus cookie at DS* that is so you can't eat it!
ha ha people falling down is a good subject just point and laugh
thnx a lot! :D
can i join? Name: Myou Gender: Female Age: 17 Weapon: swords Ability: can i have her control the element fire? Description: History: her entire family was murdered by the Guild of Evil Good or Bad: good Why you joined your side?: the bad side murdered her family *leader? yes or no?: no
well im not on i can't my mom is like on my back and i have to get off D= nononononooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! *cries*
are you now? hey that reminded me of the "can you hear me now??? good!" commercial... that comercial is so funny :D
*chucks cookie at DS* it is a present for saving me from expoloding! wqell you probably left so now i am going to explode again
i am so bored and i seriously need someone to talk to or else i am going to blow up! *sits in corner and rocks back and forth insanely* 5...4...3...2...
in my world of black and white i sit staring at the sky with no light my colorless eyes gaze above wishing only for a taste of love my heart is too defiant and afraid to dare for a life with kindness, joy, and care as for now this lonely world of gray will not pass by the time i want to come each day all i know and remember is a lie so i sit in my field of lost dreams and sigh i try to fight back so my battle begins but the hope i seek is drowned by the storm I'm in i want to break away from these chains now i run down a whispering lane but my journey is far from over my heart feels dead and sober why cant i take in a decent breath i am trying to escape this horrible death the blood that flows in my veins i wish was not there for it causes me pain below my smile i mask a broken life i cry silently wanting to end this strife making myself die feels like my new hope But i cant so i will start to mope cnc? srry gtg
ooc: awws the link doesn't work? oh well
Name: myou Gender: female Age: 18 Race: Neo Jakalze Desired Weapon: twin swords Bio: she remebers nothing from before the time she was 16 Position: just a normal soldier i guess Appearance:
what does that mean?
i win! mwahahaha! i feel evil >:D
chucks a cookie at someone
WELCOME! from most likely everyone here on kh-vids hi! for a suggestion before you start you should read the rules they will help you so you won't get banned. the most important thing is to have fun so just be yourself!
diary of jane-breaking benjamin
mwahaha! i won! *ish bored again and ish hyper* not a good mix,( if you are my buddy you know)
well then, i'm bored *chucks cookie at a person walking by my room*
hey ds! okay then i am here now what?