Orihime walked into her dorm and sat down on her bed. she laid back her hands behind her head as she collapsed on her back. with boredom she stared at the ceiling wondering what to do
awws it looks like a chibi L! i am not really in the mood to CnC so you are lucky... i like it alot! ^^
wow that is really good! i love the shading and of the fact that it is L. the only thing i have a slight problem with is the face, it is a little off but it still looks really good! ^^. i love it!
hey you even drew the L sign! i like it a lot! it is L *glomps* i love L! th coloring is a little off though but that is my only major critique
"um if you are talking about going back to the infirmary there is no way! i'm never going back there again!" she said forcefully standing up on her own. Orihime looked at the ground and began to walk towards the school builiding.
ya and she is forcing me to capatilize everything it is horror! im gonna die!
mwahahaha! *now ish forcing DS to eat cookies!*
"i-i'm fine" she stammered trying to stand up. after she stood up she wavered a bit before falling on anna for support. "i don't feel well" she said finally
hey! *eats gummy bears and chucks cookies back at destined* mwahaha! feel my cookie wrath! *ties ds to a chair*
good morning peoples! ya i woke up at 11 and now i ish really hyper! >)
orihime walked through the grounds looking up and feeling rather annoyed with the new principal. she rolled her eyes and began to feel really mad for no reason. her head began to spin and she fell to her knees clutching her head. god what the h*ll was that!? she thought closing her eyes and squeezing them tight.
ooc- nice you peoples started without me how exactly am i supposed to get in?!i have no idea how to start... at all -_-"
ya the lips are a little off.. OMFG! i love the hair! ^^ sexy zexy! XP
wow you are getting really good at hair! ^.^ i love it!
swirly pupil! @-@
OMFG!!!!!!!! that is so cool i envy your chosen colors and your shading... i cant do that *sulks in a corner* i have no critiques... lucky! ^^
hi DS... you spelled my username wrong... yai know i spelled it amYthEst because i wanted people to call me amy not ame... ^.^ so ya...
can i join? amythest- organized and rediculously exotic organism (oreo for short)
can i join? Name: Myou Sutori Age: 17 Job/School: out of school Class: none Appearance: she has short black hair with deep purple tips. her eyes are a shade of jade and she always wears a silver cross around her neck and usually wears her black leather jacket. she has hoop earings and wears jeans. i don't think there is any thing else... Bio: she is sweet and kind of hyper, but not at first. when you just meet her she is shy and quiet. History: has amnesia (srry i don't want to think of something right now... XP) Other: wants to remeber her past and gets common flashes of past Played By: amythest
orihime looked at yuna and smiled, "hello, i haven't seen you in a while," she said repeating what anna had just said. she stood up and brushed dirt from her jeans. "man, this principle has to make up new rules!" she mumbled leaning against the tree and crossing her arms. ooc- is me being away really that bad? i just got pummeled by you, DS and Xenny.... XP