the link doesn't work... -_-"
hi family im back i feel so alone... T-T
aww thats all? geat DA ^^ i told you i would read it
ahhhhhhhhhh! *dies* scary faces *hides in a corner shaking back and forth insanely* i wonder if this counts as double posting.... probably i will wait till it merges it is my expeiriment sp i spelled that wrong.... ^^ must go back to spaming..... DOUBLE POSTER
hi! hi! welcome! *gives a cookie* first suggestion read the rules and go crazy in the spam zone!
aw cute face for title i feel like posting here! hi! *chucks a cookie at someone walking in the halls*
i died.... my friend is now offically obsessed with this thread.... she is really hyper andee is bugging me constantly
me: redemption- switchfoot DX <- i died friend: Beheaded- The Offspring me: *eats a cookie*
*ish bored* (my friend says: HI! *jumps up and down waving*)
*eats another cookie* im borted too and REALLLY hyper and i have no way to release energy. oh no im gonna explode!
wow i love the haruhi one.... it is so cool and looks well drawn. i also like the way you can color, i suck XP anyway they are all reallly good and i want to see more piuctures please! ^^,
this is really weird i wonder how many posts you can have before it dies.... 3583
hi family.... oops i haven't been on in a while i never found the time.... im bored *eats a cookie*
no but i need isdeas too.... *ish waiting*
36730 yay big number i wonder if anyone could really count up that high
hi family! ^^
ello! well i have 2 suggestions read the rules, and be yourself, people can't really hate you on this site so it is best to just act like yourself and have fun! Byez
aww poor destined. *gives a cookie*
ooc- well that helps a lot -_- bic- "where is everybody?" myou wondered aloud ooc- hey i did something but it had no meaning >)