mmmmmmmmmmmm.... brownies, i wonder if i can make some today, *ish now lost in thought*
of course it is a house made out of cookies! i mean who wouldn't want to join?
myou cocked her head and stared at katara, "organization? im sorry i don't know what your talking about... i just got here like litteraly ten minutes ago," she couldn't hide the look of confusion of her face.
Hi Xephos! *stuffs cookie from amber in mouth, swallows and only crumbs are left*
YAY cookies rule! i like it! YEAH used to *crosses arms defiantly* awws! ^^ i love nekos! *hugs again* meh kitty! *clasps hand over mouth* SHHH! DS is sleeping... *tptoes away*
*stares in awe at the castle and shrinks anime style a look of intense hunnger on face* i want to touch it! POKE
kitty! *huggles* :D now i feel stupid :sweatdrop:
Myou opened her eyes and blinked twice at the girl before smiling sweetly and replying, "I'm, Myou, and your name is...?"
*smacks forehead* nope, im saying that if i didn't want you to eat one of my cookies then you wouldn't get it unless i died heeheehee i want to live there ^^
SECRET FRUIT STASH! *searches franticaly for it*
im a cookie fanatic, if i don't want you to have meh cookie you'll have to pry it from my cold dead fingers >D
Yellow bannana where?! uh by the way i am so hyper cuz i had a dingdong... heeheehee i like that word DINGDONG!
hello DiveIntoTheHeart ^^
i dunno that reminded me i have to give DA the sucky pics that did not print well, she told me to any way and i have no idea what the diarahma <-- i can't spell it either, is about but don't you still have the info from the paper? i dunno, i you don't want to do the pwrpt then wait for me to come over tomorrow owwie T.T if you need anything just ask. *gives a cookie* <-- i don't know if you know how much of a step that is if u don't ask DS
ooc: thnx i am going to that party <-- said with utter seriousness bic: orihime stumbled onto the place where anna was... ooc: that was subtle, sorry i don't know where it is or anything so yeah
*ish tackled and now ish squished by DS* nice to see you too ^^
i think so?! am i wrong is that not my name?! *runs in circles like an idiot* well thats nice<-- sarcasm that i use so often.... i dunno how about you follow the way the paper was written, like the warning, then the statics or whatevet that was, and the aftershock, etc... my mom said i could come over to work on it tomorrow if that was fine with ur mom omfg Xephos are you ok? that sounds painful T.T
orihime had no idea what was going on... ooc: wait that sounds like me... recap plz?
yup that me! HI DESTINY! how much of it have you done?